Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


If you hadn't already had the jab would you get the one that takes 12 weeks to be fully vaxed or the one that takes 3 weeks?

The messaging from Morrison & Andrews has been mixed though. All comes down to supply..
Yep Agree on supply (key thing). Majority want vax which is great news.

Hopefully the next 4 to 6 wks as younger people are eligible we can see the full vax climb very fast.
Keeping in mind of the time b/w jabs(types A Zor PFz). High rates previous weeks.
Very promising imo

Son going in for his 1st jab tmrw - did qualify for Pfzr & advise supply ok.
Wife had her 2nd jab yesterday. (AZ)
Another mate 2nd jab today (AZ)
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The 10 unlinked cases from today’s case announcements have since been linked. Shepparton outbreak genomically linked to Glenroy. Hopefully this means we are starting to get on top of this. Shout out to our incredible contract tracers.
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I don't think so - Its the PM who has provided confusing messaging.

The last 3 days has seen 15 000 appointments cancelled in Victoria since Morrison announced that Pfizer would be available to basically everyone by the end of the month.

To stop people cancelling their appointments (or worse, no-showing), Dan tells the public that they'll get whatever vaccine they prefer if you show up to your appointment. Makes sense to me!
so PM shouldn't have announced it? Just delivered it ? If hadn't announced it you would have found some reason to whinge about that.
I wasn't confused, you can be confused if you want to be.
We will be very soon be awash with vaccine now, roll up ....

Dan needs to emphasise local GPs more - I know he does not control them but strangely not everyone wants to or feels comfortable turning up to a mass vax hub. GPs have delivered as many does as the hubs to date and should continue to do so. Might make great TV pictures with queues snaking out the door but there is an existing network of medical pros ready and able to deliver the jabs,. (I acknowledge a lot of people don't have or need a regular GP)
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Did I hear the NSW deputy health minister say they are having a vaccination cup? WTF

Looking at the Doherty modelling compared to what is happening overseas, its actually quite scary we are using them as the definition of what will happen once we get to x% of vaccines as their modelling looks quite different to what is happening overseas.
what was the UK modelling ? I assume they expected they outcomes they are experiencing and are they comfortable with them now? Did UK have very low case rates just before they opened up? Maybe that's the key.
I have zero confidence this current administration (feds) has the talent to get this right. They've *smile* up everything so far, what makes a re-opening plan any different?
the states will do what they want MDJ so you can look to your own states govt talent. national cabinet have only agreed on one thing: cutting inward travel numbers.
If you hadn't already had the jab would you get the one that takes 12 weeks to be fully vaxed or the one that takes 3 weeks?

The messaging from Morrison & Andrews has been mixed though. All comes down to supply..

Pretty sure the recommended timeframes have been changed to get more first jabs in. My 2nd Pfizer was booked 6 weeks apart and I gather AZ is a 8 week period between shots now. At one point, what you're saying was true though, and that it almost made more sense to wait for Pfizer as you'd be fully vaccinated sooner.

so PM shouldn't have announced it? Just delivered it ? If hadn't announced it you would have found some reason to whinge about that.
I wasn't confused, you can be confused if you want to be.
We will be very soon be awash with vaccine now, roll up ....

Dan needs to emphasise local GPs more - I know he does not control them but strangely not everyone wants to or feels comfortable turning up to a mass vax hub. GPs have delivered as many does as the hubs to date and should continue to do so. Might make great TV pictures with queues snaking out the door but there is an existing network of medical pros ready and able to deliver the jabs,. (I acknowledge a lot of people don't have or need a regular GP)

Personally i'm not confused at all, i've already been to see my GP and was recommended a vaccine. But for those who are wondering whether its worth waiting for Pfizer or getting AZ today (which i'm sure there is many), the PM's announcement certainly added to confusion, there's no denying the fact that 15 000 appointments were either cancelled or no-shows over the last few days since his announcement. Just another example of the PM's hamfisted vaccine rollout

It would be helpful if there was a bit more coordination on vaccine numbers by the PM and one of the state leaders, wouldn't you agree?
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If you hadn't already had the jab would you get the one that takes 12 weeks to be fully vaxed or the one that takes 3 weeks?

