Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


I'm sure people saw those protests 2 weeks ago where thousands were doing the wrong thing?
Exactly! mentioned it too.

Driving around for work, even with playgrounds shut, seeing the odd ones used. People are using them but seeing single parent & kids. Tape police had put up was torn at a few places too.
Numbers just reflective of the selfish acts of many now.
All because of selfish *smile* arseholes who refuse to do the right thing.

Yeah I agree. ... living next door to a residential building site and have had a steady stream of tradies who continue to come, stay, go, seemingly without a care in the world. ... actually they appear to not give a flying *smile*!
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I mock the conspiracy theories that suggest Dr Fauci and "big pharma" are suppressing ivermectin as a potential treatment.
You've mocked Ivermectin claiming it has no effect against covid and it's only use is as a worming treatment for animals
Dan's done much right but he's also got a few things wrong; in a big way. He's reversal of the playground ban smacks of a poll induced turnaround.
I think the playground decision was an attempt to stop as much movement as absolutely possible. it didnt work. the decision was reversed. not sure why that is an issue.
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The protests, the evidence of many on here and elsewhere about how many are ignoring restrictions. As for why not last year its already been said by others but people are sick of it and have given up.
..."evidence of many here" (agree)
I love this thread with so many diverse opinions and facts being put up by many here.
Find out things I was not aware of & check.
Its been one of the best sites to read & converse about this virus.
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I think the playground decision was an attempt to stop as much movement as absolutely possible. it didnt work. the decision was reversed. not sure why that is an issue.

Yes I was about to say this, it was about trying to change behaviour in general, it didn't work which is why its been reversed.
Maybe a lot of the rules don't work under Delta?
Maybe Andrews overriding CHO advice on construction sites was a factor. Somehow working on a state infrastructure project at 100% is safe but not more than 25% on a block of flats.
The thinking is flawed, the same voices are being listened to.
Don't get me started on construction sites :mad:
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Yep the horse has bolted now. We are months behind where we should be. Slomo will pay at the election next year but it's little consolation.

That said QLD and SA have dealt successfully with Delta outbreaks. The people in those states are obviously better at following regulations than those in NSW and particularly Victorians.

Very disappointing Victoria. I think the authorities made the right call to lock down when they did but obviously too many people have ignored the regulations and here we are.
there is clearly an element of luck involved initially.
SA had an infected person go out for dinner. I dont think they infected anyone. we had someone go out for dinner and I think there were 20-30 cases that resulted.

that is why hard lockdown matters. SA had a bit of luck, then their lockdown and good management stopped other spreading opportunities. NSW did not, which meant even if good luck meant an infected person went out for dinner and did not infect anyone, they probably went out again, and again, everytime increasing the chance likelihood of infection.
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Would like to hear Andrews' and Suttons' thoughts on why our numbers are going the opposite way of what we thought 5 weeks into a hard lockdown. For all the justified criticism of Gladys we are tracking worse than NSW at the same stage and they had a mickey mouse lockdown initially compared to ours. This is extremely disappointing. I have no doubt the lack of punitive measures for deliberate breaches are a factor. People obviously don't give a *smile*; they know if the breach the rules all they have to do is fess up and there will be no consequences. After 5 weeks this approach clearly has not worked in this outbreak.

Just like regional Victoria will soon enjoy some freedoms not available to Melburnians then maybe vaccinated people in some relatively COVID free parts of Melbourne should be allowed additional licence as well. I don't know; maybe that's not feasible? All I know is that it is extremely frustrating for the vast majority of people who abide by the lockdown rules to sit here and watch the situation get worse, not better, on a daily basis. All because of selfish *smile* arseholes who refuse to do the right thing.
They thought we could beat it again because we had done it once. But people are tired of lockdowns and Delta is more transmissible.

I knew we were cactus when Andrews was tweeting pictures of donuts. The ALP socoal media team is very stupid on occasion. If you want to take credit for zero then you also have to take at least some of the blame for high numbers.
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Yes I was about to say this, it was about trying to change behaviour in general, it didn't work which is why its been reversed.

It did work in that no people were mingling unmasked at playgrounds, (did it stop Covid transmissions?), reinstating is like allowing picnics in parks so Dan is just following Gladys's lead;)
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there is clearly an element of luck involved initially.
SA had an infected person go out for dinner. I dont think they infected anyone. we had someone go out for dinner and I think there were 20-30 cases that resulted.

that is why hard lockdown matters. SA had a bit of luck, then their lockdown and good management stopped other spreading opportunities. NSW did not, which meant even if good luck meant an infected person went out for dinner and did not infect anyone, they probably went out again, and again, everytime increasing the chance likelihood of infection.
The delta outbreak in SA was in my suburb, literally my shop I use and the Bunnings i visited a day after. We went hard and fast and it was statewide lockdown.

