Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Just joking mate.
I stated months ago, some "communities" were ignoring rules and having gatherings.

I got told I was being racist.
Errr ok.
Days later, numbers started to climb.
Tip...if you put a smilie face after your comment it let's people know you are joking otherwise it's hard to tell. Hard for me anyway.
It's also got a lot to do with the PM of Sydney sending more vaccines to NSW than anywhere else.

I had my 2nd AZ at the GP yesterday and asked about Pfizer for my son who turns 16 in a couple of weeks. They said they are not getting it until late September at earliest.

Scummo's favouritism of Sydney is driving their vaccination numbers.

I've been trying to get an appointment for my 16yr old Grandson for 3 days. Finally got one for 17th November... Tell me we're getting the same amount of vaccines per head of population as ScuMo's State. In a pigs ear we are. If we were we wouldn't have to wait for months to be vaccinated.
I've been trying to get an appointment for my 16yr old Grandson for 3 days. Finally got one for 17th November... Tell me we're getting the same amount of vaccines per head of population as ScuMo's State. In a pigs ear we are. If we were we wouldn't have to wait for months to be vaccinated.
3 month wait. Absolute *smile*. Victoria is being taken for a ride.
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Good story here in the Age about moves in Vic to increase vaccinations.

Interesting that AZ has been consistently promoted by Andrews etc, while ScoMo and his crew consistently undermined it. Vic is leading the AZ vaccinations by hundreds of thousands.

Age story linked from the tweet
Don't think sco mo has been undermining it. When TAGIa said don't use it on under 60s and PM said can they think again most people went ballistic that he was trying to undermine that panel .

But as I You tubed in the last quarter last night played the Boxer.... all ies and jest, still a man hears what wants to hear and disregards the rest ..... I plead guilty.
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Tier 1 exposure site a hand car wash in Port Melbourne?? Everyday from 21/8 to 27/8! WTF??? Why is this joint open??

No wonder we'll never get out of this lockdown :rolleyes:
That's what I thought as soon as I saw it. ( I was half surprised the self serve car wash was open a week ago. Went there for something to do. )
And I will be jumped on by the forum but everyone one of these cars washes I have been to are stAffed exclusively by people who are very likely to live in large mixed households. Their house mates will be cleaners, aged carers, servo cashiers. Pretty hard to buy into Toorak on 20 an hour with amounts withheld by the franchisee.
The stupidity is mind numbing and how society generates people that think this way. The distrust or lack of knowledge and trust in science is such a huge threat.
In this context yes its appalling how ignorant people can be about science. But it's a much broader malaise... ignorance of history, literature, language, culture.... at a time when virtually every child in the western world and most east Asian nations have completed 13 years of schooling.
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I just don't get it.

Ivermectin is a parasite treatment for animals.

COVID is a respiratory virus.

The chance of a parasite treatment working on a respiratory virus would have to be pretty slim. Fine, do the research and see if there is anything to look at, but without some proper scientific evidence taking this drug is just silly.

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Good story here in the Age about moves in Vic to increase vaccinations.

Interesting that AZ has been consistently promoted by Andrews etc, while ScoMo and his crew consistently undermined it. Vic is leading the AZ vaccinations by hundreds of thousands.

Age story linked from the tweet
ATAGI, Jeanette Young and media undermined AZ.

Jeannette Young quote:

"I don't want an 18-year-old in Queensland dying from a clotting illness who, if they got COVID, probably wouldn't die".
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92 cases today. I worst numbers in over a year.
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Unfortunately the game is well and truly lost.
Same as NSW now.
No chance zero so await 80% which means hard lockdown till December. Bugger.
Foley was just asked a question about vaccines. Of the I think 1m doses we bought from Poland, VIC got 175k of them. NSW got 500k.

Last I looked NSW had 8.2m population of Australias 25.7m (32%) and VIC was 6.7m (25.9%). So if it was a fair allocation, NSW would have received about 320k does and VIC would have received about 260k. So we received 85k less doses which all went to NSW, so its no surprise that they are managing to vaccinate more of their people than we can.
The liberals have given up in Victoria in the election and need to maximise seats in NSW

100% political

last time I saw the numbers Victoria was actually tracking higher than NSW in state based vaccinations per head of population.
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I don't want to hear any spin from the politicians from now on.
I want a clear plan to the other side , huge supply and administration of vaccines , no excuses, anyone can give them anywhere, any day, all day and night, freedoms for those vaccinated and some easing of restrictions ie allow outside sports like golf and visiting immediate families outside etc.
There is no way back now. Four more months of this lockdown is intolerable and an acceptance with a compromise re health issues v life for those who have done the right thing needs to be commenced.
I know there will be big issues re hospitals, sickness and some deaths...but we have lost this fight using hard lockdown, so now there needs to be another approach.
Vaccination needs to be tied to freedoms now, not in December.
No excuses. If you can't get Pfizer and want freedom, take AZ now.

Only other option is for Vic to grow some balls and confront NSW and Feds aggressively. Complete border closure, call out vax provision numbers and call out Fed dirty tactics. Chase other state vaccines, or source themselves, or mandate me this is the way....which we have loads of.
Give AZ day and night in mass hubs with very basic medical and nursing oversight. I can tell you that any monkey can give a vaccination.
If we must have a hard lockdown and Vic still thinks zero is possible...then shut up all things for two weeks. Everything possible. Tough it out. It can be done.

My father used to say this...Desperate situations call for desperate measures.
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I don't want to hear any spin from the politicians from now on.
I want a clear plan to the other side , huge supply and administration of vaccines , no excuses, anyone can give them anywhere, any day, all day and night, freedoms for those vaccinated and some easing of restrictions ie allow outside sports like golf and visiting immediate families outside etc.
There is no way back now. Four more months of this lockdown is intolerable and an acceptance with a compromise re health issues v life for those who gave done the right thing needs to be commenced.
I know there will be big issues re hospitals, sickness and some deaths...but we have lost this fight using hard lockdown, so now there needs to be another approach.
Vaccination needs to be tied to freedoms now, not in December.
No excuses. If you can't get Pfizer and want freedom, take AZ now.
Excellent post.

Also I’m looking at vaccinated numbers by region. Regional Victoria are well ahead of many parts of Melbourne. Melbourne CBD, Melbourne North West and Melbourne West are all well behind. While Geelong, Bendigo, Ballarat, Warrnambool are tracking well. I do live in Warrnambool and the amount of people I know under 40 that have had the AZ is very high. Hence this probably explains it. I would like to thank the State Health in that they obviously have not redirected Pfizer doses like they did in NSW.

There needs to be talk about opening up in Regional Victoria once we get 70% first doses. And those talks need to start today. We need light at the end of the tunnel.
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Tier 1 exposure site a hand car wash in Port Melbourne?? Everyday from 21/8 to 27/8! WTF??? Why is this joint open??

No wonder we'll never get out of this lockdown :rolleyes:
exactly mate, the lockdown isnt a lockdown.
we have lost this,
will never get to zero
People were out everywhere yesterday.
Worst ive seen in last 18 months (11am)

I was shocked.

I had an "essential reason" to be out and really couldnt believe it.
Popped into supermarket on way home, The supermarket was jam packed with the worst being little old ladies just walking around not actually buying anything from what i could sorta see. They were just standing around chit chatting like they probably normally do.

I get it, its an hour out for them.

Very sad.