Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Where I am there is a distinct divide in freedom allowable activities between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. To the extent the unvaccinated cannot go to a restaurant. Children under 12 can go but only with their immediate family unit / people from same household.

Looking at the current vaccination rates here (see below), you would have to assume the divide is here to stay at least for the foreseeable future. 81% fully vaccinated, 83% first dose of total population. We're still required to wear masks the minute we step out of our homes. Adult & Kids sports are restricted to groups of 4 (2v2 soccer, rugby or Auskick really isn't much fun). Cinemas & Bars still closed (have been since March 2020).

I guess there are two options for Aus. Go the way of the US and UK where you give up and accept the cases, deaths and hope your hospital infrastructure holds up, Or stay in the fight until your vaccination rate is at a point where your populations is pretty much protected.

Agree with all that but Andrew’s a leader? Threw his health minister under the bus and less than honest at the Hotel W inquiry. Has he been steadfast ? Yep. But honest and transparent? No. What politician is though? How can you trust a career public servant?

just my opinion, and its non-partisan and unbiased.

morrison, mcgowan, marshall, paluschek, berechicklian have all played parochial political populist games IMHO,

i reckon Andrews, whilst not flawless, has been consistently focussed on public health

and despite the current shitstorm, id rank berechicklean a distant 2nd,

such is the cynical hillbilly nature of the other lot
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Where I am there is a distinct divide in freedom allowable activities between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. To the extent the unvaccinated cannot go to a restaurant. Children under 12 can go but only with their immediate family unit / people from same household.

Looking at the current vaccination rates here (see below), you would have to assume the divide is here to stay at least for the foreseeable future. 81% fully vaccinated, 83% first dose of total population. We're still required to wear masks the minute we step out of our homes. Adult & Kids sports are restricted to groups of 4 (2v2 soccer, rugby or Auskick really isn't much fun). Cinemas & Bars still closed (have been since March 2020).

I guess there are two options for Aus. Go the way of the US and UK where you give up and accept the cases, deaths and hope your hospital infrastructure holds up, Or stay in the fight until your vaccination rate is at a point where your populations is pretty much protected.

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They are really great figures.
Where I am there is a distinct divide in freedom allowable activities between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. To the extent the unvaccinated cannot go to a restaurant. Children under 12 can go but only with their immediate family unit / people from same household.

Looking at the current vaccination rates here (see below), you would have to assume the divide is here to stay at least for the foreseeable future. 81% fully vaccinated, 83% first dose of total population. We're still required to wear masks the minute we step out of our homes. Adult & Kids sports are restricted to groups of 4 (2v2 soccer, rugby or Auskick really isn't much fun). Cinemas & Bars still closed (have been since March 2020).

I guess there are two options for Aus. Go the way of the US and UK where you give up and accept the cases, deaths and hope your hospital infrastructure holds up, Or stay in the fight until your vaccination rate is at a point where your populations is pretty much protected.

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Baloo good Qs, These vaxs though need boosters at the current climate in the world even with high vax rates. The fight will be very long I fear.
as mentioned on an earlier post Aussie coy continuing work to find a stronger vax. I hope more are trying to improve their products to have better effects.
It was fantastic the world to work to find a vaccine but we need to go a step further.

Good to see 200 doctors ( as heard) flown into WA recently (I think from overseas too) to help their hospital system. Nurses are stretched (only using them as an example) and many are taking sick leave as they struggle too. I think 237 shifts were lost in 2 weeks. Only citing this as an example of info on how stretched hospitals are (with or without Covoid). I hope nationally these essential front line workers are given the ability(exemptions) to fly to any state to get a job. (not always the case)

Maybe offer retired nurses that might want to still work, part time work too (contract work for 6 mths at a time). Just throwing up ideas to bolster the ranks to help cope. This part can maybe subsidised by the Feds bringing retired workers in for short contract periods
What’s to stop an unvaccinated person using a vaccinated person’s passport ? How does a location monitor that everyone entering has used their passport ? And on….
What’s to stop an unvaccinated person using a vaccinated person’s passport ? How does a location monitor that everyone entering has used their passport ? And on….

neck tattoos for the vaccinated
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What’s to stop an unvaccinated person using a vaccinated person’s passport ? How does a location monitor that everyone entering has used their passport ? And on….
Yep as I've said before Red it's going to be almost impossible to enforce passports & will only serve to create an angry & divided community.
It's going to be the polar opposite of freedom.
Far prefer the every man for himself approach once everyone has had the opportunity to get vaccinated.
Then it comes down to personal responsibility.
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Yep as I've said before Red it's going to be almost impossible to enforce passports & will only serve to create an angry & divided community.
It's going to be the polar opposite of freedom.
Far prefer the every man for himself approach once everyone has had the opportunity to get vaccinated.
The properly functioning feasibility of it all sounds extraordinarily difficult.
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read back a couple of pages and no mention of last night’s 7:30 report, so I’ll give you a quick breakdown.

