Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Seems like pollies of all persuasions, no matter what country are full of the same *smile* and wind.

The saintly NZ PM makes sure she adds a good dose of deflection into her press conferences, blaming Australia for the virus returning to NZ.

No mention of their snail pace (and I mean ridiculously snail pace - even well behind us) vaccination roll out. We complain that our Federal Govt buggered this up. But hells bells, don’t know what’s gone wrong there in a country much celebrated as COVID management leaders (others might know the specifics on the slow vaccine rollout in NZ)? And that they don’t magically have some sort of world’s best practice quarantine arrangement either, that I think some in Australia are under the impression they have. In actual fact, their quarantine set up is pretty much the same flawed model as ours.

But there does tend to be some form of ‘grass is greener’ worshipping adulation of NZ in some quarters of Australia. Who seem to think NZ is doing something magically different.

However, just like the smaller states in Australia. NZ got a bit statistically lucky due to just not having pure weight of numbers coming through hotel quarantine. VIC & NSW were always doing the lions share of the work in Australia. And have other elements, such as some of the most dense living arrangements in Australia in some quarters of Melbourne and Sydney. So it’s logical that they were statistically more likely to have cases slip past the keeper and it would be harder to quell than other jurisdictions once out.
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It starts with quarantine. Not one outbreak from Howard Springs?
A golden opportunity missed.
quarantine has been a stuff up, undoubtedly. After 18months barely anything has changed.
but this outbreak was from a pilot infecting a limo driver.
a combination of luck, and an unwillingness of some governments to enforce restrictions (mask wearing in this case.)
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Seems like pollies of all persuasions, no matter what country are full of the same *smile* and wind.

The saintly NZ PM makes sure she adds a good dose of deflection into her press conferences, blaming Australia for the virus returning to NZ.

No mention of their snail pace (and I mean ridiculously snail pace - even well behind us) vaccination roll out. We complain that our Federal Govt buggered this up. But hells bells, don’t know what’s gone wrong there in a country much celebrated as COVID management leaders (others might know the specifics on the slow vaccine rollout in NZ)? And that they don’t magically have some sort of world’s best practice quarantine arrangement either, that I think some in Australia are under the impression they have. In actual fact, their quarantine set up is pretty much the same flawed model as ours.

But there does tend to be some form of ‘grass is greener’ worshipping adulation of NZ in some quarters of Australia. Who seem to think NZ is doing something magically different.

However, just like the smaller states in Australia. NZ got a bit statistically lucky due to just not having pure weight of numbers coming through hotel quarantine. VIC & NSW were always doing the lions share of the work in Australia. And have other elements, such as some of the most dense living arrangements in Australia in some quarters of Melbourne and Sydney. So it’s logical that they were statistically more likely to have cases slip past the keeper and it would be harder to quell than other jurisdictions once out.
New Zealand’s vaccine roll out is terrible. I hope they also realise it’s a race.
quarantine has been a stuff up, undoubtedly. After 18months barely anything has changed.
but this outbreak was from a pilot infecting a limo driver.
a combination of luck, and an unwillingness of some governments to enforce restrictions (mask wearing in this case.)
Governments can announce all the restrictions and guidelines they like, ultimately they rely on the public to follow them. It started here from people doing the wrong thing, from an obvious breach of restrictions. And continues to spread from people doing the wrong thing, despite the restrictions. Hard not to wish a severe dose of covid on those catching it doing the wrong thing. But there are probably lots of unfortunate people catching this virus and reality is I hope no one gets a bad dose. I just wish we could see some positive news in all this. The OS experience of highly vaccinated countries isn't exactly promising. The danger to young people is the real kicker with this variant.

You'd hope a smart government would be processing all the info available to plot the best course for the nation. Unfortunately we have scomo. What chance do we have of navigating this well?
I read that there are 5,000,000 AZ vaccines ready to go now. It’s just a huge shame that the recommendation between doses is 10 to 12 weeks rather than the 4. I know several people who aged in their 30’s get the AZ. But they felt it was likely that they would be vaccinated faster if they waited.

What National Cabinet need to do urgently is release models on getting the 80% and with what vaccines. For example they can say we need to put another 20,000,000 doses in. We will have in the next 8 weeks 8,000,000 Pfizer shots. And 4,000,0000 Moderna shots. And we have sufficient doses of AZ to fully vaccinate everyone. Over 60 year old people can only have AZ unless the the see a GP who recommends that they can only have Pfizer. And we strongly encourage everyone to get the AZ if you are in good health.

If people can see the plan on how to reach 80% most quickly we will all be better off.
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A person like Antony Green needs used by the ABC to give nightly updates on the vaccine roll outs to 80%. He can call out places and age groups where numbers are lagging and get the country talking on numbers and modelling. No political commentary in sight with the occasional health expert.
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Seems like pollies of all persuasions, no matter what country are full of the same *smile* and wind.


and like you say PT, Vic and NSW have taken up Morrisons responsibility and quarantined a huge proportion of returning OS travellers in their CBDs, a large majority of Queenslanders and Western Australians,

and Mcgowan and Paluscheck go one with their chest beating, populist, keeping qlder/WAliens safe from other Australians, *smile*.

