Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


..."evidence of many here" (agree)
I love this thread with so many diverse opinions and facts being put up by many here.
Find out things I was not aware of & check.
Its been one of the best sites to read & converse about this virus.
Agree. There have been a couple of outlier issues but generally this thread has been great and very respectful. We are all in the same situation and we all want the same thing.

My only beef comes because for some of this I am close to what is happening and I see a gap between what we “should do” and what we can do because I see a lot of people working incredibly hard to get to where we are. Some of the gaps are lack of investment and vision on the past.

The thing I hope for the most after all this is that we learn some lessons like

1. How important our public health system is to us and the fact that the mess we have in its management between feds and states has to be fixed.
2. that if we want a strong health system we have to invest in it. That’s about workforce planning right down to universities, about physical infrastructure , about IT systems infrastructure and medical research and manufacturing.
3. we have to regulate private aged care far better than we do now.
4. We have to be more flexible in our public sector decision making when confronted with major issues like a pandemic

A lot of people have been saying this stuff for a long time. We can’t miss this opportunity but we need political leaders with vision and unfortunately I can’t see many on any side of politics
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The DHHS is starting to get really slow in updating exposure sites. Normally there’d be a steady update over the course of the day but now they’re basically doing late night clumps often with sites that had been highlighted in the media 24 hours earlier.

We had a massive jump in cases from yesterday but at 12.30 pm today they’ve only updated with one site - another Sporting Globe, in Mill Park.
The warnings against using the horse worming drug, Ivermectin, for COVID is not odd, what it is, is sensible given there is no credible evidence Ivermectin has any impact on COVID at the dosage which humans can handle.
Geebus, a lot of you guys really binge on the blue pills. I gave you a study of 1195 health workers which clearly shows ivermectin has an effect on Covid with standard dosing. How can you just dismiss it? Some of the 'nut jobs' who support it are pre eminent interventionist medicine experts and scientists including by the way Satoshi Amura 2015 Nobel prize winner for MEDICINE!!
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All those counting case numbers will be disappointed within a few months. The bait and switch is on. Covid will be declared endemic and wholesale testing will cease. Germany has already declared that there will be no more free covid detection tests from October. Expect that to happen here a few months later.
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All those counting case numbers will be disappointed within a few months. The bait and switch is on. Covid will be declared endemic and wholesale testing will cease. Germany has already declared that there will be no more free covid detection tests from October. Expect that to happen here a couple of months later.
Everyone here wants to see the end of this pandemic.
All those counting case numbers will be disappointed within a few months. The bait and switch is on. Covid will be declared endemic and wholesale testing will cease. Germany has already declared that there will be no more free covid detection tests from October. Expect that to happen here a couple of months later.

Not quite right lamby. The below article explains it better below.

The free covid testing that they are removing are free rapid testing kits that gets them into certain sites (like sports stadiums / bars etc), with the replacement essentially being vaccination. This isn't because they aren't interested in case numbers, but because this is actually deterring Germans from being vaccinated, they have seen a significant decline in the vaccination rate per day recently and this is designed to increase the vaccination rate, rather than people relying on rapid antigen testing to get them into these sites.

Good try though.

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Just saw that Foley said it’s now a 6 weeks between doses for AZ. I hope this gets hammered home in the media over the next few days. As many people I know in their 30’s were torn on getting AZ or Pfizer. But they felt even if they waited a month before they got Pfizer they would be fully vaccinated earlier. Now it’s the same regardless of the vaccine.
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Thanks Poshman. Good additional information. while I was on the Guardian site I noted this:

Some dude once said that every successful new idea encountered three stages opposition, ridicule and then stating it was self evident all along. I note that imports of Ivermectin have increased ten fold in Australia and of course it is used extensively in India, Indonesia, Africa and Latin America. Also part of the regimen of some European countries. Also widely used in the US off label. Courts in the US have actually ordered hospitals to give Ivermectin to patients on ventilators after family and doctors pushed for their use. ( BTW the patients got off ventilators and went home). The dynamic of the argument has changed. Censorship and ignoring Ivermectin hasn't worked so we are going all in on ridicule and distortion. Maybe the dam walls are starting to break?

