It's clear that the 18-30 year old cohort have had enough. Just to provide some perspective on this, here's a comparison between me and my 20 year old son on what Covid has cost us. I'm a 56 year old who live 15 minutes from Castlemaine.
Me: I guess about 15 weeks working from home. The first lockdown was a bit stressfull, but overall I enjoy it because i get to spend more time outside and I enjoy being at home. On full pay the whole time and generally spend less. I've missed a couple of overseas trips which has been a bummer.
My son: Lost his work in the first lockdown and was not eligible for any government payments due to his age. Followed his girlfriend to Denmark just before the second lockdown after his third application for a travel exemption.. Couldn't get a work visa due to Covid. After 3 months his visa expired so he couldn't move around Europe. Was not able to return home when he wanted and then had to pay triple price for his airfare. Had to quarantine in Canberra for which he still owes 3 grand. Missed the start of his Uni course. He has now moved to Melbourne and has started Uni in second semester, but now all his classes are online which he hates and he is going to defer. Has split up with his girlfriend because she is not able to travel to Australia. And he can't go out and party or even visit his family for a decent dinner.
He's feeling pretty "smile"ed off with the whole deal. And even though I'm disappointed with his attitude, I can't really blame him.