Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Vaccines passports are coming as well. until that time, I have a screenshot of my vaccination status on my phone. If you don’t have a smart phone, you can print it out from your My Gov page and hold it on you. There is always a way.
Not hard to get that happening really.

1. Put Laws in place that Pubs, Restaurants etc will be forced to close down for a couple of weeks if caught with non-vaccinated people on premises. Longer durations for repeat offences, eventual loss of licence.

2. Pubs, restaurants etc will refuse entry to anyone without the Services Vi App, or any other government approved vaccination tracking method.

3. If people want to go to Pubs, Restaurants etc, they will get the app and get vaccinated.

Put the right rewards balanced with the right penalties in place and you can change behaviour.
True Ian. You are quite right, at this stage it works. But if further measures of integration are bought in (as Baloo hypothesises) puts me in a bit of a sticky wicket.
Put the right rewards balanced with the right penalties in place and you can change behaviour.
Like with lockdown restrictions ? Hmmmm.

It’s meritorious but not that practically workable. Very little control factor.
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Yep as I've said before Red it's going to be almost impossible to enforce passports & will only serve to create an angry & divided community.
It's going to be the polar opposite of freedom.
Far prefer the every man for himself approach once everyone has had the opportunity to get vaccinated.
Then it comes down to personal responsibility.
Correct. Agree including what Red mentioned, how do u control it.

A few have raised it before. Dan mentioned it early on and agreed with that stance, where he wanted everyone to have the chance to get vaccinated and where there is ample supply around, open up. He has changed his narrative now with reduced freedoms to push indirectly to vaccinate. Happened in France.

I dont like the Biden narrative, now used by other politicians, "a pandemic against the unvaccinated". Its like they want to treat unvaccinated people like as a form of criminal. Only going to divide people further. Hate what I'm seeing unfolding

One narrative I have said to me (unvaxed who refuses vax). They want to take their chance with this virus. Their point is vaccinated or not you still transmit the virus. If the survive their immune system will be stronger than a vax person. They accept the vax person less likely to spread it but if everyone has had the chance to vaccinate then it should be open.
Vaccines passports are coming as well. until that time, I have a screenshot of my vaccination status on my phone. If you don’t have a smart phone, you can print it out from your My Gov page and hold it on you. There is always a way.
done the same.
The properly functioning feasibility of it all sounds extraordinarily difficult.
Only have to stand out the front of any supermarket & watch how many people currently use the QR sign. I reckon it'd be about 6 out of every 10 people if lucky.
Not workable or police-able.
Where do you draw the line? Only people who are vaccinated can attend shopping centres? It's crazy stuff & opens a Pandora's box.
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A few have raised it before. Dan mentioned it early on and agreed with that stance, where he wanted everyone to have the chance to get vaccinated and where there is ample supply around, open up. He has changed his narrative now with reduced freedoms to push indirectly to vaccinate. Happened in France.

I dont like the Biden narrative, now used by other politicians, "a pandemic against the unvaccinated". Its like they want to treat unvaccinated people like as a form of criminal. Only going to divide people further. Hate what I'm seeing unfolding

the narrative is how it should be. taking these steps just piles on more pressure for the unvaccinated to get vaccinated. It’s the right thing to do. 80% is not enough. 90% has to be the minimum target.

You talk about “dividing people further,” but it’s the selfish anti-vaxxers that are driving this. Our combined objective should be to defeat COVID. The only objective the anti-vaxxers have is to loudly claim vaccines are poison and offer up no legitimate alternative.
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Like with lockdown restrictions ? Hmmmm.

It’s meritorious but not that practically workable. Very little control factor.

It's workable. It's working now in countries where they are taking minimising community transmission seriously.
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Correct. Agree including what Red mentioned, how do u control it.
You can’t. And when that quickly becomes apparent, it’ll be no more useful than QR coding.

Laws, fines etc. Pffft. Like lockdowns ? Please. Who’s gonna check the tens and tens of thousands of places and events that every single client or patron is attending and that that they’re ALL producing a vax passport that belongs to them ? Like all the pubs around Melbourne can control and police that.

Like I say, it’s meritorious and I won’t have any problem using it, but it’ll be sub effective.
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Where’s the proof that it’s working ? Data ?
Current vaccination rates

What happens if you refuse to mask up

What happens if establishments don't follow social distancing laws

Pertinent to this discussion is the following bit:
"Most were compliant with vaccination differentiated safe management measures and familiar with the requisite processes to check on patrons' vaccination status."

Operators were observed to have turned away patrons who could not prove that they were fully vaccinated, said MSE.

Majority of the more than 2,000 patrons checked were also found to have a cleared vaccination status, it added.

However, more than five F&B outlets were found to have breached the rules by failing to check the vaccination status of patrons before granting entry.
The best way for it to work to prevent fakes etc would be like a govt issued photo id (aka like a licence) but a vaccination card. This way can be screenshot, don't need a smart phone, can give to someone, quick entry to places by showing card. Problem is the time it will take to get photo and process 20m cards

read back a couple of pages and no mention of last night’s 7:30 report, so I’ll give you a quick breakdown.

Victoria received 340,000 less Pfizer over July and August and was handed to NSW. NSW has 32% of the population but received 45% of the Pfizer vaccines. Yes, this is annoying, but we all probably acknowledge NSW had higher urgency at the time (especially in July).

