Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Yeah that is unfortunate and I'm sorry to hear it. I know from your posting that you've got family scattered around the country and I did think of you when i posted about border closures. Still reckon the other states have it correct right now with the closures, but hopefully we can ease these restrictions before the Christmas period.

no worries BT. its not about me. I got to see 3 premierships live, so ive got quite a large Karmic mortgage.

I get why they close 'em, just putting a story to it.

I think that Mcgowan and Paluszcheck are going to end up prolonging Australia pandemic, and making it harder for everyone, including WAliens and Queenslanders.

Its a matter of when, not if, they get kicked hard in the arse, by which time 1. there wont be the Fed money left to help them out, (with zero tourism and the iron ore price heading sharply south, coal in its death throws, there mightn't be much State $ either) and 2. everyone else will have hardened their PTSD hearts and be moving on, and 3. we'll be exporting all our preferred vaccines to Poland and Britain.

The politicising of public health has actually probably been the hardest thing for me to deal with in the last 2 years.

Its left me irreparably cynical of leadership, coming off a pretty high base.

Ive only seen one person who could be considered a decent leader through this, and thats Daniel Andrews.

Alboneese? crickets from the small target spineless pissweak *smile*.

Give us a leader
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Take care everyone. This is going to get ugly from the below.

Looking for a record numbers of vaccination this week to sell us the hope we need.

Just hope the other states with zero cases truly get their health systems in order in the meantime.

Watching NSW, Vic, NZ all with different techniques of managing CV19 that have worked in the past till their current outbreaks. NZ there might be hope. Dont fancy Vic.
Yeah that is unfortunate and I'm sorry to hear it. I know from your posting that you've got family scattered around the country and I did think of you when i posted about border closures. Still reckon the other states have it correct right now with the closures, but hopefully we can ease these restrictions before the Christmas period.

That's a good question and I don't know the answer. They certainly can't stay locked forever. 90% certainly is ambitious, i don't think any country has hit that target.
I look at Isreal with their high rate of vax & also see how CV19 is being managed. Theyrr at their booster shot cycle now.
Double jab, full vax, only worked for a period of time then cases started again. Even on fully vaxed people.

Unsure especially with WA with reported hospital systems stretched already what will happen if there is an outbreak there.

I know all our narrative is on getting jabbed, but my thghts r what next after that atm. Its not pretty to getting our nml lifes back

Edit: a aussie coy working on a stronger vax in medical trials covax19 i think. That is getting some good results( better than other vax) but still testing
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Did I hear right this morning that 11% of cases in NSW are ending up in hospital ? Is that right ? Wow. That’s just incredibly worrying if true.
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Did I hear right this morning that 11% of cases in NSW are ending up in hospital ? Is that right ? Wow. That’s just incredibly worrying if true.

pretty sure there's a few kids in ICU in Sydney,

which is an unpleasant game changer.

I think a lot of people have no grasp of how ICU is like a real-life horror movie.

*trigger warning if you've ever been in ICU

on top of being noisy as *smile* 24 hours, theres artificial lights burning through your eyelids, people getting scalpels plunged through their throats in the room next door, every bacteria known to man working their way down tubes straight into peoples hearts, exhausted stressed doctors and nurses everywhere on speed trying to stay awake, people getting wheeled out with the sheet over their head regularly, you have no idea if its day or night.

Its seriously probably nicer in Guantanamo Bay.

Its why they give everyone in ICU anti-psychotics with their cornflakes.

if you have to spend a month in there, and you get out physically OK,

you're probably never gonna be the same
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Did I hear right this morning that 11% of cases in NSW are ending up in hospital ? Is that right ? Wow. That’s just incredibly worrying if true.
She mentioned too the next week its going to get worse and theyre in the process of ramping up their capacity to deal with the expected upsurge.

