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I've come to the conclusion that the Doherty Institute is to Covid-19 what Champion Data is to AFL football.

And there are plenty of David King's.
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2 Lara covid 19 cases confirmed today.
1 Geelong case.

Starting to spread a bit.

Although Lara. Geelong is only 40mins from Melb and 20mins from Wyndham.
Vaccines are 100% federal government. Just another thing they’ve *smile* up like quarantine
I know the vaccine rollout is 100% a federal government responsibility.

The point I make is the federal government provide some of the vaccines to the states to distribute through venues such as the mass vaccination hubs, administered by the states. The balance are distributed through aged care and primary care, administrated by the Federal Government.

Scroll down to "Doses by Administration Channel". Currently 10M by the Federals, 7M by the states.

From the covidlive website -


23 Aug 2,093,786310,4423,501,201


23 Aug 2,124,333144,4482,151,381

Look at all the additional doses provided under federal administration in NSW. (Not additional, just bought forward, as Gladys corrected her freudian slip during one of last weeks press wrecks).

I have no doubt that the additional doses that have been secured / bought forward will mostly be allocated to the federal administration side rather than the state administration side, and then, before the next election, Scotty from Marketing can trumpet that he has led the way, and won the race.
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I know the vaccine rollout is 100% a federal government responsibility.

The point I make is the federal government provide some of the vaccines to the states to distribute through venues such as the mass vaccination hubs, administered by the states. The balance are distributed through aged care and primary care, administrated by the Federal Government.

Scroll down to "Doses by Administration Channel". Currently 10M by the Federals, 7M by the states.

From the covidlive website -


23 Aug2,093,786310,4423,501,201


23 Aug2,124,333144,4482,151,381

Look at all the additional doses provided under federal administration in NSW. (Not additional, just bought forward, as Gladys corrected her freudian slip during one of last weeks press wrecks).

I have no doubt that the additional doses that have been secured / bought forward will mostly be allocated to the federal administration side rather than the state administration side, and then, before the next election, Scotty from Marketing can trumpet that he has led the way, and won the race.
Got it.
And to add, we can all see Gladys and Hazzard claiming they’re ready to open when they get to whatever the target of the day is and complain about other states lagging behind
Super scary that this variant is spreading rapidly in kids and worse is dangerous to them. Real thought needs to go into the next steps.
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I've come to the conclusion that the Doherty Institute is to Covid-19 what Champion Data is to AFL football.

And there are plenty of David King's.

If Morrison is quoting the data, we have to be suspicious.

He doesnt quote IPCC data.
Super scary that this variant is spreading rapidly in kids and worse is dangerous to them. Real thought needs to go into the next steps.

Morrison might be jolted into attempting some form of civil leadership if white girls his daughters age start getting intubated?
Super scary that this variant is spreading rapidly in kids and worse is dangerous to them. Real thought needs to go into the next steps.
Death rates are down this year as vaccines are having a positive impact in protecting people from the severty of the desease but in saying that, yeah, been an sad eye opener the impact to the young compared to what we had experienced last year.

I know overseas they are trying to work out how early these vaccines can be used on children. Will be interesting to see how this pans out. Read as low as 12 y.o. with good success but unsure if they have been applied even younger.
What is needed for u12 approvals….


I listened to some discussion about how you further accelerate approvals for vaccines. It involves giving someone the vaccine and then deliberately giving them Covid after the vaccine has been administered and potentially paying them life insurance type levels of money (need a small number of participants) vs double blind and then seeing who gets Covid (need large numbers of people to offer their kids for testing and then have to wait).

It’s a real clash of utilitarian thinking and a doctors do no harm code… but also where doing no harm is harming many by delaying vaccine availability by many months.

Seems a very slippery slope.
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Well first time I’ve seen berejilkian say that they made mistakes. She is spot on that we need to get ready for lots of deaths once we open up. Seems in thousands type territory.

She has to answer questions here as just one interviewer.
Tracy's eyes told the whole story.
Gladys excusing away that she made mistakes doesn't make her any less accountable for them.
I hope NSW is ready for the *smile* storm their public health system is about to undertake..
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This statement from the Doherty is the National plan. Now it’s a race to vaccinate. Feds stop giving extra doses to NSW.

This statement from the Doherty is the National plan. Now it’s a race to vaccinate. Feds stop giving extra doses to NSW.

Some “interesting “ claims. Are they aware of some real world examples such as Israel and the UK?
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Some “interesting “ claims. Are they aware of some real world examples such as Israel and the UK?

I’d imagine they have used it - without us actually being modellers we are speculating on which factors count the most. I imagine age, weight, real population density weighted for where people live etc. are all important.

Israel at 60% fully vax and was letting it rip. 9 million pop and deaths up to 55 yesterday. Out of interest Israel population density is 400/km^2 which is only just under India at 460. (These are macro numbers and not what I talked about above)

UK at 62% vax.

It’s unvaccinated obese old people in large families at the pointy end of the stick.

It’s not clear to me if our 70-80% is total pop or 16+
Given the let it rip talk from Gladys with backing from the PM, you'd be absolutely crazy not to get yourself & your kids (when possible) vaccinated ASAP.

yeah, its gonna read like a Margaret Atwood novel

Is it safe to assume the 25,000 Australian deaths being predicted after opening up @ 80% will be old, black, and disabled and be nothing like Morrison or his daughters?
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Some “interesting “ claims. Are they aware of some real world examples such as Israel and the UK?
I would hope so. I was happy to read this plan this morning and I would encourage everyone to read it. We need a plan to work towards and people need to understand what it looks like. Personal accountability for adults.

As for the children going back to school in 2022 I would like to see that we have an opportunity to vaccinate our kids.
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I would hope so. I was happy to read this plan this morning and I would encourage everyone to read it. We need a plan to work towards and people need to understand what it looks like. Personal accountability for adults.

As for the children going back to school in 2022 I would like to see that we have an opportunity to vaccinate our kids.
In an average year of influenza, we would roughly have 600 deaths and 200,000 cases in Australia. Any death is a tragedy, but our health system can cope with this. In the COVID-19 modelling, opening up at 70% vaccine coverage of the adult population with partial public health measures, we predict 385,983 symptomatic cases and 1,457 deaths over six months. With optimal public health measures (and no lockdowns), this can be significantly reduced to 2,737 infections and 13 deaths.

13 deaths over 6 months? What year they talking?
It’s not clear to me if our 70-80% is total pop or 16+

Its still 16+, listening to reports yesterday I gather the thinking is that transmission mainly occurs via 20-35 year olds and once that cohort is vaccinated the spread of the virus to children will be curtailed.
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