Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


I will break my rule to make a broader point

What people need to understand is that there is a group of workers in and around healthcare who have been working non stop on this for 18 months. Some have not had a break and have worked 6-7 days a week for all that time, including me. The labour shortage is chronic and the strain on health administrators is unrelenting as it is for the front line staff which is well documented.

There are many pointing out that the health system is under severe stress and what all of us around it are dreading is that it won’t get better for a while. I am all for opening up but with that will come a certain level of cases that the system will have to continue to cope with. What this whole pandemic has proven , which so many of us knew before, was that health system is fantastic but it is not resourced for fast increases in demand in the short term. It needs better planning throughout the ecosystem of health management right down to training and availability of health professionals.

I am not involved in the larger picture of planning vaccinations at a federal or state level so I have no direct experience of what works better or not. What I do know is that everything that is added ( not substituted) needs people and right now we don’t have them to recruit.

There was a comment by an AMA rep yesterday about rules around furloughing staff in the light of what happened at Royal Melbourne. This is a response to the fact that just that one thing created enormous issues in the system with their emergency dept staff being largely furloughed and it just shows what a knife edge it is on. Changing the furlough rules comes with risk and these are the types of decisions people are making day in and day out with no rule book to follow.

To everyone, not just you, please remember that there are large numbers of people doing the best they can under extraordinary pressure and lots of them are very tired.
Whilst none of that has anything to do vaccination hubs we get all that regardless. In my case, whilst they don’t sound as impacted as you, I’ve got a niece that’s a senior sister in a major hospital, a friend that consults to Hunt, and another friend that’s nursing Covid patients. So I know the difficulties.

Everyone is under extreme pressure. Not just you and your cohorts. People who don’t even have a job to complain about. People in other industries that are at breaking point eg law enforcement or industries that are on their knees eg hospitality.

It’s a global crisis. Everyone is impacted. Everyone. Significantly so in many cases.
Gladys is insane?

Good luck policing that.
Exactly. How do you manage or police that ?? She just made a decree for ALL of those people - vaccinated or not. There’s no way of applying and managing rules to separate classes of people. Where’s the framework and capacity for that ???
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Whilst none of that has anything to do vaccination hubs we get all that regardless. In my case, whilst they don’t sound as impacted as you, I’ve got a niece that’s a senior sister in a major hospital, a friend that consults to Hunt, and another friend that’s nursing Covid patients. So I know the difficulties.

Everyone is under extreme pressure. Not just you and your cohorts. People who don’t even have a job to complain about. People in other industries that are at breaking point eg law enforcement or industries that are on their knees eg hospitality.

It’s a global crisis. Everyone is impacted. Everyone. Significantly so in many cases.
You’ve missed my point. I am not saying health professionals are the only ones under pressure. What I am saying is that before criticising and saying things are easy understand that none of it is easy and that it is the same people being asked to make decisions and do things over and over.
I am always grateful I have a job and have been paid whilst this is happening as do all my colleagues, nor do I feel that we are the only ones. Compared to some others we are far better off, but none of that changes the relentlessness of what is happening and the difficulty of it.
There are diffferent pressures on different people and we shouldn’t minimise any of them because all are real.
You’ve missed my point. I am not saying health professionals are the only ones under pressure. What I am saying is that before criticising and saying things are easy understand that none of it is easy and that it is the same people being asked to make decisions and do things over and over.
I am always grateful I have a job and have been paid whilst this is happening as do all my colleagues, nor do I feel that we are the only ones. Compared to some others we are far better off, but none of that changes the relentlessness of what is happening and the difficulty of it.
There are diffferent pressures on different people and we shouldn’t minimise any of them because all are real.
Really not sure what any of that has to do with vaccination hubs and the drive thru variant of them. But again I understand the pressure you’re under.
Might as well not have a finals series then, just the grand final. Only port and Brisbane will be allowed in under that criteria. The other teams will be wasting their time trying to qualify only to be rejected entry
They can’t be classed as essential workers so the only reason they would be granted exemptions would be for political reasons. McGowan has refused entry to many Australians to protect WA, he wouldn’t be a hypocrite and allow non essential workers entry just for popularity would he? Would he? ( We all know the answer to that. At the end of the day he is just another politician)

