I saw a BBC report during the crisis in India. They went to a small village that wasn't particularly remote. The people there said there were Covid cases in every house. They asked one guy about the Government's reporting of the death rate and he replied "out here they don't even count the living let alone the dead".
Yeah, this. They have no chance trying to count the COVID fatalities in India. In any case, they would be making decisions about resourcing - better to resource vaccines and what treatment they can offer rather than counting the fatalities.
Reminds me a bit of the debate over HIV numbers in Africa. I remember one country saying that if they tested all pregnant women that would blow too much of their limited health budget, so they didn't, as they had far more pressing things to spend the money on. In any case, AIDS fatalities paled in comparison to fatalities from diseases they could vaccinate against, so they preferred to spend the money on vaccines.