Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


So we spec it for a one hour window/one time only ever demand, for appointments made weeks down the track. If you log on today rather than yesterday it makes no difference? I would imagine that's a bit of a waste of money and resources, although I am an accountant not an IT boffin, it may be cheaper and easier than I know.

You decide what you want to spend to handle your load. If you decide to lower your costs and let your target audience face some disruption during peaks then it's your call. Commercial entities would rather not have the bad press as they would lose customers to competition. Monopolies or Government depts wouldn't care too much about losing customers.

How easy is it? You log into a portal and click a couple of buttons and there you have it. Sure, you may go over budget but that's the accountant's problem, not the IT dude.
How? There are multiple gambling sites? Multiple options for people, I'm sure if there was only one system and everyone tried to get on at

nuh. online gambling only really had traction for about 10 years. (smart phones didn't exist 14 years ago - you had a TAB phone account and rang up and talked to an Australian bloke - you could hear him sucking on a durry).

before that, there was 5 million people having a bet in 8 hours at the TAB on Cup day

and it never crashed or gave anyone the wrong horse.
80 cases today. That got me. Was not ready for that.

We are not on the way out of this. All of September we will be locked down.
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80 cases today. That got me. Was not ready for that.

We are not on the way out of this. All of September we will be locked down.

so, if you're an old Dees supporter, and you dont live in WA, you have zero chance of seeing your side break a 64 year drought?

I know everyone has a Covid heartbreak story, many of births and deaths,

but I rate that, as a tragedy.

sixty four years.

I wouldn't have copped well being locked up in September 2017

I reckon I'd be buying a camel and start walking through the desert if I barracked for Melbourne,

either that or getting a job on a mine :vomit
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80 cases today. That got me. Was not ready for that.

We are not on the way out of this. All of September we will be locked down.
September? Will be lucky to be out of *smile* lockdown by Christmas.

Delta is :vomit
You've never been at the Marquis in West Hobart I take it. Every bloody year the system used to crash. Absolute clockwork!
And I hear the Brunswick down there caught fire and is closed ? Tragedy. The greatest beef schnitzels (with gravy) on the entire free planet.

This unmitigated disaster must be addressed for the people down there.
You've never been at the Marquis in West Hobart I take it. Every bloody year the system used to crash. Absolute clockwork!

they should have given the pidgeons more wheat on the first Monday in November?
650 people died in the UK in a week, including about 150 under the age of 65. which i guess compared to the nearly 10,000 deaths per week the UK peaked at is quite low.
I am not sure Australians would consider hundreds of deaths per week as living normally.

Whats the alternative Brodders?

Plus whats the excess death rate in the UK?
I saw the waning vaccination protection figures.
I would take them as an estimate, not gospel, as very hard to accurately assess due to multiple mitigating factors. is to be expected that immunity will wane, as it does with all immune responses. This is completely normal.
However, covid is a rapidly mutating virus , like influenza, and for ongoing immunity a regular booster will be required.
So as I previously pointed out, we will need booster vaccinations to cover mutating variants on a regular basis.
Totally to be expected.
So a 80% vax rate is a point in time marker. Six months after the effective vax rate drops away.. does that mean we need to gear up to vax whole pop.twice per year?
I am convinced we will not get rid of covid from Vic now.
Will be locked down till 80 % vax.....late November .
Time to let fully vaccinated people have some freedoms..and likewise to every person who obtains full vaccination as it occurs.
Hairdressers, golf, visit immediate family, etc...low risk things.
There is very little evidence that fully vaccinated people will pass on covid...if any.
It is time to be proactive and make positive, encouraging changes in my view.
I know not all will agree, but we now need some optimism. Too long locked down for no progress other than the obvious saving of lives. Very depressing .
I really think it would be a positive change.
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In the meantime QANTAS expect to resume flights to high vaccination rate countries mid-December
Whats the alternative Brodders?

Plus whats the excess death rate in the UK?
Yeah, i dont know. I just think the idea that the rest of the world has resumed normal life while we continue to be stuck in lockdown is a bit of nonsense.

the Libs keep talking about Australia needing an open and honest conversation about opening up and the deaths that will follow, but they sure as hell wont lead that conversation, because it cant be done with a slogan.

obviously vaccinations are the way out in the long term, but NSW (and possibly Victoria) cant expect other states to open borders when high case numbers continue.
- 33,932 vaccine doses were administered

I got Pfizer #2 yesterday, waiting for 5G reception to kick in.
That’s just the Victorian immunisation hub number ie not inclusive of federally provided data in respect of GP’s, clinics etc.