Im really shattered today, I thought Victoria had this and Dan talks the talk but the cases just dont seem to be lowering.
Why was the Monday vaccination number so low, at 42,000 ? Then, 105,000 on Tuesday ?

Case numbers skyrocketing with testing numbers down not a great sign either, only 48,000 tests yesterday, there would be plenty more cases out there undetected.
A survey was done recently and only 44% of people with symptoms came forward to get tested.
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They thought we could beat it again because we had done it once. But people are tired of lockdowns and Delta is more transmissible.

I knew we were cactus when Andrews was tweeting pictures of donuts. The ALP socoal media team is very stupid on occasion. If you want to take credit for zero then you also have to take at least some of the blame for high numbers.
Gladys thought she could beat it again by using the same strategy as well. Our numbers are worse than NSW at same stage of respective outbreaks with us in harder lockdown. Hopefully that harder lockdown will restrain the numbers a bit and we don't have an explosion like NSW has had.

Yes the ALP social media team. What a *smile* joke. It's like the old Soviet news agency TASS in it's heyday. Dan and his team are very good in proclaiming success but not so good in admitting failure. The *smile* HQ inquiry a supreme example of this.
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numbers have continued to rise.
Not sure the rising numbers have anything to do with the playground ban either way. He and Sutton copped a lot of heat on this one and they have backed down. Not something Andrews is known for. Poll motivated.
I am fully vaccinated. I have my prescription and will take Ivermectin if I come down with symptoms. I also am metabolically healthy which I hope helps me a little.

Sorry I missed that interview . She is a real hero. She began testing Ivermectin in 2012 and found it was effective in vitro against Dengue, zika, HIV , influenza etc. Obviously a key issue is whether you can get a dosage safe to humans which gives you an effect. The research seems to suggest you can. I am fairly simple sort of guy. In the Carvallo study I mentioned above 1195 heath workers in Argentina during their second wave were given the option as to whether they wanted to take Ivermectin to supplement their PPE. No vaccinations were available. 788 said yes 407 said no thanks. The ivermectin group were given 12mg once a week for 12 weeks. Infection rate in the Ivermectin group was 0 out of 788. The control group was 237 out of 405 (58%). There are some limitations. Participants self selected, not randomised but it certainly caught my attention. You would think that the WHO or other regulatory authority would say is this *smile* or real and set up a large RCT to see if the results could be replicated. No urge or urgency to do so apparently.

BTW other smaller trials have confirmed the quite significant benefit Ivermectin appears to provide as a prophylactic.

By the way it is one of the safest drugs ever invented. Much safer than aspirin (and the vaccines in fact - 16 deaths associated with 4 billion doses as opposed to 40,000 deaths for vaccines after 4 billion doses) In the article I quoted above about Uttar Pradesh rolling out Ivermectin to children it stated the medicine kit did not contain anti biotics which would require a prescription implying how safe they feel Ivermectin is. You need to remember that while we are scared of it in the west, developing countries are very familiar with it having used it extensively for 40 years. Its an over the counter drug in many countries. They know how safe it is at the recommended doses. The dosage in the kits and prophylactic trials are usually 0.2mg per kilo which is the dose used and recommended for anti parasitic purposes.
Thanks for that Lamb.

Yet if you google Ivermectin, all you'll find is why you shouldn't use it for Covid, how it's dangerous for humans, how it's only use is for worming treatment for animals, how demand for it has gone through the roof, people are advised not to take it, how a human is not a horse.

It's quite odd.
Geezuz. Nearly 100 mystery cases.

Can’t help but think so many of these mystery and unlinked cases are coming from asymptomatic and vaccinated people. The more vaccinations we have, the higher potential for people to acquire, but not even know they have it, and they then circulate in the community.

You then get an unvaccinated person acquiring it, and with symptoms, but you can’t trace it back.
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Not sure the rising numbers have anything to do with the playground ban either way. He and Sutton copped a lot of heat on this one and they have backed down. Not something Andrews is known for. Poll motivated.
That is the point. Banning playgrounds had no effect on transmission so the ban was lifted. It was probably the first of a number of restrictions that will be lightened while numbers continue to rise.