Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Geez things can go to *smile* quickly when people act in anger and post on social media without thinking. (My assumption as opposed to deliberately thought out hate posting) Lost her job apparently.

This is an example of where social media has a deranging effect on the collective societal mind.

Every single one of us has a certain level of insanity. Thoughts, voices going around in our head, much of it, not anything that really is for public consumption. That’s just being human.

Over thousands of years of evolution we have developed the ability to read social cues and filter between what’s in one’s head and what you would actually verbalise, dependent on the audience (well anyone with a competent level of emotional intelligence).

But something about social media seems to bypass any of this filtering. People’s emotional intelligence level seems to drop dramatically when they get on social media. They seem to post even the most fleeting quips and thoughts that this social filter, being in actual interpersonal situations, often would have put the brakes on, or at least refined.

And it’s just so stupid. Even if you said something that is socially taboo as a fleeting ill thought out quip. It’s usually just in front of a small audience of people. You cop any deserved social remonstration on the chin and it eventually fades. Do it on social media and it’s nearly like standing in the middle of a packed MCG with a megaphone, while being filmed (so it’s forever recorded), introducing yourself by name and making the taboo remark. That’s the audience people are potentially sending these comments to. But by not actually seeing that audience in front of them they lose all sense of this.

And the personal ramifications are significant. In a world of infinitely saved data, that fleeting thought and/or comment is with the person forever. Possibly never works as a doctor ever again. There is little chance of redemption.

Not sure if anyone saw South Park’s episode where Alec Baldwin signed up for a new social media platform, “Sh..ter”? It goes into the phenomenon I describe above.
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Government imposes a ridiculous ban on playgrounds and subsequently receives justifiable backlash so the next day Sutton comes out saying that they’re investigating a possible transmission at a playground though it’s likely that it’ll never be proved ........we truly are treated like idiots

Seems like you've gone up a bit early there
The people at the party should be fined, it was brazen and stupid and clearly has led to spread of the virus. Their religion is irrelevant.

That said, I live in an area with a large number of Jewish people, my partner saw one person at the supermarket with a badge saying something like - not all Jews went to the engagement party. Nice to see a humourous take on this. I think the idea we are suddenly persecuting one group and not another is a bit of a stretch. Yes, the government have tried to work with the Indian and Muslim communities to encourage compliance with the lockdown rules and to keep this out of the media. But there has been similar work with Orthodox Jewish communities to discourage prayer meetings in private homes which they have been holding in contravention of the rules, similarly trying to work with the communities and keep it out of the media. What we want is to protect the community and not vilify people. It remains the case that the actions of some in all communities has been stupid and has undermined efforts to limit the spread of the virus.

We all need to work together to stop the spread of COVID.

This is right. There have been significant issues with some parts of that community as there have been in other communities as well. However the vast majority of people do the right thing so stereotyping is not just destructive it is largely wrong
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Golden Gladys forcasting case numbers to go up significantly in the coming days.
The sceptic in me wonders if she's really tried to stop the Delta variant at all.
Good luck to the NSW health care workers.
Ref Epstein (who has been providing accurate numbers) is saying 24 today. higher percentage of people in iso during infectious period, but more mystery cases.
Ref Epstein (who has been providing accurate numbers) is saying 24 today. higher percentage of people in iso during infectious period, but more mystery cases.
So there were indeed 24 cases today, 20 linked, 18 in iso. Still 4 unlinked cases, but the number in iso going up.
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So there were indeed 24 cases today, 20 linked, 18 in iso. Still 4 unlinked cases, but the number in iso going up.

i do feel we are in control of this, but the unlinked cases are slowing things down. As long as this engagement party doesn’t end up being a super spreader event, and people are more compliant with the harder lockdown, and there are no more incursions from NSW… I sorta don’t wanna jinx myself by saying this should end in 2 weeks, but it really should.

exposure site numbers are slowing too. it went from 0 to 457 in 9 days. 4 days later its 524.
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Why not? Seems generally like Sutton is making many of those decisions. Why do you think thats not correct?
Because any political commentator would tell you that Andrews primary characteristic is to dominate all decision making. It could be a strength as well as weakness but it is undisputed. He is in no way a passive receiver of advice.
Have seen the quote a few times in last year that War is too important to be left to the generals. A pandemic is too important to be left to the doctors, and Andrews knows that as well as anyone.
i do feel we are in control of this, but the unlinked cases are slowing things down. As long as this engagement party doesn’t end up being a super spreader event, and people are more compliant with the harder lockdown, and there are no more incursions from NSW… I sorta don’t wanna jinx myself by saying this should end in 2 weeks, but it really should.
I saw a report this morning that there are 4 more cases linked to that party. 3 attendees and 1 work contact.
If true, well done ladies and gentlemen who were there. Your selfish and self entitled actions will probably extend the restrictions we are enduring at the moment :mad:
Vaccines Vic cf NSW
Something stands out to me.
Over past week each State Health system has delivered nearly the same number of doses 124k v 127k
GP doses are starkly different 166 v 388
NSW GPdoses to date are 1.2m greater than Vic, in fact 50% more.

Andrews has been on a 1mill in a month drive but can GPs perhaps be better utilised?
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With half the country in lockdown, why isn't more heat on Morrison due to our pathetic vaccine rollout?
Frustrated? Everything ultimately comes down to that.

You néed to can ramp up your your online presence to carry the argument TOO. Not much valuepreaching to the converted here.
A possible explanation, people may be focussing on the now and future than what has been not done in the past. People can wreak their vengeance at the ballot box, in the meantime they are doing what they need to to get out of lockdown.

With NZ in lockdown I saw that their vaccination rate is lower than ours, seems incongruous for a country that was lauded over the last 18 months for its handling of COVId. Maybe antipodean complacency?
Bit like the Herald Sun and that fwit Panahi too.
Saw yesterday tweets from a Herald Sun reporter ( can't remember her name) slamming the Victoria Government and VicPol because she got a report of a police helicoptor being used to move people on from playgrounds in the Brighton area.
The helicoptor turned out to be a news chopper
No backtrack or apology