Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Can't change the past and what we haven't got, obtaining an extra 1 million doses is good news but obviously still insufficient for our immediate needs.
That’s what I’m talking about: where’s the future supply ? 1 million is f all for our current and future needs. Absolutely f all.

Israel is already dispensing booster shots to the immunocompromised. What plan does Morrison have for those people in Australia ON TOP of the tens of millions that are unvaccinated and need 2 x doses ?

They already could be for all we know. It looks like Poland has been prepared to speak to any country who wants them based on this article.

'Straight forward transaction' that took several weeks?

sounds like we essentially bought them off GumTree by text.

oh well, if it save lives and frees us up, yay.
why wouldnt Poland give them to Indonesia at cost?
sounds like Poland were organised and pre-empted the need to buy lots of vaccines to ensure over supply rather than under supply.
any chance we can vote their current government in at our next election?
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Somebody needs to get our moronic PM a few actuaries around him so that they can work out the stock, supply and timeline numbers for him to get the country vaccinated right now and quickly, and then stay vaccinated.

When they do he’ll realise “*smile*..I better get off my fat and incompetent arse and get this MRNA production facility built and operational otherwise we’re gonna be in this hole that we’re in for another 18 months.”

It was patently obvious back in December - January this government was gonna have us in this situation that we’re in right now. And it’s patently obvious now, that we’ll be in further trouble down the track unless this incompetent starts getting the proverbial ducks in a row for future needs.

Note: the CDC has also now recommended that the vulnerable get booster shots in the USA.
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So we get 175,000 of the Pfizer vaccines from Poland and NSW gets 530,000. Sounds fair.

The PM for Sydney in action yet again.
So we get 175,000 of the Pfizer vaccines from Poland and NSW gets 530,000. Sounds fair.

The PM for Sydney in action yet again.
Remember, unless numbers being used are inclusive, you need 2 doses to be fully vaccinated so it’s really only 87,500 and 265,000.
Big party in Northcote and none of them care what the dictator says. Feels like a war is about to start.
Big party in Northcote and none of them care what the dictator says. Feels like a war is about to start.

if its in northcote, they'de have plenty of attack rescue greyhounds and pulled jackfruit molotov mocktails
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Staggering behaviour in the photos in this article. Andrews needs to go full lockdown on all cafes. It is patently obvious that too many are breaching the rules and allowing pampered and entitled aresholes to do what the want. Seems from the article that many are from his staunch voter base in the City of Yarra and other inner city areas. *smile* wankers the lot of them.

This lockdown is a joke. Close all cafes and take away food outlets for 2 weeks. Everyone can get the *smile* they need from Coles or Woolies or Aldi. These people are taking the *smile* and only have themselves to blame.
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Big party in Northcote and none of them care what the dictator says. Feels like a war is about to start.

Big party in Yarra Park today. 44 blokes hugging and spitting on each other. None wearing masks. Cops did nothing. Another party or two likely at the same site next week.
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Big party in Yarra Park today. 44 blokes hugging and spitting on each other. None wearing masks. Cops did nothing. Another party or two likely at the same site next week.
Yep that *smile* needs to be cracked down on immediately! No more of that stuff until 2022 at earliest.
It's clear that the 18-30 year old cohort have had enough. Just to provide some perspective on this, here's a comparison between me and my 20 year old son on what Covid has cost us. I'm a 56 year old who live 15 minutes from Castlemaine.

Me: I guess about 15 weeks working from home. The first lockdown was a bit stressfull, but overall I enjoy it because i get to spend more time outside and I enjoy being at home. On full pay the whole time and generally spend less. I've missed a couple of overseas trips which has been a bummer.

My son: Lost his work in the first lockdown and was not eligible for any government payments due to his age. Followed his girlfriend to Denmark just before the second lockdown after his third application for a travel exemption.. Couldn't get a work visa due to Covid. After 3 months his visa expired so he couldn't move around Europe. Was not able to return home when he wanted and then had to pay triple price for his airfare. Had to quarantine in Canberra for which he still owes 3 grand. Missed the start of his Uni course. He has now moved to Melbourne and has started Uni in second semester, but now all his classes are online which he hates and he is going to defer. Has split up with his girlfriend because she is not able to travel to Australia. And he can't go out and party or even visit his family for a decent dinner.

He's feeling pretty "smile"ed off with the whole deal. And even though I'm disappointed with his attitude, I can't really blame him.
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How’s Morrison today smirking and beaming at the acquisition of 1 million doses of Pfizer from Poland.

Can someone explain to this **** idiot that we need tens of millions of doses and we needed them months and months ago.

With only 25% of the total 25 million in this country fully vaccinated, and with people needing two doses to be fully vaccinated, plus we are already running up against a booster timeline, can someone explain to this incompetent moron that 1 million is but a drop in the ocean ?

Worst Prime Minister in our country’s history.
Hard to argue against any of that. Add in his quarantine failures and you'd be hard pressed to find a bigger dud PM. Worst thing is Scomo actually thinks he's doing a bang up job.
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AZ about to start trialling a nasal spray that apparently neutralises Covid. Have no idea how it works but let’s hope it doesn’t clot and interfere with your 5G.
Hard to argue against any of that. Add in his quarantine failures and you'd be hard pressed to find a bigger dud PM. Worst thing is Scomo actually thinks he's doing a bang up job.
The worst thing is that many voters think he’s doing a bang up job.
It's clear that the 18-30 year old cohort have had enough. Just to provide some perspective on this, here's a comparison between me and my 20 year old son on what Covid has cost us. I'm a 56 year old who live 15 minutes from Castlemaine.

Me: I guess about 15 weeks working from home. The first lockdown was a bit stressfull, but overall I enjoy it because i get to spend more time outside and I enjoy being at home. On full pay the whole time and generally spend less. I've missed a couple of overseas trips which has been a bummer.

My son: Lost his work in the first lockdown and was not eligible for any government payments due to his age. Followed his girlfriend to Denmark just before the second lockdown after his third application for a travel exemption.. Couldn't get a work visa due to Covid. After 3 months his visa expired so he couldn't move around Europe. Was not able to return home when he wanted and then had to pay triple price for his airfare. Had to quarantine in Canberra for which he still owes 3 grand. Missed the start of his Uni course. He has now moved to Melbourne and has started Uni in second semester, but now all his classes are online which he hates and he is going to defer. Has split up with his girlfriend because she is not able to travel to Australia. And he can't go out and party or even visit his family for a decent dinner.

He's feeling pretty "smile"ed off with the whole deal. And even though I'm disappointed with his attitude, I can't really blame him.
Yes it's a totally different perspective for someone starting out in life who had three major COVId hits to his life: job loss, love/ adventure thwarted, university experience trashed.

Very easy for people older, financially sound, less glint in the eyes to be at least tolerant of lockdowns if not contented and somewhat smug about ones lot in life.

For people with ongoing purpose, even a mission, in leading COVId fight they find it difficult to cunderstand why some people aren't equally invested, but they aren't living with or talking to people like your son.
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