The messaging from Morrison & Andrews has been mixed though. All comes down to supply..

You can safely take AZ after four weeks - this is official from ATAGI, from the Aus Health site. I had mine after 6 weeks.

There was early evidence from the UK that the second dose was most effective after 12, but they've since cut wait time to 8 weeks in the UK.

If I wasn't vaxxed I go and get whatever they have available. If it's AZ, I'd then get the second shot soon after four weeks. My 25 year old kid is going to get her first AZ tomorrow.
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Pretty sure the recommended timeframes have been changed to get more first jabs in. My 2nd Pfizer was booked 6 weeks apart and I gather AZ is a 8 week period between shots now. At one point, what you're saying was true though, and that it almost made more sense to wait for Pfizer as you'd be fully vaccinated sooner.

Personally i'm not confused at all, i've already been to see my GP and was recommended a vaccine. But for those who are wondering whether its worth waiting for Pfizer or getting AZ today (which i'm sure there is many), the PM's announcement certainly added to confusion, there's no denying the fact that 15 000 appointments were either cancelled or no-shows over the last few days since his announcement. Just another example of the PM's hamfisted vaccine rollout

It would be helpful if there was a bit more coordination on vaccine numbers by the PM and one of the state leaders, wouldn't you agree?
confusion... or people making a choice? there were plenty of reports of no shows and cancellations at hubs (and I assume GPs) in prior weeks and months (recall reports of wastage and staff going outside saying anyone want a dose come on in)
How can I say no there shouldn't be more coordination but its not a text book exercise, will be stuff ups, unintended consequences.

I cannot believe that state health workers have below expected vax rates and that it hasn't been made compulsory by the ALP govt (union pressure? ) when people were howling about aged care workers.

Just hearing Dan saying 18-39 will be given a choice of Pf or AZ.... will be interesting to see if that's the end of AZ except for old bastards like me. And Why would he allow that if he knew there was not enough Pf available if everyone says Pfizer please (this is not a beef or chicken alternating wedding)
(and yet AZ was the one that saved UK but downunder we know better).
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Where is the messaging on this. Being obese triples your risk of hospitalisation! Should obese people face the same stigmas as anti-vaxxers for putting a burden on the public health system?

Where is the messaging on this. Being obese triples your risk of hospitalisation! Should obese people face the same stigmas as anti-vaxxers for putting a burden on the public health system?

I think I knew that before COVID .... I think of it every time I rip the top off a stubby.

But on a sombre note, I had reason to visit a hospital early this year and the room next door looked very different ... being empty I had a look in ... it was set up for morbidly obese - huge bed, and a massive bathroom with a toilet that looked like a German pill box and what was quite sad a lifting and rail system to move the patient to and from.
It was also a negative pressure room - was occupied one night but it was a zero covid period so assume it was some other suspected infectious diseases as there were plenty of spare beds throughout the ward (over two weeks there was never more than two thirds full and often much fewer than half - wondering if this is a sing of lower admissions of regular cases during covid )
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confusion... or people making a choice? there were plenty of reports of no shows and cancellations at hubs (and I assume GPs) in prior weeks and months (recall reports of wastage and staff going outside saying anyone want a dose come on in)
How can I say no there shouldn't be more coordination but its not a text book exercise, will be stuff ups, unintended consequences.

I cannot believe that state health workers have below expected vax rates and that it hasn't been made compulsory by the ALP govt (union pressure? ) when people were howling about aged care workers.

Just hearing Dan saying 18-39 will be given a choice of Pf or AZ.... will be interesting to see if that's the end of AZ except for old bastards like me. And Why would he allow that if he knew there was not enough Pf available if everyone says Pfizer please (this is not a beef or chicken alternating wedding)
(and yet AZ was the one that saved UK but downunder we know better).

