Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Well it looks like lockdowns into the near to mid future. Gladys, Dan, Scotty and Josh agree we need to get to 70% plus fully vaccinated before we start opening up and Dan will loosen some restrictions after we get to 70% first dose. Probably a good ploy to encourage jabs.

Meanwhile Uttar Pradesh which has been steadily opening since July after a devastating Delta wave is releasing restrictions even further despite a fully vaccinated rate of under 15%. I wonder if any journo is going to ask our erstwhile leaders if there are any lessons we can learn from the experience of others who have successfully weathered Delta and come out (hopefully not temporarily) the other side.

Uttar Pradesh has a rapid test trace and treat protocol as opposed to our and most western countries test trace and isolate protocol. Maybe treating viruses early is a good idea.

What drugs do you want to treat it with? Is it what you have been preaching about for a while now?

I'm not sure we can trust India when their reported deaths of covid could be under reported by a factor of 8.

Has anyone seen any solid data that shows COViD impacts on young people with and without comorbidities. I still haven’t been 100% convinced (I.e I’m 95% convinced) there is a material risk (ie > than say the blood clot risk) to healthy young people. We generally only see population statistics so this hasn’t been unpicked.

I do see data showing significant over representation of folks that are obese / have diabetes etc. if you exclude these folks from the data - what is the risk to those who are left? (This is what I want to know)

as a corollary if this held out Should we be targeting vaccines at the unhealthy / opening up on a more nuanced set of rules.
What drugs do you want to treat it with? Is it what you have been preaching about for a while now?

I'm not sure we can trust India when their reported deaths of covid could be under reported by a factor of 8.

That's pretty offensive and borderline racist. Uttar Pradesh's (UP) response has been state of the Art. Even WHO agree. Note that WHO state that UP follow WHO's test track isolate when in fact UP adds the very important 'treat' . Also amazing that WHO forgot to mention the medicine kits contain Ivermectin. Just an oversight surely!

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I put Dan in the same basket as SHocking. They are both ignorant of what the average man wants. In short they are both *smile*.
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That's pretty offensive and borderline racist. Uttar Pradesh's (UP) response has been state of the Art. Even WHO agree. Note that WHO state that UP follow WHO's test track isolate when in fact UP adds the very important 'treat' . Also amazing that WHO forgot to mention the medicine kits contain Ivermectin. Just an oversight surely!

So hang on, on one hand you are calling me racist because I showed you a report from the HINDU TIMES that pretty much shows that India have under reported their deaths (I never said anything about it being deliberate). How the hell is that racist? Geez, you say something about someone from another race and everytime its racist? Is that how this thing works?

On the other hand, you continue to spruik the value of something that has yet to be proven beneficial in any way!!

Ok, whatever floats your boat.
So hang on, on one hand you are calling me racist because I showed you a report from the HINDU TIMES that pretty much shows that India have under reported their deaths (I never said anything about it being deliberate). How the hell is that racist? Geez, you say something about someone from another race and everytime its racist? Is that how this thing works?

On the other hand, you continue to spruik the value of something that has yet to be proven beneficial in any way!!

Ok, whatever floats your boat.
In the video I posted from the Australian psychologist regarding the serious risks of harm to children from the extended lockdown there is information that appears to prove there is great benefit in exploring the other options available. Unfortunately a lot of this peer reviewed information from highly qualified medical professionals is not making its way to the general public.

Victoria is to be in strict lock down for yet another 3 weeks at least.

Big deal
Another 3 weeks of living like prisoners.
Have to feel so sorry for school children and even non school age kids.
There would be no guarantee that Andrews will execute the small changes he announced today anyway.
So, apart from a short walk can do nothing.
No neighbours to talk to, no family for Fathers' Day for Victorians, and hope the supermarkets have enough products to fulfil an order.
Bingo buddy
Its fked
The kids are the most of concern.
No mates to hang with.
No football to play.
Its hard mate
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The obsession with ‘case numbers’ also needs to stop as vaccinations reach the desired levels. Kids get COVID and don’t even know they have it. Double vaxxed adults get COVID and it can be no more than a cold. (I’m speaking from experience here.)

As I’ve posted before, individuals need to mitigate their own risk exposure depending on their situation. Vaccinations will help keep hospitalisations to manageable levels; unfortunately deaths will happen.

There seems to be very limited discussion on here about the impact of lockdowns on people - kid’s schooling, people’s work/businesses, elderly care and interaction, social interaction, etc, etc. I reckon this will end up killing more people, even though it’s not really measurable. There also seems to be limited discussion about seasonal flu and pneumonia hospitalisations and deaths rates.

Or for that matter, obesity. Obesity is a huge risk factor if you get COVID, but it also costs governments around the world billions and billions through direct and indirect health care, and millions of deaths (think T2 diabetics for a starting point.) Why are we not mandating essential exercise to protect the medical systems from its implications?
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In the video I posted from the Australian psychologist regarding the serious risks of harm to children from the extended lockdown there is information that appears to prove there is great benefit in exploring the other options available. Unfortunately a lot of this peer reviewed information from highly qualified medical professionals is not making its way to the general public.

Look I understand where you are getting at with this, but that video using Harm to Children as the headline is ridiculous to then use it in front of a video that is spreading a conspiracy.

I'm not a conspiracist and generally ask 1 question of any conspiracy theories when I review them. What is the purpose of the conspiracy. I just don't see it with Covid. What is the purpose for it? Please enlighten me.

If there are actually peer reviewed cases that make sense of drugs that can treat Covid, they will be presented through the WHO surely.

Its ironic that your video shows the WHO were blocking Invermectin information and then you see Lamby (pushing for Invermectin) praising the WHO for their review of Utter Pradesh. Which is it? Are the WHO on the good side or the bad side?
Freedom to go to the footy and see a good game not ruined by stupid rules. :)

We'd all like that too, but we acknowledge that this disease kills a lot of people when allowed to run.

I assume you are in the "let it run" camp then?
We'd all like that too, but we acknowledge that this disease kills a lot of people when allowed to run.

I assume you are in the "let it run" camp then?
Don’t assume Posh. I am fully vaccinated. I happen to be in the camp of a more nuanced approach rather than one size fits all.
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Don’t assume Posh. I am fully vaccinated. I happen to be in the camp of a more nuanced approach rather than one size fits all.

I agree we need an approach but surely that has to be once everyone has been given the chance to be vaccinated?

The vast majority of those under 40 haven't until recently been given a vaccine. Sure there is AZ but I find the way this has been pushed between aged groups has resulted in lower vaccination rates. Ie. AZ is barely dangerous to those over 70 so anyone over 70 getting Pfizer is taking a vaccine away from someone who is younger, who then needs to wait longer to be given the chance of using a vaccine.

Even the UK who has been the biggest pushed of the AZ vaccine, has provided that it does not recommend it for under 40's, yet we have then gone and pushed it, all at the same time that we were giving the older generation vaccine choice which IMO they shouldn't have been given (unless there were health reasons why they shouldn't take AZ).

I would love to get out of lockdown, my kids education is being impacted, I also have very little family in VIC, not knowing when I'll be able to see my family is really hard on the mental health. I had a really bad week mentally a week or so ago and had to take time off work to give me some time away from the groundhog day I was left in. The hardest thing with having family such a long way away, isn't not seeing them, its not having any idea when I will get that chance. I have a lot to gain from opening up, but IMO that cannot provide preferential treatment to those who have had the vaccine UNTIL everyone has been provided the same opportunity.
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Why do we even have this thread in amongst the footy stuff ? There’s a dedicated Covid thread in the General board.
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