When Anastasia Palsuchext, the Premier of Brisbane, got back from her jaunt to Tokyo, to be John Coates 'lil b!tch,

she quarantined in the CBD of Sydney FFS.

this really happened, without a whimper. keeping Queenslander safe

Our federation of states has been horribly exposed in this pandemic. Its not Australians all in this together, its the hillbilly extremities, who get heavy subsidised by the economic powerhouses of Melb and Sydney, crapping on with their same old succession crap, but with a really, overtly, nastiness that we just dont need right now.

Cant Mcgowen and Paluscek$! imagine how people in Vic and NSW who have relatives, Australians, in their states feel, when they are locked up, and told you cant see your family, under any circumstances, for the foreseeable future?

I have family in both states, and im an optimistic person, not really prone to worry and anxiety,

but this keeps me awake at night.

and it's unnecessary.

compassionate passage is a non-negotiable must in this. yes, quaraintine and test etc, but you cant remove all possibility of families being together when they need to be, no matter how big a spike you get in the polls.

they let pedophile kid murderers out of jail to attend family funerals FFS.

When all this is over, the leaders who have been downright uncooperative, nasty and incompetent, should be held accountable.

But they wont. They'll be re-elected or get high paying easy jobs on boards and libararies named after them.

I agree PT,

*smile*, the whole lot of them.
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65 cases, ONLY 12 in ISO, oh dear!!!!!!!!!
Yeah that’s putrid. 21 of those are in Shepparton and they would have all been out and about whilst infectious. That means 32 out of 44 people in Melbourne not isolating whilst infectious.

We’re in lockdown until October at least.
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65 cases, ONLY 12 in ISO, oh dear!!!!!!!!!

is it just me, or does this feel like close to tipping point?

im expecting Sydney to break through the 4 figure ceiling today.

Are we close to the time where the 'leaders' give people a months notice to try to be vaccinated at a clinic that has no vaccines,

begrudgingly give nurses a 2% pay rise,

drop all restrictions, and go on a holiday to Hawaii?
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is it just me, or does this feel like close to tipping point?

im expecting Sydney to break through the 4 figure ceiling today.

Are we close to the time where the 'leaders' give people a months notice to try to be vaccinated at a clinic that has no vaccines,

begrudgingly give nurses a 2% pay rise,

drop all restrictions, and go on a holiday to Hawaii?
It's not just you Ezy
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Who decided that 80% is the magical figure? Why not 79 or 70?

I think its a panel of bookmakers, chaired by Robbie Waterhouse.

the same mob who agreed on $3.75 for the Dees for the flag.
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Ain't been a lock down anywhere in the world that has worked to stop this virus over the last 18 months, as soon as the doors open it steps back in.

Ain't actually any of our hospital systems been over run as yet. All state Govt's supposedly ramped up our hospital capacities to enable them to cope when the virus first started, maybe they shut down all the extra unused capacity because they never needed it in the first place.

Yep we need to accelerate vaccination and learn to live with the fact that the old Coroner, just like hundreds of other viruses, diseases n man made stupidity kills some people at times.
Pt 1 - agree
Pt 2 - look up what exponential growth means. I don’t understand the logic of ‘something bad hasnt happened’ means you should change what you are doing. I haven’t been hit by a train as a pedestrian. Doesn’t mean I will start running along train tracks. This is the whole reason we are doing what we are doing now.
Pt 3 - agree - but once we vaccinate. And as I’ve posted earlier happy we use all sorts of carrots and sticks to incentivise that to happen ASAP.
I read that there are 5,000,000 AZ vaccines ready to go now. It’s just a huge shame that the recommendation between doses is 10 to 12 weeks rather than the 4. I know several people who aged in their 30’s get the AZ. But they felt it was likely that they would be vaccinated faster if they waited.

What National Cabinet need to do urgently is release models on getting the 80% and with what vaccines. For example they can say we need to put another 20,000,000 doses in. We will have in the next 8 weeks 8,000,000 Pfizer shots. And 4,000,0000 Moderna shots. And we have sufficient doses of AZ to fully vaccinate everyone. Over 60 year old people can only have AZ unless the the see a GP who recommends that they can only have Pfizer. And we strongly encourage everyone to get the AZ if you are in good health.

If people can see the plan on how to reach 80% most quickly we will all be better off.


its still a circus, despite the numbers being reported.

its just like unemployment figures.

Im the only member of my immediate family vaccinated, despite all my family wanting and trying to be vaccinated for a couple of months.

Its my experience that getting vaccinated,

is like buying a ticket in a meat tray*.

* I once bought 5 tickets in the meat trays at the pub on Friday night, and won all 5 meat trays :cool: the jeers started after No.2 and were deafening by No.4. I then tapped my schooner with a pen that didnt work from the TAB, called for silenced, and pledged that the skinniest man in the pub could have the next one, then I won that too.