Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


just read 500K letters being sent to unvaccinated people by Feds to older age groups not to wait for Pfzr and AZ is available for them
Yes I read the same article. 586,718 letters going out to 60-69 year olds to go and get the AZ. They will be at the back of the queue for anything else. Letter signed by Paul Kelly, Greg Hunt and Scott Morrison.

Article also said we have over 3,000,000 doses of AZ waiting to be given out.

Also said that 4,800,000 doses of Pfizer for the month of September and 9,000,0000 for October.

1,000,000 doses of Moderna are due in September and 3,000,000 in October.

Besides the obvious that people over 60 need to get AZ if they are prepared to be vaccinated. We need the Moderna here as soon as possible so that we can get the extra 1,000,000 first dose in September by the end of the month, and by the time they are ready for the second dose a lot more supplies will be here.
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Geezuz. Nearly 100 mystery cases.

Can’t help but think so many of these mystery and unlinked cases are coming from asymptomatic and vaccinated people. The more vaccinations we have, the higher potential for people to acquire, but not even know they have it, and they then circulate in the community.

You then get an unvaccinated person acquiring it, and with symptoms, but you can’t trace it back.

Sorry to repeat what I said above but seems relevant here, it is not just a case of asymptomatic a survey was done and only 44% of people with symptoms came forward to get tested.
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Sorry to repeat what I said above but seems relevant here, it is not just a case of asymptomatic a survey was done and only 44% of people with symptoms came forward to get tested.
Well, between both, it’s little wonder we have so many mysteries and unlinkeds.
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Yes I read the same article. 586,718 letters going out to 60-69 year olds to go and get the AZ. They will be at the back of the queue for anything else. Letter signed by Paul Kelly, Greg Hunt and Scott Morrison.

Article also said we have over 3,000,000 doses of AZ waiting to be given out.

Also said that 4,800,000 doses of Pfizer for the month of September and 9,000,0000 for October.

1,000,000 doses of Moderna are due in September and 3,000,000 in October.

Besides the obvious that people over 60 need to get AZ if they are prepared to be vaccinated. We need the Moderna here as soon as possible so that we can get the extra 1,000,000 first dose in September by the end of the month, and by the time they are ready for the second dose a lot more supplies will be here.
the obsession with different types of vaccines is a major cause of our vaccination problems. who asks what type of flu shot they are getting? what type of anaesthetic they will get? what the death rate for any medication is?

I am all for people doing their own research and making informed decisions about their health but we have a million people, or more, who wont get vaccinated because they think they know better the medical experts, because of a you tube video or a facebook post. and I am pretty sure many of these people make all sorts of decisions that adversely effect their health. but they wont take a vaccine, because someone somewhere died.
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I went into a petrol station yesterday. Put on my mask, did the QR code when I went in. Whilst I was filling my tank 3 people went in and none of them did the QR code. One was still inside when I came in, mask was around his chin.

I said that he should be wearing his mask properly and have done the QR code. The answer was "*smile* off Dan lover"

I then suggested to the guy behind the counter that they should be enforcing the rules, he shrugged his shoulders

This is what we are dealing with. That's not COVID fatigue, it is just being a *smile*
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Was the US peak before or after Delta?

Original wave. I guess my view is you basically infect everyone who is in not fully locking down (essential workers / families of essential workers / rule breakers / some unlucky folk going shopping etc) so it doesn’t really matter which strain.
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The North and the West of metro Melbourne are key under vaccinated areas ….but so too is the large South East area.

We need to start rolling out targeted, hard core messaging and distribution into these laggard areas. Now.
Conspiracy purpose and the virus? Do you believe there is a conspiracy? Some people do, others don't - bottom line is - regardless of if there is or there isn't - why does the thought that there is an effective method of treating the virus challenge people so much? Perhaps if the knowledge of an effective treatment was widespread, and extended lockdowns became completely unnecessary, there may also be far less need for a injection. Natural immunity is far superior although not providing any profit for the pharmaceutical companies.

1 - I don't believe there is a conspiracy. In order to assume that, you need to believe that there are millions of doctors etc all around the world who are happy to surrender millions of lives for the sake of a bit of cash. I don't believe that

2 - Your statement above about the lower need for an injection is interesting. I say interesting because both yourself and the psychologist in the initial video made the same point but its a bit hypocritical. Against taking a vaccine because "its not been tested enough", but for treatments that whilst encouraging, the studies I've seen have been based largely on anecdotal evidence rather than those taken in a controlled environment. So don't believe a vaccine that has been not been tested enough, but happy to take a drug that is likewise?

