Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Saw yesterday tweets from a Herald Sun reporter ( can't remember her name) slamming the Victoria Government and VicPol because she got a report of a police helicoptor being used to move people on from playgrounds in the Brighton area.
The helicoptor turned out to be a news chopper
No backtrack or apology
I just posted a link above?
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Saw yesterday tweets from a Herald Sun reporter ( can't remember her name) slamming the Victoria Government and VicPol because she got a report of a police helicoptor being used to move people on from playgrounds in the Brighton area.
The helicoptor turned out to be a news chopper
No backtrack or apology
They’re a disgrace and a danger to the community. Today, that reckless ahole Panahi is yet again complaining about being in lockdown and the need for it. Waiting for Bolt to write another “let’s just accept deaths” article and let it rip.

The Murdoch media are a dangerous media group that spreads mis informed rage, and splits our communities instead of bringing us all together.
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He follow up tweet was even worse. She essentially said VicPol should notify in advance of something they had no knowledge of or had nothing to do with.

No one has had a worse pandemic than Sophie Elsworth. Her being a journalist shows how easy it must be to become a journalist.
The blatant lies are so bloody dangerous. So many people believe them cause they've got a blue tick.
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Dr Norman Swan has been on a mini break, but Coronacast is back, it's a quick ten minute listen.

The bad news - NSW won't suppress this, it will grow, but we knew that. Hospital system in NSW is under great stress so that means other emergency procedures and elective procedures will be put at risk.

The good news - vaccination is helping to minimise deaths, but there will be more deaths.

Finally he presented three scenarios for the future of covid - worst case, new virulent and contagious variants keep emerging which minimises vaccine effectiveness, so we go through a cycle of lockdowns/new vaccines forever. Middle case, influenza type scenario, we keep a lid on it with regular vaccine boosters with occasional outbreaks. Best case, virus mutates to a relatively benign common cold type which is just an annoyance for most people.

Middle case is the most likely.

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Agree on the subject of agitating to open up. The Australian has more than its share of such commentators.

Not to mention Sky News with Alan Jones, Credlin, Kelly etc, and various right wing shock jocks around the country. Plus Canavan, Christensen and the nutbags to the far right of the LNP.

Don't forget the lunatic fringe on social media claiming that the virus doesn't exist or can be easily cured with Ivermectin and other such bullsh1t.
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Sophie Elsworth is little more than Twitter troll and should not be referred to as a "journalist" imo.

I think becoming a journalist these days is more about who you know than what you know. Too many journalists are way too chummy with the politicians they're supposed to be scrutinising because they all went to the same private schools!

The AFL and political media landscapes are similar, in that most of the talking heads and management figures are good mates and don't do any hard hitting investigations for fear of ostracization by their peers. Don't rock the boat!
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"Journalism" is such a joke of an industry these days.

What is even sadder is to see people lapping up what they say as fact.
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On the other hand, looking better in VIC, nearly 40k tests. 24 cases. 6 of those (25%) were in the community. That 75% in iso is a good number and you can see in the past, it generally only takes us a couple of days to go from 75% to 100% in iso in the past.

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On the other hand, looking better in VIC, nearly 40k tests. 24 cases. 6 of those (25%) were in the community. That 75% in iso is a good number and you can see in the past, it generally only takes us a couple of days to go from 75% to 100% in iso in the past.

How is our vaccination rate tracking?
Some of Sky news's journalists finally starting to turn. Andrew Clennell has gone harder than anyone at Gladys recently.
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Gladys really feeling the heat now. First journalist really not letting her off the hook regarding her rhetoric about having the harshest restrictions seen in Australia.
She's still peddling this ridiculous rhetoric that she could drop some restrictions at the end of August.

If theres 1 thing that we know from lockdowns in VIC, that demoralises people and has a massive impact on mental health, its hopes being dashed.

Why present this upside if you are ultimately going to have to dash it. She's already done this once, by talking about end of July and then going harder (its was obvious to everyone that what she was saying would not happen at the end of July, she's falling into the same trap with the end of August, which is just going to result in the dashing of hope.
  • Angry
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