Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


This is a great point, whether you love Dan or hate him, or just see him as practical, he is not at all intimidated by being called unpopular, or a dictator, or even "dead" by the more deranged. Contrast that with the wishy-washy afraid to upset people by imposing restrictions of Gladys, or the "everything is fine, relax, gold-standard" bs of the federal government.

But he still needs us to consent and do what we can as individuals/families.
I think Dan has many character traits that make him very resilient. I suspect he cares little for making friends, just people who can help him fulfill his ambitions for himself and the state. Nothing intrinsically wrong with that - think of some of the people who have succeeded in business. Look at him on election nights, its more like I know I have to act elated but all he wants to do is carry out his plans.

In non crisis politics this serves him well, he just ploughs on knowing that he only needs 51% of the people to think he has done a good job.

In COVID he needs so many more even 100% to be on board, and I don't think he
a) fully appreciates that not everyone sees the problem or the solution the same way
b) does not fully acknowledge the costs (not just financial) of the restrictions and barely acknowledges them publicly and
c) does not have a range of influencing skills that he can call on to persuade the unconvinced or those losing commitment.

Some people like to told, others persuaded, some only when they see something for them etc

I am over the Gladys comparisons - just shows the difference in politicians - but a good happy medium is Anastasia, though we haven't seen her under massive pressure. Of all politicians she has an eye on the LT with the Olympics, I am glad she went to Tokyo to demonstrate that we can look to future not just tomorrow's case numbers.
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If they close childcare I'm done. I will have to take leave from my job.

Toddlers need constant supervision. No way around it.

Not sure what cops/doctors/ambos do either.
that is not a good thing Coburg, I don't advocate it at all, I was just thinking that Play grounds while not "essential" are probably still less risk than a childcare setting.

.... the thing is that at the moment everything seems to be focused on people who do the "wrong thing" but transmission can still occur where people do the right thing. So where do we go from there?
The only relevant question is have these sites been sources of transmission? Are people giving it to other shoppers? If they are then there needs to be action taken. If not, what logical/scientific reason should there be to shut them down?

If staff are giving it to each other that would also be a reason to close them.
Easy, it is called "stopping people from roaming far and wide to buy knick-knacks (spelling?) or just roaming around to kill some time.

As has been proven, Delta can stay "alive" indoors for days, up to 48 hours I believe. Also, if it wasn't a concern, why would retail shut up shop and go through deep cleaning after even a casual contact goes through?

For me they should be operating but be click-and-collect for the masses, and perhaps other for tradies.
If they close childcare I'm done. I will have to take leave from my job.

Toddlers need constant supervision. No way around it.

Not sure what cops/doctors/ambos do either.
In this lockdown I have noticed a far greater stress on people and being locked away with toddlers is going to tip some over the edge I reckon.

The stress on our health workforce is starting to be overwhelming. There are only so many doctors, nurses and other health workers around and adding vaccination and testing sites as well as massive numbers furloughed ( like in the western melbourne hospitals) has led to a big shortage of labour. Then adding to that the potential of having staff take time off because there are no kinders or childcare centres open would be disastrous.

At some stage a risk/reward has to be done and personally I think childcare should remain open but we also should have vaccinated all the staff by now and we haven't
What's the word Sin? Triple figures?
I don't know an exact number but in the circles I am in workwise that is what I heard a few hours ago based on the positive tests they already know about today
Hospitals in heavy gear up mode but much of that is related to quarantining contacts of earlier cases now getting sick i.e earlier confirmed positives
It will be interesting to see the stats on vaccinated vs non vaccinated who end up in hospital / ICU after a while because that will be very important for future policy
that is not a good thing Coburg, I don't advocate it at all, I was just thinking that Play grounds while not "essential" are probably still less risk than a childcare setting.

.... the thing is that at the moment everything seems to be focused on people who do the "wrong thing" but transmission can still occur where people do the right thing. So where do we go from there?

i can see that childcare is an essential service for people who provide essential services...
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mcgowan is a populist *smile*, like paluscheck.

WA and Qld have always been Hillbilly successionists.

no compassionate entry. get *smile* McGowan you *smile*.

so you can fly in from a business trip to Wuhan after closing a deal on the rights to manufacture little plastic Madagascar IV toys for Woolworths rewards, but you can't drive in from Lismore to hold your dying mums hand?

*smile* me. what have we become?

everyone is going to end up with Covid.

all these chest thumping hillbillies are doing is adding pain and misery on top of a painful, miserable situation.
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GP’s in Victoria are starting to do a lot more doses than the State Run Hubs in Victoria. This is a huge positive. Hasn’t been happening in Victoria until now. Hopefully we can even push further numbers through the state hubs with them opening up for more hours.
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76,000 doses administered yesterday. Almost 80,000 on Monday.

Push even harder Victoria. Cmon.
Well said.

I hope once they give the green light for the young to get Pzr on Aug31 we see 24 hr clincs to get a jab. Give max availability to get a jab!
Well said.

I hope once they give the green light for the young to get Pzr on Aug31 we see 24 hr clincs to get a jab. Give max availability to get a jab!
Take places like Calder Park, Sandown Race Track etc and turn them into mass drive-thru vaccination sites.

Get pop ups established in low vax areas. Get pharmacists to advertise in their windows. Saturate the media with government and community leader messaging through advertising. And on and on..
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