I'm certainly not challenged by treatments that could help Covid, why would I be. Whatever we can use to fight this, we should be using, and in an ideal world, that would be a vaccine, along with effective treatments when people end up in hospital. This would be the most optimal way to reduce morbidity.

I know that there is an Ivermectin study going on with the University of Oxford right now, which I believe is being held in closed rather than open conditions, which will provide far better evidence of the benefit of Ivermectin. There is a stark difference between anecdotal evidence in an opern versus a closed environment. Take the AFL for example, why did they bring many rule changes in at once? They did it, so its harder to identify what outcomes are influenced by which of those changes. Its the same with the Ivermectin trials I've seen. Its encouraging to see some improvement in conditions of some people taking Ivermectin, but until it is taken into a controlled environment, its difficult to know how much of an impact Ivermectin itself had on the outcome.

I'd love there to be some treatments that work against Covid once people are hospitalised, whether that is Ivermectin, at the minute remains to be seen.
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Thanks for that Lamb.

Yet if you google Ivermectin, all you'll find is why you shouldn't use it for Covid, how it's dangerous for humans, how it's only use is for worming treatment for animals, how demand for it has gone through the roof, people are advised not to take it, how a human is not a horse.

It's quite odd.

Hi Hazza, If you google ivermectin you'll see that it is safe if prescribed correctly. As Lamby points out it has been used for a long time in humans and is safe, with certain side effects and contraindications. It's a lie from the pro-Ivermectin crew that they say big pharma described it as unsafe.

Contrary to the lies told by the Ivermectin crew, merck never said it was unsafe. They said examination of the so-called clinical trial data to that point showed that those trials did not document adequate safety data and management process. This is a lie that Lamby has never backed away from. But he's just following the Ivermectin youtubers of the world, so you know.

If clinical trials in humans - properly conducted - show benefit greater than risk, then use it.

What is unsafe is humans quaffing down unprescribed quantities of horse medication. Even Lamby would have to concede this.
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Yeah I agree. ... living next door to a residential building site and have had a steady stream of tradies who continue to come, stay, go, seemingly without a care in the world. ... actually they appear to not give a flying *smile*!
Wrote to my local ALP member on that.two weeks ago. 20 cars at one house site. But they probably think a bloke doing the same job but on a Premiers designated job is working why not me. If cops were serious they would knock over more fines in a hour than a protest march.
just read 500K letters being sent to unvaccinated people by Feds to older age groups not to wait for Pfzr and AZ is available for them

Said this months ago. We should have removed the choice of those over 70 from vaccine shopping. The risk of any bloodclot for those older groups is miniscule, yet we were prepared to give the same vaccine to those at younger age groups who had a much higher chance of getting bloodclots. It was a ridiculous oversight and the policy should have been changed, and provided to people with an advertising campaign as to why AZ is a safe and effective vaccine especially for those over the age of 70. That we still have 15% of those over 70 in this country completely unvaccinated is a disaster.
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The warnings against using the horse worming drug, Ivermectin, for COVID is not odd, what it is, is sensible given there is no credible evidence Ivermectin has any impact on COVID at the dosage which humans can handle. Then you get morons like Craig Kelly saying you should not get vaccinated with a vaccine which has been tested, and for which there is evidence that they work, but you should take Ivermectin instead. It is simply incredibly f***ing dumb.

As for Dan taking credit for any successes and spreading the blame for mistakes, well, that makes him Robinson Crusoe amongst politicians. You would never see Scomo or Gladys doing that would you? They all do it, they always have, they always will and we all know it.

As for vaccinations, we need to keep looking at vaccinations as a percentage of the whole population:
28.48% of all Australians are fully vaccinated
35.48% of 16+ fully vaccinated
Ranked 35 of 38 OECD countries

Still too low.

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I went into a petrol station yesterday. Put on my mask, did the QR code when I went in. Whilst I was filling my tank 3 people went in and none of them did the QR code. One was still inside when I came in, mask was around his chin.

I said that he should be wearing his mask properly and have done the QR code. The answer was "*smile* off Dan lover"

I then suggested to the guy behind the counter that they should be enforcing the rules, he shrugged his shoulders

This is what we are dealing with. That's not COVID fatigue, it is just being a *smile*

There is no way you are going to get a positive response confronting someone in public - it’s going to be fight or flight. They are going to need someone they trust to open their eyes. PRE maybe you have a chance but I think ant and L2R2Rs views are pretty locked in

I actually feel sorry for people who do this. They are the ones who will get Covid in the next few months and spread it to their families. They will cause the death of their loved ones and maybe suffer for along time because of it with guilt. Clearly they haven’t educated themselves on what can happen and for whatever reason think that they are going to be ok / haven’t linked behaviour and consequence together.

Yes it’s frustrating, but the only way out now is vaccination.

