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  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Methinks Gladys follows Chant's 'health advice' when it suits. Obvious who's calling the shots & it ain't the doctor.

Gladys "we are all about reducing cases".

Well your belligerent response to this, is going well isn't it Gladys. Sticking those heals in any more.

I did notice here, she said, Dr Chant provides recommendations and we "consider" them and then implement. I'm pretty sure our lockdowns are decided by 1 man and 1 man only and thats Sutton not Andrews. NSW sounds like they consider the health advice, but if they don't like it, they just do what Gladys says. Going well so far.
Methinks Gladys follows Chant's 'health advice' when it suits. Obvious who's calling the shots & it ain't the doctor.

They're doing their best not to let Dr Chant answer the hard questions.
Apparently in the Inquiry today, Brad Hazzard kept interrupting when Dr Chant was asked anything too hard, complained when he was interrupted, claimed he didn't have to be there and had other work to do, and told the panel that he didn't speak for the Premier and to direct their questions to her.
A really *smile* lib polititian in a very strong field
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The VIC outbreak started on 10/6/20 and ended on 16/10/20 I am basing this on doughnut days. VIC had a doughnut day on 9/6/20 and the next one came 129 days later on 17/10/20. Between those days VIC had 18,535 cases.

The last NSW doughnut day came on 16/6/21 and the first day of their current outbreak started on 17/6/21.

Today is day 55 of the NSW outbreak. They had 356 cases today and they have had 5803 cases since their last doughnut day.

On day 55 of the VIC outbreak, we had 380 cases and 10,155 cases since the last doughnut day. So, VIC had 4352 cases more at day 55.

So, the VIC outbreak skyrocketed early and peaked on day 57 with 700 cases. After that, the numbers dropped pretty quickly. We dropped below 100 cases 19 days later, reached single figures 46 days after the peak, and had a doughnut day 72 days after the peak.

My fear for NSW is that they are not close to reaching their peak. Today they had 29% of people in Iso during the infectious period. Their average over the past week has been 36%. Its not going up. It has been stagnant between 35-40% for weeks.

If current trends continue, not only will NSW catch up to VIC in terms of total numbers, they will fly past without stopping… at roughly around late September/Early October.
I mentioned that this was her gameplan over a week ago, she would be petitioning the government to get her more vaccines.

Last week NSW said they have been "advanced" Pfizer vaccines amounting to 150,000. Commonwealth claims that all other states would have theirs accelerated too, QLD got 100,000, VIC got 50,000. Is our population 1 3rd of NSW's?? Not to my knowledge. Last week, it was either Andrews, Sutton or Weimar that mentioned this too, and estimated that we would get about 120,000 does, but we were given 50,000. Where did the 70,000 go? Were they what were provided to NSW?
I suspected this may be the case. Infuriating really. These guys take the general populace to be stupid to think that people wouldn't be able to see through this.
I read that article a few hours ago. At the same time I traipsed over to the Daily Telegraph to see what headlines they were running with (needed a shower afterwards). But anyway, even they were now concerned at where all of this is going in NSW and the ramifications for the rest of the country. They’ve since gone back to their usual MO with a bunch of “look over there” headlines about celebrity chefs etc but a few hours ago there was definitely a wtf feel to their front page items.

Scary times with these LNP “leaders” in Australia.
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I read that article a few hours ago. At the same time I traipsed over to the Daily Telegraph to see what headlines they were running with (needed a shower afterwards). But anyway, even they were now concerned at where all of this is going in NSW and the ramifications for the rest of the country. They’ve since gone back to their usual MO with a bunch of “look over there” headlines about celebrity chefs etc but a few hours ago there was definitely a wtf feel to their front page items.

Scary times with these LNP “leaders” in Australia.

Its a good article. I'd read come info on this a few days ago, comparing the VIC governments payments to those to stay isolated whilst awaiting a test, something that the NSW government have so far refused to give to their residents of their state. Again a failure of there being 1 way to control this, 1 state does one thing, another does something differently.

Its a very scary scenario and 1 several of us have been warning of, particularly the 2 state NSW that has been created.

1 thing no-one can disagree about Andrews on, is his rhetoric. When he says "we are all in this together" he meant it. If part of Melbourne locks down, all of Melbourne locks down. He learnt this very early in the pandemic last year. You need to keep things simple. The KISS principle is always good to come back to, unfortunately NSW just seem to want to complicate and confuse which is what they are doing.
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More than 99.99% of people who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 have not had a breakthrough case resulting in hospitalization or death, according to a CNN analysis of data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Sounds a bit far fetched but anyway, the data appears positive none the less.

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You need to keep things simple. The KISS principle is always good to come back to, unfortunately NSW just seem to want to complicate and confuse which is what they are doing.


The rules in NSW and the way they are different for different local government areas is just stupid. I was talking to my partner about this last night, we couldn't even identify most of the boundaries of our LGA. I suppose we've only been living in this house for 28 years.

There might be more to curbing Delta than vaccination. Uttar Pradesh is a state of India with 230 million people which had a peak of about 37,000 cases a day in late April. Their vaccination rate is under 10% . Cases are now down to a seven day average of 42 with no deaths recorded yesterday.

On the other hand the USA with 330 million people and with a 50% fully vaccinated population is struggling with Delta

Maybe something else is at play.
tell me youre making this up, or getting it off facebook?
I'm not .. and I've never been on facebook..

and guess what? he did this while his 2 sons are in the same hospital ... with Covid ..

you couldn't make this sh*t up...! we know a nurse at Lismore Base...
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1 thing no-one can disagree about Andrews on, is his rhetoric. When he says "we are all in this together" he meant it. If part of Melbourne locks down, all of Melbourne locks down. He learnt this very early in the pandemic last year. You need to keep things simple. The KISS principle is always good to come back to, unfortunately NSW just seem to want to complicate and confuse which is what they are doing.

Imagine how much better Dan would be if he wasn't dead.

Maybe something else is at play.

Not as many 5G towers in India
I'm not .. and I've never been on facebook..

and guess what? he did this while his 2 sons are in the same hospital ... with Covid ..

you couldn't make this sh*t up...! we know a nurse at Lismore Base...

sounds like he should be in a straight jacket in iso in the psych ward?

can't imagine the nurses are being particularly gentle on the intubation and insertions?
Imagine how much better Dan would be if he wasn't dead.

Not as many 5G towers in India
I was thinking more something like this

Interestingly the medicine kit contained an anti viral therapy, a subject Fauci has started addressing as a necessary therapy a mere 18 months into this pandemic. Maybe Bill Gates is close to finalising his long lasting injectable patentable version of Ivermectin?
I was thinking more something like this

Interestingly the medicine kit contained an anti viral therapy, a subject Fauci has started addressing as a necessary therapy a mere 18 months into this pandemic. Maybe Bill Gates is close to finalising his long lasting injectable patentable version of Ivermectin?
Yeah, I'm not into conspiracy theories