Anyone but Geelong :D
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Really not sure what any of that has to do with vaccination hubs and the drive thru variant of them. But again I understand the pressure you’re under.
Nothing much, as I said I was making a broader point

the only relevance is that if we are to set up more drive throughs vaccination hubs some poor bugger has to do it and he/she probably has 100 other things to do already. You can’t grab somebody off the street to do it because it needs a certain expertise and knowledge to do it

I am sure they are being looked at but as I already said I have no direct involvement
As a reward for cracking 1000 NSW gets to relax restrictions!!!
If anyone is in a “race”, it’s her and NSW. She must have some damn interesting modelling that shows the crossover point of cases and deaths beginning to retract at a certain level of vaccination. She better get to that point bloody quick.
Nothing much, as I said I was making a broader point

the only relevance is that if we are to set up more drive throughs vaccination hubs some poor bugger has to do it and he/she probably has 100 other things to do already. You can’t grab somebody off the street to do it because it needs a certain expertise and knowledge to do it

I am sure they are being looked at but as I already said I have no direct involvement
No problem. I get it.

On the hubs, these drive thrus are being established and run by the major health care providers eg StVincents, Western Health, Monash Health. All of them already have walk in hubs so you’d like to think that between their resources and experience with walk ins that the establishment of drive thrus is seen to be more efficient, places less strain on resources. Like I said earlier, appears there will be a re direction of existing resources towards them.

The Federal Government is also working on a development and support program for more of them around the country - I suspect NSW will be the first recipients of any such program.
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So it turns out my kid and her BF got Pfizer yesterday.

They booked AZ at Jeff's Shed. On arrival, they were offered a switch to Pfizer, but there was a huge queue for Pfizer, so they stayed in the AZ line. As they are young, in their mid 20s, they were approached again in the queue to see if they wanted Pfizer, but then another staff member said people already in the queue can't switch, they said OK no problem, we'll get AZ. Its their turn at the head of the queue, woman there says "I strongly recommend you get Pfizer so go straight in". So effectively they jumped the queue and got Pfizer even though they were more than willing to get AZ.

  • Wow
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Moving in the right direction with a record amount of vaccines. Would love an update from the Feds on when Moderna is coming as they said it will early September. When that come will be able to push 400,000 plus doses a day.

It’s nice that Dud-mo has supplies flowing now - 6 months late - but now he needs the states to have the supporting infrastructure in place and be operating effectively and efficiently to be able to make use of it and meet these timelines that are being bandied about. And then there’s a whole heap of other issues to contend with in order to meet those timelines eg the laggard phase we’ll hit, boosters that we’ll need in a few months and so on. None of that is factored into John/Mary/Paul whoever they are in suburban Melbourne and their CovidBase projections. (They make a very discrete disclaimer around that if you notice.)
So it turns out my kid and her BF got Pfizer yesterday.

They booked AZ at Jeff's Shed. On arrival, they were offered a switch to Pfizer, but there was a huge queue for Pfizer, so they stayed in the AZ line. As they are young, in their mid 20s, they were approached again in the queue to see if they wanted Pfizer, but then another staff member said people already in the queue can't switch, they said OK no problem, we'll get AZ. Its their turn at the head of the queue, woman there says "I strongly recommend you get Pfizer so go straight in". So effectively they jumped the queue and got Pfizer even though they were more than willing to get AZ.


big pharma v big pharma ??

anything is possible
Highlight the vaccinations at the start as being another incredible result, quickly gloss over the case numbers and deaths as an afterthought.

Rinse and repeat every day.

As she said a few days ago, the only number that matters is vaccinations. Deaths, nah who cares. How many got vaccinated.
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