Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Yep, political thread, move it.

Some here might enjoy the "Dan is Dead" thread in the politics board. It's really stupid.
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It's bloody hard ... and many are doing it much harder than me ... but it's better than overwhelming the health system ... and it's certainly much better than death.
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Word out of Europe is that experts have given up on herd immunity and that Covid will become endemic. They will stop counting cases and just concentrate on reporting severe illness and deaths. Vaccinations likely to be less than 50% effective against infection. That moves the discussion on therapeutics from peripheral to primary.
The news is Vaccination will keep you most likely from death or ICU but we are never coming out of restrictions in the foreseeable future.

While Covid spreads from Human to Human it will morph into different variants.

Treatments are where all our efforts will eventually be in 12 months time.

Vaccines are the same as lockdowns a temporary solution.
We'd all like that too, but we acknowledge that this disease kills a lot of people when allowed to run.

I assume you are in the "let it run" camp then?
In case ya might have missed it, being alive is guaranteed to kill everyone eventually.
Cooties is simply another virus that we have no current cure for, so some people will get crook from it n a small percentage will also die. Same as happens with the flu, malaria, aids, pneumonia, wars, vehicle accidents, criminal activity, famine or any one of thousands of other reasons people die.
Nothing but egotistical power manipulation going on at the moment n poor old Joe public is getting bent over n butt *smile* and ordered to enjoy it.
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So hang on, on one hand you are calling me racist because I showed you a report from the HINDU TIMES that pretty much shows that India have under reported their deaths (I never said anything about it being deliberate). How the hell is that racist? Geez, you say something about someone from another race and everytime its racist? Is that how this thing works?

On the other hand, you continue to spruik the value of something that has yet to be proven beneficial in any way!!

Ok, whatever floats your boat.
Ok. Point taken. There is usually an implied tone that third world countries are less trustworthy but I will apologise to you in this instance.

Uttar Pradesh though is very advanced in its medical and reporting protocols as the attachments showed.

However I will point out that we are 35% fully vaccinated and likely to be in lockdown for the foreseeable future while Uttar Pradesh whose major treatment for Covid is Ivermectin is open for business and not locked down and has negligible cases.

The massive mistake that will eventually be showed in our response to this pandemic is that we ignored treatment because of our fear of transmissability.

BTW there are over 60 trials showing benefit for Ivermectin against Covid.

Good to see the Tiges have finally put out pro vaccination posts on social media. The AFL has been very slow to move on this. Our only, best & safest way back to live footy.
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Good to see the Tiges have finally put out pro vaccination posts on social media. The AFL has been very slow to move on this. Our only, best & safest way back to live footy.
Just read that on Insta. Good stuff finally.

The MLB teams, NBA teams etc have been doing this for months. I mentioned it on this thread ages ago. Slooooow Australia again.

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The Institut Pasteur seems to back some of Lamby's claims

Ok. Point taken. There is usually an implied tone that third world countries are less trustworthy but I will apologise to you in this instance.

Uttar Pradesh though is very advanced in its medical and reporting protocols as the attachments showed.

However I will point out that we are 35% fully vaccinated and likely to be in lockdown for the foreseeable future while Uttar Pradesh whose major treatment for Covid is Ivermectin is open for business and not locked down and has negligible cases.

The massive mistake that will eventually be showed in our response to this pandemic is that we ignored treatment because of our fear of transmissability.

BTW there are over 60 trials showing benefit for Ivermectin against Covid.

60 trials of which how many are sh1t? I'd take one good, randomised, double blind clinical trial over n=1000 crappy ones.

Uttar Pradesh does seem to be a success story in India - if you read the official reporting from the government there they put it down to contact tracing and social protocols, very few even mention Ivermectin as a factor. A lot of variables at play there.

