Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


there is a lot of talk about "living with Covid", but has anyone actually articulated what that means?
NSW are currently "learning to live with Covid" according to their premier, while case numbers climb, hospitalisation and death increase and the whole state is in lockdown.
Victoria is currently seeing numbers increase whilst in lockdown.

leaving aside vaccinations, which will hopefully have a positive impact on transmission in the not too distant future, has anyone calling for states to not lockdown actually explained how that should work?
Why should you need the government to tell you to stay the *smile* away from visiting people? What a dumb batch of dimwits we are when we need some dingbat career public servant to tell us how to stay alive. I’m always happy though when we do keep dimwits from doing themselves harm, it means there’s less competition out there.

Well you shouldn't BUT history is telling us that we need to be told. There are still people doing things that they are being told not to do.
Apparently they just want Australia to use the name that is used everywhere else; for consistency. It's a product name they use; can't remember what it's called.

Its actually a good thing. One strange thing about AZ, was that there were 3 vaccines all around the world, the one manufactured in the UK, the one in India and the one in Australia. They all had different names but the UK one was the only one officially allowed to travel into Europe. The change of name, just makes that easier, as your vaccine certificate will state the vaccine name that is identical to the one approved for use in the UK.
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Its actually a good thing. One strange thing about AZ, was that there were 3 vaccines all around the world, the one manufactured in the UK, the one in India and the one in Australia. They all had different names but the UK one was the only one officially allowed to travel into Europe. The change of name, just makes that easier, as your vaccine certificate will state the vaccine name that is identical to the one approved for use in the UK.
Hmmm interesting. As a kind of unrelated tangent. With the evolving geopolitical dynamics of recent years. You can see this as potentially another stage being set to fight geopolitical battles.

When vaccine passports and/or visa requirements roll out more widely and formally for travel, you can see two geopolitical spheres developing. Those countries dragged into the China/Russia aligned sphere, where Sinopharm, Sinovax and Sputnik are only recognised as valid. And the western sphere, where AZ, Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson etc are valid. So by default, people practically are able to travel only in the sphere that their country is aligned to.
Yet again Gladys lying. "We have never before seen Delta in our country". Ok so what did VIC fight and BEAT back in June when she was rolling her eyes and looking all smug on the Kyle and JackieO show?????
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after having successfully navigated 20 years of office Christmas parties we had to sit and be lectured by a 30 year old on safe party practices.

Did he put up a powerpoint slide of a bloke in a suit holding a crowny, having rear-entry intercourse with a lady bent over a typewriter (gender sterotypes deliberate), with a picture of her kids on the desk

with a big red cross beside it?
It's time to draw a line in the sand I think. Pick a date and tell the public you either vaccinate by then or you take your chances because the public health measures will cease.

provided everyone has had access and opportunity to a vaccine, yeah i think i agree.

pretty worrying that a fully vaxd israel is locking down.

we could be in a dystopian present?
Hmmm interesting. As a kind of unrelated tangent. You can see this potentially as another stage being set to fight geopolitical battles.

When vaccine passports and/or visa requirements roll out more widely and formally for travel, you can see two geopolitical spheres developing. Those countries dragged into the China/Russia aligned sphere, where Sinopharm, Sinovax and Sputnik are only recognised as valid. And the western sphere, where AZ, Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson etc are valid. So by default, people practically able to travel only in the sphere that their country is aligned to.

It certainly has the chances of doing that. It was 1 of the reasons that I have held off getting a vaccine (I'm 39) as most of my family live in the UK. I was concerned if I took the "wrong" vaccine that this would hinder my chances to visit.

With the announcement yesterday about Pfizer, I'll wait the 2 weeks and see what timeframe we are looking at for Pfizer, and then make a call whether to wait for Pfizer or take the AZ straight away.
NSW finally copying Vic settings. Curfew. Masks outside. Click and collect.

Should have been held back in school two years for being a slow learner but better later than never.

She even just said she will answer everyone’s questions!!!!
Curfew coming into NSW - I wonder if Gladys will be grilled like Andrews was as to whether there is proof that this works.

FINALLY they are pushing click and collect services at Bunnings / Officworks etc but I didn't hear they were closing them still
It just feels endless. Starting to weigh heavily on everyone now.

I agree. I feel tired a lot more than I used to, and I've certainly felt different these last 2 weeks. I'm actually taking today off work, officially its an annual leave day, but for me its a mental health day.
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Vic presser put back.
Meeting and contract tracing to see if affected Shep man has been anywhere, if he has, regional will be in lockdown.
Australia Post site in Sunshine West. Massive facility with hundreds of workers. With wastewater detected in the region, a popup site has been set up on site and every staff member has been asked to take a test. Great initative IMO.

edit: the whole industrial estate has to undertake a COVID test by COB tomorrow as directed by the DHHS. in other words, the whole estate is technically a tier 2 site.
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Vic presser put back.
Meeting and contract tracing to see if affected Shep man has been anywhere, if he has, regional will be in lockdown.

Where do you get the Vic presser live?, I listen to ABC radio and they always go with NSW the ACT and Vic is a long last and substantially abbreviated