But now that the circumstances have changed, Andrews went to Morrison to get a guarantee that future vaccination allocations will be distributed on a pro-rata basis. According to the 7:30 report, Victoria’s population is 82% of the NSW population, but the ratio on the official paperwork means we will only receive up to 69% of what NSW is receiving on the next round of allocations.

The Prime Minister of NSW strikes again. We should be outraged, and I hope Andrews comes out today and screams blue bloody murder.

Your vaccination status will be integrated in the Services Victoria App.
Yes the reason NSW are ahead of Victoria in the vaccination race is because the Feds are supplying the lion's share of Pfizer vaccines to NSW GPs at the expense of VIC GPs. We were ahead of them at the start of August but then the PM for Sydney stepped in.
read back a couple of pages and no mention of last night’s 7:30 report, so I’ll give you a quick breakdown.

Victoria received 340,000 less Pfizer over July and August and was handed to NSW. NSW has 32% of the population but received 45% of the Pfizer vaccines. Yes, this is annoying, but we all probably acknowledge NSW had higher urgency at the time (especially in July).

But now that the circumstances have changed, Andrews went to Morrison to get a guarantee that future vaccination allocations will be distributed on a pro-rata basis. According to the 7:30 report, Victoria’s population is 82% of the NSW population, but the ratio on the official paperwork means we will only receive up to 69% of what NSW is receiving on the next round of allocations.

The Prime Minister of NSW strikes again. We should be outraged, and I hope Andrews comes out today and screams blue bloody murder.

Your vaccination status will be integrated in the Services Victoria App.
Hope he does too. Should be done evenly now as new supplies come in.
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One narrative I have said to me (unvaxed who refuses vax). They want to take their chance with this virus. Their point is vaccinated or not you still transmit the virus. If the survive their immune system will be stronger than a vax person. They accept the vax person less likely to spread it but if everyone has had the chance to vaccinate then it should be open.
Every unvaccinated person who ends up in hospital is a person who probably doesnt need to be there.
Every unvaccinated person who catches the virus has a greatly increased chance of passing it on to those who cannot be vaccinated, either because of health conditions, or because they are too young.
Every unvaccinated person has a greater chance of catching and spreading the virus, continuing its spread in the community, increasing the need for restrictions/passports etc.
Every unvaccinated person has a greater chance of catching and spreading the virus, increasing the opportunity for the virus to mutate, to more deadly strains or into strains that the current vaccines are not as effective against.

At this point people have the right not to be vaccinated, but they cannot pretend it is not a selfish decision that has no adverse impact on others.
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I dont like the Biden narrative, now used by other politicians, "a pandemic against the unvaccinated". Its like they want to treat unvaccinated people like as a form of criminal. Only going to divide people further. Hate what I'm seeing unfolding

Pandemic of the unvaccinated is simply a reality. Those who are unvaccinated suffer the worst consequences from the disease. Its not a narrative, its the truth.
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Current vaccination rates

What happens if you refuse to mask up

What happens if establishments don't follow social distancing laws

Pertinent to this discussion is the following bit:
"Most were compliant with vaccination differentiated safe management measures and familiar with the requisite processes to check on patrons' vaccination status."

Operators were observed to have turned away patrons who could not prove that they were fully vaccinated, said MSE.

Majority of the more than 2,000 patrons checked were also found to have a cleared vaccination status, it added.

However, more than five F&B outlets were found to have breached the rules by failing to check the vaccination status of patrons before granting entry.
That’s not any data at all. Just anecdotes.

We already have plenty of lockdown anecdotes and we all know how many people are adhering to lockdown laws. This is just QR code-like and not much else.

Again, it’s meritorious and I won’t have any problem using it, but it’s impractical in terms of achieving any meaningful impact.

About the only use for it I can see is for overseas travel where every single person can be checked, and it can be enforced securely, each and every time for each and every person.

Bottom line: of the tens and tens of thousands of venues, most aren’t going to have the capacity to passport check. And we are going to have heaps of people who will avoid it. And we don’t have the resources to lawfully enforce it with any effectiveness either.

Meritorious but utopian. It’ll be abandoned or informally shelved within appx 12 months and the Darwin approach will be the only applicable incentive.
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Where I am there is a distinct divide in freedom allowable activities between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. To the extent the unvaccinated cannot go to a restaurant. Children under 12 can go but only with their immediate family unit / people from same household.

Looking at the current vaccination rates here (see below), you would have to assume the divide is here to stay at least for the foreseeable future. 81% fully vaccinated, 83% first dose of total population. We're still required to wear masks the minute we step out of our homes. Adult & Kids sports are restricted to groups of 4 (2v2 soccer, rugby or Auskick really isn't much fun). Cinemas & Bars still closed (have been since March 2020).

I guess there are two options for Aus. Go the way of the US and UK where you give up and accept the cases, deaths and hope your hospital infrastructure holds up, Or stay in the fight until your vaccination rate is at a point where your populations is pretty much protected.

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How is it working where you are B?
The PM spent Father’s Day with his family ‘ tax funded trip’ while others still doing it tough and missing their families too.

Great example.
Well done PM!
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What’s to stop an unvaccinated person using a vaccinated person’s passport ? How does a location monitor that everyone entering has used their passport ? And on….
They are digital and recommend to be saved in your Apple wallet (for those with iPhones) which makes them hard to be transferable. Not sure about Motorola, Blackberry or Nokia.
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