Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


I saw a BBC report during the crisis in India. They went to a small village that wasn't particularly remote. The people there said there were Covid cases in every house. They asked one guy about the Government's reporting of the death rate and he replied "out here they don't even count the living let alone the dead".

Yeah, this. They have no chance trying to count the COVID fatalities in India. In any case, they would be making decisions about resourcing - better to resource vaccines and what treatment they can offer rather than counting the fatalities.

Reminds me a bit of the debate over HIV numbers in Africa. I remember one country saying that if they tested all pregnant women that would blow too much of their limited health budget, so they didn't, as they had far more pressing things to spend the money on. In any case, AIDS fatalities paled in comparison to fatalities from diseases they could vaccinate against, so they preferred to spend the money on vaccines.

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Not sure about turning your phone on if it's off. But if it's on they could activate microphone and camera pretty easily, also find out where it is.

But governments around the world are putting in "security" cameras. There is technology readily available commercially to identify someone in a crowd of people and track that person across multiple cameras. The newer tech will even attempt to identify the mood of the person. Happy, Sad, Angry etc.

FWIW London is the city with the greatest number of security cameras per sq mile.
woah on London. Seen a lot now at most road intersections in place in Melb

yeah saw how the Chinese govt was looking at monitoring the mood thing already (I think in place already)! I wish I could remember the programme to give u link. Pretty scary stuff (not about China) but what is possible

I re-asked the the Q about turning the phone on as didnt beleive it. Confirmed it & other functions as well. I can only state what I was told. I blv it based on area he was working in at the time.
Interesting. I wonder whether the "Coronapas" was certificate of negative covid or vaccination. Where's our Denmark Tiger?

Anyway, good to know that vaccination seems to be effective enough in Denmark.
Here I am!

Originally you got the coronapas ("pas" is the Danish word for passport), if you were fully vaccinated, had had the disease, or had proof of a negative test in the previous 72 hours. I think more recently it had been changed to just one jab or 96 hours. Not sure.
In a few days it won't apply anyway.
We've been having between 600-1000 new infections and 0-3 deaths per day for quite a while but significantly those numbers have been very stable for a few months.
Our vaccination rate has really slowed lately, though. One jab is 75.4% and two is 72.5% and they have both virtually stopped. I think we have hit the point where those that want it have got it and it's proving very hard to get any further.
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Here I am!

Originally you got the coronapas ("pas" is the Danish word for passport), if you were fully vaccinated, had had the disease, or had proof of a negative test in the previous 72 hours. I think more recently it had been changed to just one jab or 96 hours. Not sure.
In a few days it won't apply anyway.
We've been having between 600-1000 new infections and 0-3 deaths per day for quite a while but significantly those numbers have been very stable for a few months.
Our vaccination rate has really slowed lately, though. One jab is 75.4% and two is 72.5% and they have both virtually stopped. I think we have hit the point where those that want it have got it and it's proving very hard to get any further.
That's interesting about the tapering. And flies in face of my impression of Scandinavians as as a society where the individual puts the wider good first.
Re Vic no jab no play.
Excellent. Called for this a month ago.
Finally some light at the end for those who have taken responsibility for themselves and others. Much deserved.
Not interested in the cries of discrimination from those who are selfish or foolish.
Really great news. Hopefully things will start to open up for those fully immunised soon.
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That's interesting about the tapering. And flies in face of my impression of Scandinavians as as a society where the individual puts the wider good first.
Still a higher rate than the USA for example. The only bloke here I know personally who won't get the jab is an Australian.
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no worries BT. its not about me. I got to see 3 premierships live, so ive got quite a large Karmic mortgage.

I get why they close 'em, just putting a story to it.

I think that Mcgowan and Paluszcheck are going to end up prolonging Australia pandemic, and making it harder for everyone, including WAliens and Queenslanders.

Its a matter of when, not if, they get kicked hard in the arse, by which time 1. there wont be the Fed money left to help them out, (with zero tourism and the iron ore price heading sharply south, coal in its death throws, there mightn't be much State $ either) and 2. everyone else will have hardened their PTSD hearts and be moving on, and 3. we'll be exporting all our preferred vaccines to Poland and Britain.

The politicising of public health has actually probably been the hardest thing for me to deal with in the last 2 years.

Its left me irreparably cynical of leadership, coming off a pretty high base.

Ive only seen one person who could be considered a decent leader through this, and thats Daniel Andrews.

Alboneese? crickets from the small target spineless pissweak *smile*.

Give us a leader
Agree with all that but Andrew’s a leader? Threw his health minister under the bus and less than honest at the Hotel W inquiry. Has he been steadfast ? Yep. But honest and transparent? No. What politician is though? How can you trust a career public servant?
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I wish I could remember the programme to give u link. Pretty scary stuff (not about China) but what is possible
No need to give me the link. I seen been to the control rooms and had a play with the tech to see if it was the company I was working for at the time needed.
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Driving to work this morning, heard on the radio news police had made further attempts to access data on the QR database. Theyve been denied. Seems to be an ongoig problem. A solicitor was worried that the Integrity of the QR code scanning & privacy setup purely for contact tracing is at risk. People wont use it if police use data for other reasons.
They can have my data. And my google search history. PRE, eBay, wall plugs for toilet rails, how to stain an outdoor fence….
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But did u go 5.2km away from home,?? haha.(just jokin)
I’m an essential worker with a Bunnings power pass, got the impact driver/drill driver brushless cordless combo and the wall plugs.
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