Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Looks like the Invermectin debate flared up again, I'm still waiting for a sensible answer as to why anyone would be touting a drug which has not shown any effectiveness against COVID and then starts spinning conspiracy theories which make Foucault's Pendulum look tame.

You can ask Craig Kelly himself, his posting on this thread under Lamb22 and having a fine old debate with Antman.
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A journo just asked Gladys how many ventilators there were, how many ICU beds etc in North Western NSW (I think it was there). She commented straight away, we have more Pfizer, I might ask Minister Hazzard to answer the rest of the question, to which he rabbited on about nothing for the next 5 minutes.

Yet another dodged question but focus the answer on vaccines.
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Have I got this right. Gladys is talking about opening up as the daily new case nos. are increasing?

not really, she's flagging easing restrictions dependent on vaccine numbers.

she's incentivising vaccines,

Like when you were a kid and your mum would say

'shut up and *smile* off for half an hour, and you might get a treat'

I'd say the easing she is talking about will be home visitation numbers or exercise radius or something pretty pissweak.

if she open up it will be carnage
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Gladys still persisting with the false statement that "this is the first time we have seen Delta in Australia and so we are learning how to deal with it for the first time". What a joke.
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A journo just asked Gladys how many ventilators there were, how many ICU beds etc in North Western NSW (I think it was there). She commented straight away, we have more Pfizer, I might ask Minister Hazzard to answer the rest of the question, to which he rabbited on about nothing for the next 5 minutes.

Yet another dodged question but focus the answer on vaccines.
Hazzard is the classic example of someone who loves hearing his own voice, jumps on his soapbox about nonsense and will take no prisoners on his quest to finish talking about said nonsense.
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Coronacast today stated that if NSW locks down hard, now, they could be out of this in 4-6 weeks minimum. If they keep on the same path they will see cases at around 500 per day by September. How pharked is that, given we know they won't hard lockdown.

Also some data in from Israel, with Delta, it appears that immune response drops off significantly quickly, so by 6 months since innoculation, an older cohort in Israel has only about 20% protection from getting Covid, as compared to the younger cohorts who were immunised last month at around 90%. More positively though there is still good protection against severe illness, hospitalisation and death. Israel are now promoting 6 months boosters to older cohorts.

Vaccination is here for the long term folks.
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Seems the Byron Bay ahole is just that.

"It has emerged that Zoran Radovanovic has historical convictions for burglary, theft, criminal damage, drug and forgery offences – a record that was scrutinised when he successfully appealed a federal government attempt to cancel his visa and deport him to Serbia."

Maybe there's now enough to send this piece of proverbial packing, for good.
harsh, why wouldnt you make anyone coming from Sydney quarantine?
perhaps an alternative landing place should have been found, rather than sending them somewhere that wasnt the most at risk place in Australia.
The biggest issue is that each state currently has very low caps on international arrivals. SA said that the couldn't take all of the returning SA Olympians because their cap had been filled (and the Japanese said that each athlete needed to leave Japan within a short period of time after their events - I think 2 days, but don't quote me on that). Each other state's (e.g. WA and VIC) cap was filled with their own athletes and other returnees, so QLD and NSW put their hands up to take extra over and over their nominal caps. The athletes and the olympic committee didn't really have a choice where to send them.
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harsh, why wouldnt you make anyone coming from Sydney quarantine?
perhaps an alternative landing place should have been found, rather than sending them somewhere that wasnt the most at risk place in Australia.
David Penbarthy wrote a petty good rebuttal piece to those bemoaning the Adelaide quarantine requirements on the Olympic Athletes.

David Penberthy: The AOC looks tone-deaf against the backdrop of other sacrifices​

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The biggest issue is that each state currently has very low caps on international arrivals. SA said that the couldn't take all of the returning SA Olympians because their cap had been filled (and the Japanese said that each athlete needed to leave Japan within a short period of time after their events - I think 2 days, but don't quote me on that). Each other state's (e.g. WA and VIC) cap was filled with their own athletes and other returnees, so QLD and NSW put their hands up to take extra over and over their nominal caps. The athletes and the olympic committee didn't really have a choice where to send them.
yeah, fair enough. I guess the Olympic committee wasnt to know how badly the NSW would government would respond to an outbreak when they initially made the arrangements.
Well he is your mate, so touché.
Hey. I’m not his mate. His girlfriend just pays me to hang out with him so she doesn’t have to put up with him all the time. In fact it’s about time I reviewed my rates.
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