Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Alot of anti jew stuff going on in social media land. Irresponsible from Dan and the news outlets. Especially showing the footage of the people at the engagement
yes, why are the Jews copping it?
Other communties have been doing this for months, i mentioned it weeks ago on here but got abused.

Because they had the clearest evidence4 out there that this was going on. They clearly knew they were doing the wrong thing, and didn't just do it, they flouted it.

Others may be doing the same but without video proof its pretty hard to say anything else.

This isn't a jews vs everyone thing. This is a bunch of idiots vs everyone thing.
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Surprised Dan and the media called out the Jewish gathering as they've been reluctant to call out the Indian and Muslim communities in the past.
I think that's more to do with the recording and the guy joking about how they are breaking the laws.
yes, why are the Jews copping it?
Other communties have been doing this for months, i mentioned it weeks ago on here but got abused.
As long as the reporting is factual there shouldn’t be any issues with it
Alot of anti jew stuff going on in social media land. Irresponsible from Dan and the news outlets. Especially showing the footage of the people at the engagement
Couldnt believe they were showing their faces. Think teenagers there. Seriously the news outlets or social media platforms need to do checks and remove footage if its not blurred. imo. immediately

Further note, imo

its too late now, as have read what people have been writting. came across a thread by accident. It has incited people to think how they can act against them and some people still trying to identify all those at the party as well (that dont know already) and to act to find a way to make them pay.

Outcome already to date:
"Friends of the family who hosted the event have contacted the ABC to say the family have been receiving death threats since the incident became public"

Truly hope the public dont take matters into their own hands.

Fine these idiots to the hilt as the law allows and leave it at that. Just my take. AND then never let other groups off either like the govt has in the past!

Remember the anger with the removalist for weeks(innocent too in the end) . Public anger is real These people are guilty but the public are not the law enforcers & the media and governments play a role on how people perceive and feel about things
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The people at the party should be fined, it was brazen and stupid and clearly has led to spread of the virus. Their religion is irrelevant.

That said, I live in an area with a large number of Jewish people, my partner saw one person at the supermarket with a badge saying something like - not all Jews went to the engagement party. Nice to see a humourous take on this. I think the idea we are suddenly persecuting one group and not another is a bit of a stretch. Yes, the government have tried to work with the Indian and Muslim communities to encourage compliance with the lockdown rules and to keep this out of the media. But there has been similar work with Orthodox Jewish communities to discourage prayer meetings in private homes which they have been holding in contravention of the rules, similarly trying to work with the communities and keep it out of the media. What we want is to protect the community and not vilify people. It remains the case that the actions of some in all communities has been stupid and has undermined efforts to limit the spread of the virus.

We all need to work together to stop the spread of COVID.

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Maybe Australia shouldn't have taken in so many returning Australians (coughs) 5 months ago.

They were warned 12 to 14 months before that to come home.
Couldnt believe they were showing their faces. Think teenagers there. Seriously the news outlets or social media platforms need to do checks and remove footage if its not blurred. imo. immediately

Channel 7 showed it completely uncovered at the head of their news tonight, I thought it was ridiculous
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The media is a disgrace. Along with the footage they should have displayed the names and addresses of all that attended and supplied the pitchforks to the outraged masses.
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Sobering reality.

“The problem for Victoria is that while the cases are still low, every unlinked case probably signals that there are another 10 linked cases out there and we don’t know where they are,” Professor Bennett said.
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24 locally-acquired cases, 21 are linked to known outbreaks and 14 have been in isolation throughout their infectious period
24 locally-acquired cases, 21 are linked to known outbreaks and 14 have been in isolation throughout their infectious period
Still *smile* numbers. 10 people not in isolation is a big problem. If we don't get that number down to zero soon this will be another long lockdown :(
Still *smile* numbers. 10 people not in isolation is a big problem. If we don't get that number down to zero soon this will be another long lockdown :(

during the last lockdown, Jeroen would tell us the average amount of days these people were out in the community. I’d like to hear those numbers again. I mean, we have been locked down for almost 2 weeks, so these people should not be out and about unless they are essential workers. The fact that these numbers are not improving will suggest people are not doing the right thing.