No shift from me Anty. Ivermectin is a prophylactic and treatment. I suggest you read the Hector Carvallo study from Argentina to see how effective Ivermectin might be in this regard. I am double vaccinated because I see that as an effective method of prevention. The studies which show high efficacy for ivermectin involve weekly doses. However with waning vaccine protection Ivermectin's prevention qualities may become more relevant. However it's real importance is that regardless of whether you are vaccinated or not people still get infections. At that point therapies are important and as I have made clear numerous times if you had any inclination to understand viral load is everything and if you have treatments that can reduce that then outcomes are likely to be better. Ivermectin should be seen as a bridge to full vaccination and an important adjunct in treatment.Yes.
If you read that it states that Ivermectin potentially reduces inflammation in the respiratory tract, but does nothing to stop viral lifespan or replication. This means you really have to be in a bad way in terms of covid infection for this to be of any benefit. Lots of medications can do that and many are already being used in Covid treatment for severely affected patients.
I wondered why Lamby had made a subtle shift from claiming that Ivermectin was a prophylactic and a covid cure to a "therapeutic". Nice move Lambster.
Please don't embarrass yourself with a 5 minute google search and then proclaim Ivermectin's main strength is anti- inflammatory. It does have those properties which makes it useful in the post viral stage but if anything Ivermectin is less effective in late stage Covid.
In quick layman's terms Ivermectin has three main mechanisms which are seen as assisting in fighting Covid.
1 Importins alpha and beta have the role of transporting proteins into the cell nucleus. The virus piggy backs on the importins to send messages to the cell to not defend itself (inhibit release of interferons). The ivermectin molecule disrupts this attempted process resulting in greater cell protection.
2. The Virus spike protein locks into the Ace 2 Receptor , again in simplified terms like a phone charger into a phone and then downloads the virus into the cell cytoplasm. Ivermectin glugs up the receptor and spike protein so that it again disrupts and prevents that binding, pretty much like if there is dirt or other obstruction in your phone socket which means the charger cant connect cleanly and function.
3 Ivermectin disrupts certain enzymes which affects the virus ability to replicate.
Play school version of description of mechanism of action.
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