Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


I would hope so. I was happy to read this plan this morning and I would encourage everyone to read it. We need a plan to work towards and people need to understand what it looks like. Personal accountability for adults.

As for the children going back to school in 2022 I would like to see that we have an opportunity to vaccinate our kids.

Is this the model we are following?

In an average year of influenza, we would roughly have 600 deaths and 200,000 cases in Australia. Any death is a tragedy, but our health system can cope with this. In the COVID-19 modelling, opening up at 70% vaccine coverage of the adult population with partial public health measures, we predict 385,983 symptomatic cases and 1,457 deaths over six months. With optimal public health measures (and no lockdowns), this can be significantly reduced to 2,737 infections and 13 deaths.

13 deaths over 6 months? What year they talking?
It would have to 2022. We should be over the 80% of over 16’s by the end of the year if the Australian people roll up their sleeves.
50 new cases today, 40 linked to current cases. % in iso not released as yet.

Just updated 22% fully isolated.
Good to see a lower overall number but after 3 weeks in lockdown why is the number of people not in isolation still so high??
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I have zero confidence this current administration (feds) has the talent to get this right. They've *smile* up everything so far, what makes a re-opening plan any different?
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50 new cases today, 40 linked to current cases. % in iso not released as yet.

Just updated 22% fully isolated.

Its great to see lower numbers. Hopefully it stays that way. The Reff number has been over 2 the past 2 days, but its 1.7 today. If we’re gonna get on top of this outbreak, now is the time.

I'm interested to see the breakdown of cases in Shepparton. You would think the percentage of fully isolated people in Melbourne would be higher because the Shepp outbreak is only 4-5 days old. If the Melbourne and Shepp outbreaks stay separate, it should be easier to manage (in theory at least).
Listening to ABC radio news on the way into work. Apparently Germany are about to do away with reporting infection numbers as their authorities feel it's a meaningless number for where they are at now in pandemic management. Only going to be reporting numbers of the various degrees of hospitalisation.

I figured this is the way things would go eventually. Not like talk of this is a new. However what spiked my curiosity. In the story it was stated they are currently at 60% fully vaccinated. What I couldn't work out is if that 60% figure was 60% of eligible people (so 60% of 16+YOs, and would mean your vaccination rate of the overall population is more like 40-50%), or 60% of the overall population (which intuitively would mean something in the vicinity of 80% of 16+YOs fully vaccinated).
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I'll keep coming back to the 80% number because I think it's under-reported:

"Ms Berejiklian told A Current Affair host Tracy Grimshaw that when 80 per cent of the population is vaccinated with both doses, "life will be much better"."

Population includes everyone, those under 16 and 12. Achieving 80% when Under 16s can't get vaccinated will mean high 90's of those above 16. Delta spreads amongst kids and makes them sick.

Its still 16+, listening to reports yesterday I gather the thinking is that transmission mainly occurs via 20-35 year olds and once that cohort is vaccinated the spread of the virus to children will be curtailed.

COVID has ripped through schools and the governments are very quick to quarantine the entire student base and family if there is a school case.
Good to see a lower overall number but after 3 weeks in lockdown why is the number of people not in isolation still so high??
people's infectious period starts 2 days before they show symptoms. people generally are only in isolation for their entire infectious period when they are a close contact of someone who got tested very quickly once they caught the virus.

not being in isolation does not mean people are out in the community infectious.
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I have zero confidence this current administration (feds) has the talent to get this right. They've *smile* up everything so far, what makes a re-opening plan any different?
The plan is by this person. It’s not done by the Feds. We have to take the politics out of it.

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You really have to love ( I mean *smile* hate with a passion) the rhetoric now.

We have gone from elimination to *smile* your kids, the economy is more important. Nowhere in his public addresses does the PM mention the plan for children who can't get vaccinated.
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You really have to love ( I mean *smile* hate with a passion) the rhetoric now.

We have gone from elimination to *smile* your kids, the economy is more important. Nowhere in his public addresses does the PM mention the plan for children who can't get vaccinated.

They'll keep dropping the age as further testing or new vaccine formulas prove safe for kids. Many countries around the world have the cut-off at 12yo now. I assume Australia hasn't allowed that because, well, because there aren't enough vaccines.
The plan is by this person. It’s not done by the Feds. We have to take the politics out of it.

but from reports the modelling is done assuming low rates of the virus to begin with.
also the modelling was done when children were being affected, and spreading the virus.

and certain governments (2) are being evasive when talking about what 70 or 80% actually means? does it mean of the whole population or just of the ages that can be vaccinated?
and certain governments (2) appear to be pushing this modelling to excuse their actions, and to limit their responsibility to the situation NSW (and Victoria as a result) currently finds itself in.
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They'll keep dropping the age as further testing or new vaccine formulas prove safe for kids. Many countries around the world have the cut-off at 12yo now. I assume Australia hasn't allowed that because, well, because there aren't enough vaccines.
Well they don't give a fig about the kids future on climate change either. Jokes on me for thinking they might want to protect the future generations.

The vaccine rollout has been a complete farce from the start and all because they banked the good work the states have done. They thought they could cheap arse their way through it and then delta hit.

While I understand the UK and the US as well as Israel are dabbling in testing the vaccines on kids under 12 and obviously documenting the research, we don't even have a plan.

When you consider at least one in three people who get covid end up with permanent effects (long covid) and children getting things like heart or lung issues.... These are the things we know about so far.

The risk to our kids is massive. They have no protection.
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The view had always been - up until now - that viral loads and sickness and mortality rates associated with the young were so low that when it came to vaccination proportions, it was only referenced to 16+. It was thought that non vaccinated 16- would create its own cohort of herd immunity reasonably safely, and without impacting 16+. Thus, you still get 80% of the full population into a protective state.

But again, with Delta and further research and what we’re seeing, that perspective may be changing.