Victoria received 340,000 less Pfizer over July and August and was handed to NSW. NSW has 32% of the population but received 45% of the Pfizer vaccines. Yes, this is annoying, but we all probably acknowledge NSW had higher urgency at the time (especially in July).

But now that the circumstances have changed, Andrews went to Morrison to get a guarantee that future vaccination allocations will be distributed on a pro-rata basis. According to the 7:30 report, Victoria’s population is 82% of the NSW population, but the ratio on the official paperwork means we will only receive up to 69% of what NSW is receiving on the next round of allocations.

The Prime Minister of NSW strikes again. We should be outraged, and I hope Andrews comes out today and screams blue bloody murder.

What’s to stop an unvaccinated person using a vaccinated person’s passport ? How does a location monitor that everyone entering has used their passport ? And on….

Your vaccination status will be integrated in the Services Victoria App.
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Far prefer the every man for himself approach once everyone has had the opportunity to get vaccinated.

That's putting those who cannot get vaccinated for genuine medical reasons at risk. At risk of death.

We've eliminated polio purely through mandatory vaccination.

MMR pretty much stopped measles, mumps, and rubella, were pretty much unheard of until the anti-vax movement kicked in and now we're seeing it again. This is putting the lives of kids who cant get vaccinated at risk.

This is one of those times where the best thing for the community overrides personal choice IMHO. If people chose not to get vaccinated they are putting others at risk. They shouldn't be given the opportunity to put others at risk. Choices do carry consequences
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Your vaccination status will be integrated in the Services Victoria App.
And who uses that app ? And what locations police it’s use either ? Eg As if pubs are gonna check every single person’s vaccination status.
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And who uses that app ? And what locations police it’s use either ? Eg As if pubs are gonna check every single person’s vaccination status.

They'll have to. I’m sure there will be threats of fines, being shut down, liquor licence removed, etc, if they don’t comply.
Your vaccination status will be integrated in the Services Victoria App.
This is where I'll be a bit screwed. Obviously the vaccination likely gives me protection from the worst of the virus. So I am grateful for that. But in another sense the vaccination becomes virtually useless as a tool for giving me freedom of a normal life. I've decided to detox from smartphones and often don't carry a phone at all (particularly on weekends). And under the scenario that vaccine status gets combined into the check in app, any other form of sign in becomes pretty much impossible.
And who uses that app ? And what locations police it’s use either ? Eg As if pubs are gonna check every single person’s vaccination status.

Not hard to get that happening really.

1. Put Laws in place that Pubs, Restaurants etc will be forced to close down for a couple of weeks if caught with non-vaccinated people on premises. Longer durations for repeat offences, eventual loss of licence.

2. Pubs, restaurants etc will refuse entry to anyone without the Services Vi App, or any other government approved vaccination tracking method.

3. If people want to go to Pubs, Restaurants etc, they will get the app and get vaccinated.

Put the right rewards balanced with the right penalties in place and you can change behaviour.
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This is where I'll be a bit screwed. Obviously the vaccination likely gives me protection from the worst of the virus. So I am grateful for that. But in another sense the vaccination becomes virtually useless as a tool for giving me freedom of a normal life. I've decided to detox from smartphones and often don't carry a phone at all (particularly on weekends). And under the scenario that vaccine status gets combined into the check in app, any other form of sign in becomes pretty much impossible.

Vaccines passports are coming as well. until that time, I have a screenshot of my vaccination status on my phone. If you don’t have a smart phone, you can print it out from your My Gov page and hold it on you. There is always a way.
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They'll have to. I’m sure there will be threats of fines, being shut down, liquor licence removed, etc, if they don’t comply.
People don’t use the QR system and places don’t/can’t enforce it so I can’t see how this will be any different in places like pubs, restaurants, various events etc.

Wont matter what laws are introduced (ref all the rule breakers during lockdowns for evidence). But anyway let me borrow your phone so I can go to the pub that has 5 separate entry points and isn’t checking people anyway, just in case.
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