On the Israel data - this is acknowledged. The vaccines are still extremely effective in preventing hospitalisations/deaths, which is the point. As we already know, covid will penetrate the population, most people will be asymptomatic given vaccination, some will have mild symptoms, hospitalisations and deaths will go down by a factor of ten approximately.

Of course we have to keep an open mind so when the high quality clinical trials showing Ivermectin is truly effective as a prophylactic/treatment roll in then we'll see.
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The Institut Pasteur seems to back some of Lamby's claims


If you read that it states that Ivermectin potentially reduces inflammation in the respiratory tract, but does nothing to stop viral lifespan or replication. This means you really have to be in a bad way in terms of covid infection for this to be of any benefit. Lots of medications can do that and many are already being used in Covid treatment for severely affected patients.

I wondered why Lamby had made a subtle shift from claiming that Ivermectin was a prophylactic and a covid cure to a "therapeutic". Nice move Lambster.
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If you read that it states that Ivermectin potentially reduces inflammation in the respiratory tract, but does nothing to stop viral lifespan or replication. This means you really have to be in a bad way in terms of covid infection for this to be of any benefit. Lots of medications can do that and many are already being used in Covid treatment for severely affected patients.

I wondered why Lamby had made a subtle shift from claiming that Ivermectin was a prophylactic and a covid cure to a "therapeutic". Nice move Lambster.
So potentially a treatment for covid. Not sure why so many on here mock something that could treat the sick.
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Look I understand where you are getting at with this, but that video using Harm to Children as the headline is ridiculous to then use it in front of a video that is spreading a conspiracy.

I'm not a conspiracist and generally ask 1 question of any conspiracy theories when I review them. What is the purpose of the conspiracy. I just don't see it with Covid. What is the purpose for it? Please enlighten me.

If there are actually peer reviewed cases that make sense of drugs that can treat Covid, they will be presented through the WHO surely.

Its ironic that your video shows the WHO were blocking Invermectin information and then you see Lamby (pushing for Invermectin) praising the WHO for their review of Utter Pradesh. Which is it? Are the WHO on the good side or the bad side?
My feeling is there was quite some cognitive dissonance occurring for the psychologist when trying to reconcile the concerns held for the welfare of the children with information that perhaps the lockdowns were not the answer to combat the virus especially with scientific and medical information showing differing views. The psychologist is also covering herself in a legal capacity.

The second point made in the video was about rational thought and misinformation. Sometimes it's outdated information rather than complete misinformation. Medicine and science is never static, change is constant and when new options become available, I believe they should be explored especially when the current state of flux is not working either from a medical perspective or from an economical perspective. Unfortunately none of the more up to date information is available to people who only ever watch or listen to main stream media due to censorship. Anything spoken or written about which does not conform to the accepted narrative is deleted almost immediately.

Conspiracy purpose and the virus? Do you believe there is a conspiracy? Some people do, others don't - bottom line is - regardless of if there is or there isn't - why does the thought that there is an effective method of treating the virus challenge people so much? Perhaps if the knowledge of an effective treatment was widespread, and extended lockdowns became completely unnecessary, there may also be far less need for a injection. Natural immunity is far superior although not providing any profit for the pharmaceutical companies.

I read a fascinating article yesterday from an Italian doctor so here is the link for your information.

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this to me has been overlooked. I think I know but I am happy tp be updated... I could be innocently increasing my risk to myself or others and would be happy to change that behaviour. Equally there are some things which might have been found to be irrelevant to transmission. Thanks

The main message is "people are doing the wrong thing" .... lets update and reinforce the "right thing"

All we hear about are locations .... so were the cases workmates / customers/ delivery people ... was it transmitted in the lunchroom, office, factory floor, at illegal parties.

One example ... 1.5m distance.. Now that came in Day ONE. Who did the calculations then and why does it still hold for Delta? Why not 2m, or 3m? or 1m?
Yeh, we get nothing but case numbers and exposure sites. How many households are involved? If one member of a household get it what % of the other members are catching it?
give us more information.
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