Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


From what i see, read, speak to, sources say that this Melbourne lockdown is a bit plastic like NSW one was, people arent listening anymore, different communties still doing their daily routines...everyone is apparently "essential" and no one can stay home.

NSW might be out towards COVID normal before us with the way we are going?

More questions need to asked around vaccine supply. As Sydney is being favoured over regional NSW.

Also looking at first doses people aged 60-64 need to role up the sleeves. Plenty of doses of AZ would be around.
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Why aren’t we told where people are actually getting infected? We get a list of exposure sites that show where infected were but where did they catch it? Did they catch it at home or from a relative or did they catch it in a shop? In a park? With the small numbers of infected why don’t they tell us how people are getting infected? Why aren’t we better informed? People might then modify their behaviour. Are people doing the wrong thing and getting infected is that why we don’t hear about it?
I don’t think we ever found out how the original teacher got infected?
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people dont even fight over toilet paper anymore.
Was comforting to see the highest paid, highest educated people in the nation reduced to toilet paper hoarding ferals when Canberra went into lockdown. Hierarchy of needs at work.
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interesting point md jazz, and whats with Melbourne people (AFL included) wearing masks around their chins?

grow the f up!
The only people who watch sky news (other than old irrelevant christians) are on this thread.

they have 2m subscribers on their youtube channel.

Gladys says we are 'literally' in a war.

its reassuring to know when Sydney falls to the Chinese,

we'll still be able to look at real estate rubble and drink margaritas and go to Ikea
No need for almost anyone to be out for a week ie tradies, shops,council, etc etc.
Far far too many people out who do not need to be.
Maybe this is not the reason for the virus spread directly, but it is being carried by people across the city somehow.
Clearly people beyond 5 ks, so assuming this is permitted travel, it needs to be curtailed.
Close absolutely everything other than medical and emergency services. Only permit basic shopping for essential food and drink within say 2 ks and no one is to travel to these shops to work beyond say 5 ks. If not possible then the business is to shut. Anything is possible and without stronger action I see this as a very difficult outbreak to control.
Said 10 days ago it would be six weeks min and am more certain now.
Apparently 1 in 10 *smile* people in Melb say they have an exemption and dont even wear a mask.

does anyone know what kind of medical condition would be made worse by wearing a mask?

and wouldn't such medical conditions make you pretty susceptible to Covid?
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they have 2m subscribers on their youtube channel.
Wonder how many actively tune in? As I understand it all it requires to subscribe is click a button? Maybe they’ve got the home schooling kids watching?
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just reported that there are 25 new Vic cases, 13 out and about.

Ridiciclous by Melbourne people.

Apparently traffic data and people movement data was up yesterday.

Lockdown will be weeks more at this rate.

Victorian authorities need to get serious about compliance, we've learnt nothing. Harder measures needed. And testing needs to get above 50,000.
Need a week of complete shut down. Stay home order.
Stop the thousands upon thousands of people travelling all over Melbourne for ( essential) work, ie every food and beverage outlet in the city.

Take the grey area out of mask wearing, no exemptions for exercise and fine the crap of those that don't comply. Go back to our Vic 2020 lockdown get police and army foot soldiers out on the beat just to be a presence.
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anyway, had my 2 coffees, im off.
very poor lockdown attempt by Melb (metro) this time in.
Nine News last night had a segment filmed in our Swan St heartland. Looked like the biggest street party since that night in Sep 2017. Ok an exaggeration but the streets were alive, one butcher throwing a free sausage sizzle, the denizens of Tigerland all pleased to be chatting and soaking in the pre Spring sunshine. But as MD raises is that the sort of exposure we should avoiding? Remember the early COVId epoch where (some) people wouldn't go down a supermarket aisle if someone else was in it.
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anyway, had my 2 coffees, im off.
very poor lockdown attempt by Melb (metro) this time in.

Would they be those take away coffee's were thousands of people line up and then use a it as an excuse to lower their masks and chat:mad::mad:. A huge bugbear of mine.
does anyone know what kind of medical condition would be made worse by wearing a mask?

and wouldn't such medical conditions make you pretty susceptible to Covid?
Apparently to even ask that even in a general context is the biggest violation of human rights since Neville Crowe's suspension.
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  • Haha
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