Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Some interesting research will soon start coming out about the longer term protection of AZ v Pfizer and Moderna. Some early doors research seems to indicate that where the T-Cell ability to fight the virus is concerned, AZ is more productive and also more durable than the MRNA vaccines.

Bit early to say for sure but this is why perhaps, unlike Pfizer, AZ are yet to formally recommend booster shots after a particular period of time.

People hanging out for a Pfizer shot may need to consider this.
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Wouldn't be surprised if they back in lockdown again soon,
It wouldn’t surprise if they do as well.

But they shouldn’t. Waste water showed that this region most likely had a case or cases. And hence they asked people to get tested which was a huge positive. They can now do a 72 hour lockdown of Shep if required to make sure that they contained this case and then make decisions from there.

It’s a good test for the health department on how they deal with local cases. When we are at 70% or even 80% vaccinated.
Aren't there examples OS of what living with covid looks like? Israel/UK? Or there will be examples in those countries that are learning to live with covid?

How many deaths of fully vaccinated people have occurred in countries with delta? And what are the age groups etc?
I meant before we reach a suitable vaccination rate. people are saying we need to live with Covid now, Berejyklian said NSW are learning to live with it.
but no one can actually articulate what that would mean for Australia today.
Think.thats a pretty true statement
Andrews has said it many times. Don't think anyone would debate it whatever your politics. Last year's version was less potent. If we had delta in VIc last year it would have been far worse. And if NSW had to deal with delta last year they would have had 2021 outcomes a year ago
I think the feeling is she is constantly implying that no other state has successfully managed to control a Delta outbreak. which just isnt true.
What about QLD just recently? Quashed a delta outbreak in about 2 weeks with a short sharp lockdown. Proves it can be done if there is a political will to do so.

VIC did the same in June at the same time as Gladys was rolling her eyes on the Kyle and JackiO show about how poorly we were dealing with Covid over and over again. How long were we in lockdown for then? 12 days?

Sydney was not the 1st place to have to fight Delta in Australia, and no matter how many times Gladys repeats it will not mean that it is true.
Bunker down Australia. We are heading into the abyss that Scott Morrison always had us heading down: an unvaccinated country with en mssse breakouts, despite having massive vaccine production capability and being an island nation.

Forget about rule breakers, teachers, playgrounds, fines, borders whatever. None of that is as important as the “race” to vaccinate is.

What are we at ? 28% ?
It's a National tragedy overseen by inept National leadership.
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rubbish. we won't reach 80% any time soon. not this year, maybe not ever.

we're probably gonna be in lockdown for another month or so from here. But we will supress it eventually.

this narrative shi.ts me tbh. The whole “200 day” announcement yesterday was pathetic and just makes me angry. Is 200 days some sort of achievement? How do you even quantify what constitutes a lockdown and what doesn’t? Different jurisdictions do it differently. Some regions lock down quickly, some do half-arsed lockdowns, and some don’t lockdown at all when they should have.

So you think another month and it will be under control? That's positive.
Some of the questions given to Andrews today about learning to live with it when we have low vaccination rates are astounding. Some of these journos need to go back to mid last year when we were getting reports from journos out of Italy and New York showing trucks reversing up to the back of hospitals to transport dead bodies away. Thats what "learning to live with it" right now would entail and I certainly don't want to see that happening anywhere in Australia.

There will be a time where we "live with it" but the PM has ensured that that time is not now.
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Australia Post site in Sunshine West. Massive facility with hundreds of workers. With wastewater detected in the region, a popup site has been set up on site and every staff member has been asked to take a test. Great initative IMO.

edit: the whole industrial estate has to undertake a COVID test by COB tomorrow as directed by the DHHS. in other words, the whole estate is technically a tier 2 site.
I look after an office is Sunshine West in that estate, one of my techs just got tested & they told him its regarded as Tier 3 so we don't need to isolate after test unless we have symptoms
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Some of the questions given to Andrews today about learning to live with it when we have low vaccination rates are astounding. Some of these journos need to go back to mid last year when we were getting reports from journos out of Italy and New York showing trucks reversing up to the back of hospitals to transport dead bodies away. Thats what "learning to live with it" right now would entail and I certainly don't want to see that happening anywhere in Australia.

There will be a time where we "live with it" but the PM has ensured that that time is not now.
You better tell yesterday's dinosaur and quintessential right wing ahole and contributor to the Murdoch media, Jeff Kennett that. He's still railing about lockdowns, playgrounds and Andrews and comparing Covid to the flu and suggesting that our medical infrastructure is capable of handling a 'let it rip' and live with it approach - right now.
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What about QLD just recently? Quashed a delta outbreak in about 2 weeks with a short sharp lockdown. Proves it can be done if there is a political will to do so.
There is no one with more political will on the planet than one D Andrews. So we can sit back and relax? Takes more than that.
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So you think another month and it will be under control? That's positive.

just trying to be glass half full, but i fear we have lost control of this.

I look after an office is Sunshine West in that estate, one of my techs just got tested & they told him its regarded as Tier 3 so we don't need to isolate after test unless we have symptoms

mate... if you get tested you must isolate until you get a result. that has been the rule since day 1.
just trying to be glass half full, but i fear we have lost control of this.

mate... if you get tested you must isolate until you get a result. that has been the rule since day 1.


  • Tier 3 exposure sites​

    Anyone who has visited a Tier 3 exposure site during times listed should monitor for symptoms. If symptoms develop, immediately get a COVID-19 testand isolate until you receive a negative result.

just trying to be glass half full, but i fear we have lost control of this.

mate... if you get tested you must isolate until you get a result. that has been the rule since day 1.
that is not the advice we were given, no directions to get a test, DHHS just said they encourage you to get a test