Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Gladys is saying our big freedom reward for hitting the 6m target,

is getting a haircut.

you should get a joker you can play on a freedom you actually want.

Rastafarians and Sikhs and hillbillies have had the highest vaccination rate of any group per capita in NSW.

Not much has changed in 'leadership' in 500 years really?

let them eat cake!
Is this scientifically proven?
Difficult to find comprehensive evidence either way, but in the history of people vaccinated against a virus, there is not to my knowledge any evidence that vaccinated people will pass it on in any substantial way.
It will depend on anti body production post vax and obviously there will be some who make a poor response.
We know the virus can be detected in the swab of a vaccinated person but it does not tell us if the virus is alive, probably not, or if alive, for how long.
It is very very likely from prior experience that vaccinated people will not be contagious for covid 19, or if they may be, it would be for a very brief time and the viral load they shed would be small.
Until studies have been done , which will take many months, we will not know for certain. Ultimately we have to have faith in vaccination and prior experience tells us we should.
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so, if you're an old Dees supporter, and you dont live in WA, you have zero chance of seeing your side break a 64 year drought?

I know everyone has a Covid heartbreak story, many of births and deaths,

but I rate that, as a tragedy.

sixty four years.

I wouldn't have copped well being locked up in September 2017

I reckon I'd be buying a camel and start walking through the desert if I barracked for Melbourne,

either that or getting a job on a mine :vomit
Got a friend who is a 50 year member she would be that desperate.
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How what? How can they cope? Have sufficient pipes into enough compute resources to handle the load. It's not that hard. In fact it's a lot easier these days with cloud pay-what-you-use based computing power. You don't have to buy equipment, you tell your provider you need more power and they'll turn it on. Assuming your code is well written and can fully use the resources it has available to it.

Yep, just spin up new instances of the server on the cloud, route traffic through a virtual load balancer and off you go. Amazon Web Services baby. And if demand subsides you can set it up to spin down the excess instances and you only pay for what you use.
Couldnt see that, undoubtedly it is low.

As the proportion of vaccinated people goes up, more deaths will be those who have one or two doses than those who have had none. In a world where 100% are vaxxed, 100% of deaths will be vaccinated people. But the overall death rates will be much, much lower. This article explains it nicely.

Yep, just spin up new instances of the server on the cloud, route traffic through a virtual load balancer and off you go. Amazon Web Services baby. And if demand subsides you can set it up to spin down the excess instances and you only pay for what you use.

Though being a gov dept, you'd have to check if they've finished porting their code from COBOL to VisualBasic first
Though being a gov dept, you'd have to check if they've finished porting their code from COBOL to VisualBasic first

Indeed, and their main server is an old box running under some dudes desk. If that's the case, they're pharked
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As the proportion of vaccinated people goes up, more deaths will be those who have one or two doses than those who have had none. In a world where 100% are vaxxed, 100% of deaths will be vaccinated people. But the overall death rates will be much, much lower. This article explains it nicely.

Makes sense.
Got a friend who is a 50 year member she would be that desperate.

I have a friend trying to find a way to WA as he is a Melbourne supporter, I'm not sure what the current rules are but I can't see it happening. I tried to get to WA a while ago and no go. Wonder if it is possible with quarantine and vaccination?

That Conversation article is good (I posted it a couple of weeks ago, but it bears repeating). The critical issue here is whether the vaccines can protect us long term (possibly with boosters) from the worst effects of COVID. If the vaccine has no impact on the spread of the disease (assuming a worst case scenario here) but does lead to very low numbers of people getting very sick and/or dying then we will likely just have to live with the virus like we do with a lot of other viruses which do lead to death but in very small numbers. The main problem here is that, politically, we have backed ourselves into a b it of a corner, but eventually (after the Federal Election I suspect) we either need to find a way to stop the spread of COVID or get to the point where catching COVID is not such an issue - people who catch COVID are far less likely to get very sick or die.

One other aspect, which has been discussed on Coronacast, is the contact tracing which is not really being discussed much in relation to the Doherty Institute model. If the case numbers are high then contact tracing becomes far more difficult, therefore, we do need to try and control case numbers if we are going to open up but maintain limited lockdowns or restrictions when there is an outbreak.

Yes it does, but of course those mad antivax kids are running around using this as evidence that vaxxes are a con and will make you die

Sounds like the sort of cherry picking and distorting/misrepresenting of data we regularly get in relation to climate change. Coming from the same people too no doubt.

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I have a friend trying to find a way to WA as he is a Melbourne supporter, I'm not sure what the current rules are but I can't see it happening. I tried to get to WA a while ago and no go. Wonder if it is possible with quarantine and vaccination?

Mcgowan has said NSW or Vic cant come in under any circumstances.

Melbourne supporters best chance would be getting an embroidery place to make a counterfeit Rio Tinto or Woodside Petroleum logo on a fluoro shirt,

grow a beard, put on a South African accent, and drink 15 bourbons and take 4 sleeping pills on the plane over.

and just walk through with a mouth full of Biltong.

I'd be finding a way if I was a Demon.
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