My guess(its a guess) they are looking overseas (?where) on theyre management of a high outbreak and what measures are in place.
Extended family member made a raid from melb into NSw to pick up his children.who live in Western Sydney with their mother. Parents are focused on children's welfare so she was part of the plan. Apparently under both states plans children can be reunited with parents. One drove south with a fist full of paper work and the other north with another file. Met at a NSW country town and then turned around. Children have to do full isolation for 14 days in dads home. Will stay here doing remote schooling until nsw opens up.again.
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Tasmania and WA will need to open their borders before Christmas even if it’s at say 83%. Too many mental health issues, and some I’m sure are just hanging in there until they get to see their loved ones at Christmas. There after all becomes a tipping point of when mental health over Covid deaths is the preferred option. I’m not sure what that point is but I can see it happening at around that Christmas period.

NSW are on Track to hit 80% on 10/10 and VIC on 25/10 (source: COVID Base). If the target is changed to 90%, NSW will surely reach this before November and VIC by Mid-November. But that also depends on Vaccine hesitancy rates. Last time I saw data on this, it was around 20% and seemed to be dropping by the day. But I haven't seen any data on this for a while.
I would be amazed if we ever get to 90... need so much to fall in place. Not just overcoming objections, hesitation. Other illness, slackness.
I hear people saying there are religious exemptions? True or not? Christian Science is the only church I know that has limits on medical intervention but don't know if that covers vaccination.
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I would be amazed if we ever get to 90... need so much to fall in place. Not just overcoming objections, hesitation. Other illness, slackness.
I hear people saying there are religious exemptions? True or not? Christian Science is the only church I know that has limits on medical intervention but don't know if that covers vaccination.

Yeah, I have been sceptical about our chances of reaching 80%, but it looks like we will get there. To get to 90%, disincentives to remain unvaccinated appears to be the state government strategy.

I also received this email from Qantas earlier. Brilliant!!

Just a bit bemused by the mental illness angle. It's being used by the Newscorp freedom-urging (aka business-spruiking) opinion columnists to whack certain politicians. Unfairly IMO.

No increase in Vic suicides in 2021: data

Make your case.
Think you are linking two issues.. mental health caused by lockdown (often in children as evident through calls to help.lines and GP visits) family separation due to border closure (and lockdown rules) .

Suicide rates aren't the only or even the main measure of a mental health of a group of people.

Border closures don't disrupt just "trade " as they said at Federation but the ability of people to move freely in their country for whatever reason. Some dangerous signs are emerging in those who hold power who have stumbled upon another way to exercise it.
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Think you are linking two issues.. mental health caused by lockdown (often in children as evident through calls to help.lines and GP visits) family separation due to border closure (and lockdown rules) .

Suicide rates aren't the only or even the main measure of a mental health of a group of people.

Border closures don't disrupt just "trade " as they said at Federation but the ability of people to move freely in their country for whatever reason. Some dangerous signs are emerging in those who hold power who have stumbled upon another way to exercise it.
Everyone is suffering to some extent. I'm suffering.

Re borders: surely you make a decision for the foreseeable term and stick with it. Pick a state and stay there. Travel is fraught.

I don't buy the idea that leaders are using the pandemic to keep the public in thrall. Not even a tiny bit. It isn't logical.
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Think you are linking two issues.. mental health caused by lockdown (often in children as evident through calls to help.lines and GP visits) family separation due to border closure (and lockdown rules) .

Suicide rates aren't the only or even the main measure of a mental health of a group of people.

Border closures don't disrupt just "trade " as they said at Federation but the ability of people to move freely in their country for whatever reason. Some dangerous signs are emerging in those who hold power who have stumbled upon another way to exercise it.

I don't think they are trying to exercise more power by continuing to close borders. I think the threats by both the QLD and WA premiers is more likely to cloud the real issue which is their failure to leverage up their hospital capacity for when covid cases surge, and I say when and not if.
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Vaccinations are still the key.

30.45% of total population vaccinated
37.94% of 16+ fully vaccinated
Ranked 34 of 38 in OECD

I mainly look at the first number and I still think we can get the 16+ over 90% (which would mean about 65% of the total population) if we really try, Australia has a very good record on vaccines, 97% for MMR. But we really need to get the numbers up if we don't end up vaccinating the under 16s.

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How is India managing to keep cases and deaths under control atm with only 10% vaccinated, with such density in population and considering the delta outbreak started there and it was out of control not too long ago? Unless the numbers reported in the last couple of months are incorrect.
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