Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


That’s not any data at all. Just anecdotes.

We already have plenty of lockdown anecdotes and we all know how many people are adhering to lockdown laws. This is just QR code-like and not much else.

Again, it’s meritorious and I won’t have any problem using it, but it’s impractical in terms of achieving any meaningful impact.

About the only use for it I can see is for overseas travel where every single person can be checked, and it can be enforced securely, each and every time for each and every person.

What data do you want? There's proof the regulations are in place and being policed, establishments penalised.

Keep in mind MSM here is government owned.
Every unvaccinated person who ends up in hospital is a person who probably doesnt need to be there.
Every unvaccinated person who catches the virus has a greatly increased chance of passing it on to those who cannot be vaccinated, either because of health conditions, or because they are too young.
Every unvaccinated person has a greater chance of catching and spreading the virus, continuing its spread in the community, increasing the need for restrictions/passports etc.
Every unvaccinated person has a greater chance of catching and spreading the virus, increasing the opportunity for the virus to mutate, to more deadly strains or into strains that the current vaccines are not as effective against.

At this point people have the right not to be vaccinated, but they cannot pretend it is not a selfish decision that has no adverse impact on others.
Cheers. used a couple of those points fyi. They are stubborn on it. time will tell what they do
How is it working where you are B?
Wearing masks is a way of life now. If you happen to walk outside without a mask someone will come up and offer you a spare that most people carry. You have a few anti-vax / anti-mask nutters but they either backdown when the authorities come knocking, or they end up fined and in jail if they persist.

Kids sports is probably suffering the most. Max groups of 5 (inc coach) mean 2v2 matches which isn't much fun unless you're playing tennis or beach volleyball.

But ultimately there is an acceptance that the restrictions need to happen to keep the country ticking over and to come out the other side as unscathed as possible. With no national resources to speak of, the reopening of global trade and being the regions hub is it's survival.
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What data do you want? There's proof the regulations are in place and being policed, establishments penalised.

Keep in mind MSM here is government owned.
That’s just individual stories or anecdotes. I could give you those for lockdown and say regs are in place, being policed and people or establishments penalised. The reality though ????

Where’s the numbers and data to show that vax passports are limiting spread in an unrestricted/non lockdown environment ?

At best it’s just an encouragement to avoid hassle at the odd venue or event and not much else.
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That’s just individual stories or anecdotes. I could give you those for lockdown and say regs are in place, being policed and people or establishments penalised. The reality though ????

Where’s the numbers and data to show that vax passports are limiting spread in an unrestricted/non lockdown environment ?

At best it’s just an encouragement to avoid hassle at the odd venue or event and not much else.
I guess tho even if there isnt 100% compliance, there will be many people who will get the vax, who may otherwise not, rather than have to break the law to go to the pub/footy/opera.
Same number of cases today as yesterday in Vic, 246, not sure what that means but I suppose we find out over the next few days.

The ABC has an article about vaccination rollouts, the PM for NSW is up to his usual tricks:

I really hope this comes back to bite him.

I also recall someone here (I think) mentioned that in Victoria a higher proportion of the vaccinations given were AZ as opposed to Pfizer, I can't find that info but it would be good to see.

I think we are going to get some sort of vaccine passport, most likely on our phones. I don't see how this is so hard to manage. Security check your phone on the way in, just like people need to scan their ticket on the way into the footy, their phone gets checked on the way into a venue. I'm sure a few will lend their phone out to others but it will be a small proportion. I really don't see why those who fail to take responsibility for the situation we all find ourselves in, the pandemic, should have the same rights as those who do the responsible thing and get vaccinated. Freedom comes with responsibility, and the obverse is also true, responsibility enables freedom.

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I guess tho even if there isnt 100% compliance, there will be many people who will get the vax, who may otherwise not, rather than have to break the law to go to the pub/footy/opera.
No doubt. The convenience factor I mentioned. But in comparison to the Darwin incentive and perhaps getting sick or losing your life, it’ll be very small in comparison.
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No doubt. The convenience factor I mentioned. But in comparison to the Darwin incentive and perhaps getting sick or losing your life, it’ll be very small in comparison.
it will get those who cant be f'd, but dont want to have lie or break the law to get a beer/coffee.
it will also test the convictions of some of those who currently rely on Dr Google instead of real doctors. i reckon many who think they are smarter than mainstream doctors might weaken a little when they actually they lose access to some activities.
The next step might be to link some centrelink benefits to being vaccinated, as currently happens.
View attachment 13362

This shows the breakdown of AZ v Pfizer per state. Victoria clearly the AZ kings simply because our PM left our citizens no choice.
And the 7:30 report last night shows that he continues to favour NSW over everywhere else, despite assuring Daniel Andrews and other state leaders that it would be distributed on a per capita basis from now on.
New vaccines shouldnt be distributed on a per capita basis, they should be distributed on a per capita basis minus what has already been allocated.
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New vaccines shouldnt be distributed on a per capita basis, they should be distributed on a per capita basis minus what has already been allocated.

Of course, but not according to the PM for NSW! It would appear he had lied to the state premiers about the distribution plans. Honestly, how can anyone trust this bloke? He is a serial liar.
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it will get those who cant be f'd, but dont want to have lie or break the law to get a beer/coffee.
it will also test the convictions of some of those who currently rely on Dr Google instead of real doctors. i reckon many who think they are smarter than mainstream doctors might weaken a little when they actually they lose access to some activities.
The next step might be to link some centrelink benefits to being vaccinated, as currently happens.
Unfortunately, 20% of the population won’t/don’t want to get vaccinated.

Trying to separate those people from the herd with vax passports and doing it across hundreds of thousands of venues with a high proportion of those venues being unable/not willing to apply it and then authorities also unable to enforce it either, means that all up, it’s going to have little impact.

Darwinism, potential health risk, employers mandating vaccination etc are all going to have a far more significant impact on community health and safety than vax passports.
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Yes the reason NSW are ahead of Victoria in the vaccination race is because the Feds are supplying the lion's share of Pfizer vaccines to NSW GPs at the expense of VIC GPs. We were ahead of them at the start of August but then the PM for Sydney stepped in.

Its clear from here too. Look at the vaccinations by GP, this is Pfizer being given by the feds to the GP network in Sydney and much lower supply elsewhere. 4.3m vs 2.6m but I'm sure someone posted up that we had administered more AZ vaccines than NSW had.

I don't want to live in a Big Brother world where we're policed by digital covid vaccine passports for a minute longer than we have to, so this is a welcome development.

I think eventually covid will be so endemic so we'll all have antibodies by exposure or vaccination or both. I can see it then eventually becoming an optional booster vax if you want it (like flu vax) or given to vulnerable populations.
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Andrews losing it with Morrison at todays presser. He rightly wants Morrison to make up for the stolen vaccines. Wants Hunt to answer questions about this. Said NSW is racing towards 80% and it’s an "egg and spoon race" elsewhere
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Andrews losing it with Morrison at todays presser. He rightly wants Morrison to make up for the stolen vaccines. Wants Hunt to answer questions about this. Said NSW is racing towards 80% and it’s an "egg and spoon race" elsewhere
On a light hearted note. Maybe he could go behind the Fed's back and purchase a bunch of Sinopharm and Sinovaxx from his friends in Beijing as an up yours to Morrison and co for intervening and tearing up VIC's Belt & Road MOU? ;)
I wonder how it all would have played out if it was up to the states to buy their own vaccines.
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