The problem is people choosing to abandon their AZ booking in favour of a Pfizer booking at at later date. DA's announcement today means this should no longer be a problem, but he wouldn't need to if there has been better communication from the PM, and he's had a recent history of making big announcements related to vaccines without consulting the premiers.

Have other states made it compulsory for their health care workers to be vaccinated?

AZ has been unfairly maligned, however the fact is it was a) never approved for use in the USA, b) the EU revoked its use and c) our own vaccine advisory body changed their recommendation to anyone over 60. And the only reason they flipped to GP-approved use due to an outbreak here - Hardly inspiring stuff.
It is going to be interesting to see what happens with State Premiers when we hit 80% full vax rate with border controls.

One promising thing i have been watching is even though case nos are high in NSW, death rates are low. Shows the positive impact of vaxs. Hope more people reconsider their stance that might be sitting on tne fence.

To me it made sense to pump extra vax into NSW to try to curb that outbreak & luckily supply is now there covering other state needs too.

I do hope on another point, whatever spare AZ this country has it is shipped overseas to our neighboring countries in desperate need for free & no political spin on it. Just do it for the humanitarian grounds
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AZ has been unfairly maligned, however the fact is it was a) never approved for use in the USA, b) the EU revoked its use and c) our own vaccine advisory body changed their recommendation to anyone over 60. And the only reason they flipped to GP-approved use due to an outbreak here - Hardly inspiring stuff.
re B) EU revoking use does not mean all EU countries have stopped using it.

But if there are lower risk alternatives with ample supply then no reason for us to take any more risk so we can donate it. (when the Danes stopped using it Czechs said our trucks are pulling up in front of your hospitals, load them up)
AZ has been unfairly maligned, however the fact is it was a) never approved for use in the USA, b) the EU revoked its use and c) our own vaccine advisory body changed their recommendation to anyone over 60. And the only reason they flipped to GP-approved use due to an outbreak here - Hardly inspiring stuff.

Doesn't sound right BlueTooth Tiger, the EU actually took AstraZ. to court because they hadn't delivered enough doses of AZ as per contract. The court ordered them to deliver 80 million doses, pronto. The EU wanted 120 million doses.

On the US, AZ the company never applied for FDA approval. In fact no vaccines are totally approved in the US but Pfizer, Moderna and J&J (IIRC) have got emergency approval. AZ is considering applying for FDA approval this year according to this article - the US has no shortage of vaccines so it looks as though it was more of a commercial decision by AZ not to apply yet.

Again AZ is getting a bum rap here for no good reason.

edit - Pfizer has just received full FDA approval in the last few days, the first vaccine to get this.

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Doesn't sound right BlueTooth Tiger, the EU actually took AstraZ. to court because they hadn't delivered enough doses of AZ as per contract. The court ordered them to deliver 80 million doses, pronto. The EU wanted 120 million doses.

On the US, AZ the company never applied for FDA approval. In fact no vaccines are totally approved in the US but Pfizer, Moderna and J&J (IIRC) have got emergency approval. AZ is considering applying for FDA approval this year according to this article - the US has no shortage of vaccines so it looks as though it was more of a commercial decision by AZ not to apply yet.

Again AZ is getting a bum rap here for no good reason.

edit - Pfizer has just received full FDA approval in the last few days, the first vaccine to get this.

Fair enough, I stand corrected on the EU and US approval processes on AZ. I guess I'm contributing to the bad wrap.

Does anyone have a source for what percentage of each approved vaccine were used in the UK rollout? I've often seen it referenced that it was almost entirely AZ but i reckon they used a bit of everything that had available to them.
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AZ does get bad press and quite unjustified. You can't simply say it is a less safe alternative, and, in any case, less safe? It really has very rare side effects, which are rarely untreatable.

Also, there are some reports coming out that AZ may be effective for longer, clearly not conclusive and more research needs to be done, but it is a possibility. Who knows how long an mRNA vaccine lasts, they are new technology. For that matter, who knows what the long term side effects of mRNA vaccines are, nobody knows, new technology - highly unlikely but we have a lot more experience of vaccines like AZ.

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