I am also gathering there are not many scientists on this site.
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Thanks Poshman. Good additional information. while I was on the Guardian site I noted this:

Some dude once said that every successful new idea encountered three stages opposition, ridicule and then stating it was self evident all along. I note that imports of Ivermectin have increased ten fold in Australia and of course it is used extensively in India, Indonesia, Africa and Latin America. Also part of the regimen of some European countries. Also widely used in the US off label. Courts in the US have actually ordered hospitals to give Ivermectin to patients on ventilators after family and doctors pushed for their use. ( BTW the patients got off ventilators and went home). The dynamic of the argument has changed. Censorship and ignoring Ivermectin hasn't worked so we are going all in on ridicule and distortion. Maybe the dam walls are starting to break?

I am also gathering there are not many scientists on this site.

Lamby I get that you are fully behind Ivermectin. I'm not a scientist, nor profess to be one and haven't done anywhere near as much research as others, but as I said in another post, a lot of the research into Ivermectin appears to be anecdotal and not in closed conditions. Even the article you reference there about Joe Rogan it says "Among the many medications he used, he said, was ivermectin, a drug used to deworm horses.". So why then has he only spoken about Ivermectin, when it clearly says "among the many medications".

So essentially he threw a cocktail of drugs together, got better (which may have been related to his age as he is still young and healthy), but claims that the only one that seemed to benefit was Ivermectin.

This is why there is a need for closed studies. I believe Ozford University is conducting one right now.

I'm certainly not against any drug that makes things better but a lot of the studies seem to be anecdotal. Do you disagree with that or do you have better info that shows closed trials?
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Note the Palasczuk tweet below. The Doherty modelling predicts 80 deaths a day at 70% fully vaccinated. Vaccines are vital but need help!

Annastacia Palaszczuk



If NSW is the model of what lies in store for all of us, then serious discussions are needed. Doherty Institute modelling predicts, even with 70% of the population vaccinated, 80 people will die each day six months after the outbreak. That’s 2,240 who will die each month.
Lamby I get that you are fully behind Ivermectin. I'm not a scientist, nor profess to be one and haven't done anywhere near as much research as others, but as I said in another post, a lot of the research into Ivermectin appears to be anecdotal and not in closed conditions. Even the article you reference there about Joe Rogan it says "Among the many medications he used, he said, was ivermectin, a drug used to deworm horses.". So why then has he only spoken about Ivermectin, when it clearly says "among the many medications".

So essentially he threw a cocktail of drugs together, got better (which may have been related to his age as he is still young and healthy), but claims that the only one that seemed to benefit was Ivermectin.

This is why there is a need for closed studies. I believe Ozford University is conducting one right now.

I'm certainly not against any drug that makes things better but a lot of the studies seem to be anecdotal. Do you disagree with that or do you have better info that shows closed trials?

Just on the Joe Rogan instance stated above by Lamby.

He claims to have taken Ivermectin as well as monoclonal antibodies (as well as a bunch of other stuff).

Funnily enough monoclonal antibodies are approved by the FDA for treatment of Covid.

How does he know it was Ivermectin and not the monoclonal antibodies that defeated Covid?
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Note the Palasczuk tweet below. The Doherty modelling predicts 80 deaths a day at 70% fully vaccinated. Vaccines are vital but need help!

Annastacia Palaszczuk

If NSW is the model of what lies in store for all of us, then serious discussions are needed. Doherty Institute modelling predicts, even with 70% of the population vaccinated, 80 people will die each day six months after the outbreak. That’s 2,240 who will die each month.

So almost as high as the UK despite the UK having 3 times greater the population?

The Doherty modelling IMO is flawed and doesn't resemble what we are seeing overseas.
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