*smile* off all you selfish wankers.
My daughter was due to go to snow camp in August. Its been changed 3 times, with the final date being leaving on 30th August which now won't go ahead either.
These selfish pricks are causing others that are doing the right thing (like my family) from being able to do things that actually give kids some semblance of normality. Kids are already some of the biggest impacted people in the state. Lost most of last year to home learning, and probably getting close to half this year too. Whilst the teachers do a great job with home learning its not the same. Having spoken to some teachers, some kids have essentially dropped back further and further due to this. Some are a year behind where they should be. These are out future leaders, but because some selfish idiots need to celebrate an engagement and knowingly (listen to the speech) breach the rules, that most are living by. This selfish minority are causing everyone else to be massively impacted by their actions.