I’m not sure there is any great way to influence someone in public so just focus on what we can control I guess and influence where we have relationships and authority. Wear your own mask and vaccinate and socially distance.
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Said this months ago. We should have removed the choice of those over 70 from vaccine shopping. The risk of any bloodclot for those older groups is miniscule, yet we were prepared to give the same vaccine to those at younger age groups who had a much higher chance of getting bloodclots. It was a ridiculous oversight and the policy should have been changed, and provided to people with an advertising campaign as to why AZ is a safe and effective vaccine especially for those over the age of 70. That we still have 15% of those over 70 in this country completely unvaccinated is a disaster.
Exactly. Letters to 500,000 people +60 is further validation of a failed vaccination program and trying to play catch up.

Where were the “letters” back in March ?
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I went into a petrol station yesterday. Put on my mask, did the QR code when I went in. Whilst I was filling my tank 3 people went in and none of them did the QR code. One was still inside when I came in, mask was around his chin.

I said that he should be wearing his mask properly and have done the QR code. The answer was "*smile* off Dan lover"

I then suggested to the guy behind the counter that they should be enforcing the rules, he shrugged his shoulders

This is what we are dealing with. That's not COVID fatigue, it is just being a *smile*
Funny observation of my own behaviour. Happy to do the required things like wear a mask, get vaccinated, socially distance where required, sign in. But I often don't carry a phone with me. So it means I need to physically sign in (that's if the businesses actually have the physical sign in sheet, often they don't, despite it being a requirement). What that means though. As it is a bit of a nuisance to physically sign in, I find myself only going into shops/establishments when I really need to. Means I'm saving heaps of money, by not going shopping and buying stuff, getting take away etc unless I really, really need it. You don't realise how much of your money is spent on consuming for the sake of consuming and *smile* you don't really need, until doing a social experiment (by fluke of circumstance) like this on yourself. And I'm generally pretty prudent with money at the best of times. But even I have noticed marked difference in the outgoings, because of this unique circumstance I find myself in.
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What do people think of a 2% flat Medicare levy on all income for the unvaccinated (who don’t start vaccinating within 1 month of being offered it). Funds distributed only to healthcare resourcing (quarantine / nurses / icu beds / community outreach and education etc.) and incentives for those who are vaxxed.

I’m really keen to see some hard sticks being applied to get the numbers moving. The please do the right thing won’t work for everyone. The rest of our vaccination is opt out. This opt in approach needs a different set of rules.

Medicare levy gets me buying health insurance which I wouldn’t do otherwise. Not sure if it helps the healthcare system or not though. Separate topic! Point is incentives work.
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There is no way you are going to get a positive response confronting someone in public - it’s going to be fight or flight. They are going to need someone they trust to open their eyes. PRE maybe you have a chance but I think ant and L2R2Rs views are pretty locked in

I actually feel sorry for people who do this. They are the ones who will get Covid in the next few months and spread it to their families. They will cause the death of their loved ones and maybe suffer for along time because of it with guilt. Clearly they haven’t educated themselves on what can happen and for whatever reason think that they are going to be ok / haven’t linked behaviour and consequence together.

Yes it’s frustrating, but the only way out now is vaccination.

I’m not sure there is any great way to influence someone in public so just focus on what we can control I guess and influence where we have relationships and authority. Wear your own mask and vaccinate and socially distance.
I totally agree. I just got pissed off and snapped in the moment but not sure it made me feel any better
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There is no way you are going to get a positive response confronting someone in public - it’s going to be fight or flight. They are going to need someone they trust to open their eyes. PRE maybe you have a chance but I think ant and L2R2Rs views are pretty locked in

I actually feel sorry for people who do this. They are the ones who will get Covid in the next few months and spread it to their families. They will cause the death of their loved ones and maybe suffer for along time because of it with guilt. Clearly they haven’t educated themselves on what can happen and for whatever reason think that they are going to be ok / haven’t linked behaviour and consequence together.

Yes it’s frustrating, but the only way out now is vaccination.

I’m not sure there is any great way to influence someone in public so just focus on what we can control I guess and influence where we have relationships and authority. Wear your own mask and vaccinate and socially distance.
It’s not just that though RE. It’s not just about infecting themselves or their family. Loved ones. It’s also about infecting others in the community trying to do the right thing and/or haven’t had access to vaccinations yet.

This is what *smile* me with anyone who says “I don’t care if I get Covid” because quite frankly I don’t care if you do ahole. I care about who you might give it to and make ill or kill.

This isn’t an “I” or “me” virus. It’s a “we” virus. Unfortunately, there are just huge proportions of dumb and self focussed people who don’t get this or don’t care.
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