Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


3 deaths too, all unvaccinated.

Not looking good in NSW, what are they going to do about this? They need to do something different as what's happening now just isn't working.


id say theres every indication they'lle tread water, status quo, stay in lickdown, 200-500 a day, hope to minimise deaths,

until 80% vaccination, probably in December,

then hire a PR firm to come up with a few words, something like 'safety, decisive, protection, to say on high rotation for a year.

then when everyone is preoccupied with who gets voted off Australias biggest celebrity sourdough artisanal baker,

theylle call an election, win in a landslide, and give a heap of harbourfront public land to rich LNP donors and approve new gas wells all through the Pilaga
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356 cases in Sydney today. Gladys says that curfews and a ring of steel don't work because Delta is more infectious.

So if its more infectious, is the plan to put less measures in place to stop the spread? That makes zero sense.

She keeps banging on about how they have the harshest restrictions but never clarifies what it is that makes their lockdown the harshest. The daily cases indicate that what they're doing isn't working. Whats that expression about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
Nearly one third of these new cases have been infectious in the community.

Does this ahole realise that the country is so far behind in its vaccination program that if she doesn't use the only lever available to her - proper lockdown - that en masse sickness and death is going to follow for the time it takes to get the country fully vaccinated, which again is a long way off ? 80% ....December. There's no guarantee of any of that. WTF is wrong with this woman ?

The fact that we have this ever increasing case number in NSW, it now has flow on effects for the rest of the country. This isn't a international quarantine coralling thing that we're talking about. Its an entire state with the Delta variant which will be impossible for other states to protect itself from, the end result being that Victoria will end up in lockdown for months and months and months as well. The virus doesn't recognise inland borders.

Its time for the National Cabinet to step in and direct this ahole to take the right and proper action that she should have all along. For the entire country's sake.
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Nearly one third of these new cases have been infectious in the community.

Does this ahole realise that the country is so far behind in its vaccination program that if she doesn't use the only lever available to her - proper lockdown - that en masse sickness and death is going to follow for the time it takes to get the country fully vaccinated, which again is a long way off ? 80% ....December. There's no guarantee of any of that. WTF is wrong with this woman ?

And further, the fact that we have this ever increasing case number in NSW, it now has flow on effects for the rest of the country. This isn't a quarantine coralling thing that we're talking about. Its an entire state with the Delta variant which will be impossible for other states to protect itself from, the end result being that Victoria will end up in lockdown for months and months and months as well.

Its time for the National Cabinet to step in and direct this ahole to take the right and proper action that she should have all along. For the entire country's sake.

Are there any powers the PM / federal government has to overrule a state governments approach?
Finally all print and tv media are putting a positive spin on people rushing for vaccines, including AZ and including 18-39 year old bracket.
Media have a lot to answer for for their initial fear monger clickbait headlines and exaggeration of vaccine hesitancy.
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First time I've watched a NSW press conference for more than 5 minutes. These three inspire zero faith in me. They look *smile* clueless. Gladys loves to scurry off quickly.

Say what you want about Dan and his team - but they perform so much better than these fools do at their press conferences.
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We need to be talking about and preparing and planning for boosters NOW. We have a sufficient number in the population who have been fully vaccinated now (about 25%) for planning to be happening. Fat chance with this defective government though.

I was talking to a hematologist just before the lockdown and he was chronically critical of the federal government's roll out for a host of reasons, not the least of which was a plan around ongoing vaccination. He was saying that the UK is on track to start dispensing boosters before Christmas.

Where is the plan for early vaccinators here in Australia like health care workers, the aged etc who were fully vaccinated back in March ? Even if its considered you'll be covered for 12 months, where's the communication and strategy ???? Guess Morrison is struggling enough with first stage vaccination such that's all way beyond him.

Worst federal government and PM in our country's history. Couldn't organise the proverbial in a brewery.

mate, people who believe we will be 80% vaccinated by Xmas is in la-la land… even if projections suggest that we will. Do you know why? Because Morrison will find a way to fluff the next stages of the vaccine rollout. I really don’t know how people can trust anything he says about vaccines after his bumbling of it so far.

As for boosters… well that really is a distant memory.

NSW is putting the entire country into an insane position.

At what point does Mr Defective and the rest of the National Cabinet step in and say "enough is enough" ???

Andrews has been pushing for a ring of steel in Sydney for about 2 weeks now. with incursions in Victoria, QLD, Tassie and cases in Orange and Northern NSW, I can’t see how anyone can disagree with this. Its time the other premiers stepped up started putting pressure on NSW to do this. We need to protect the rest of Australia. If NSW refuse, the states will have to completely shut the borders. It pains me to say this because I know how hard this will be for border communities. But we just can’t let this escape NSW.
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Gladys is *smile* nuts.

Still being let off so easily. She's still going with the rhetoric, that NSW are somehow different to the rest of Australia, because you know Delta. They are the only ones to have been impacted by Delta, none of the other states have. She blatantly lies, and the journos up there allow her to do it. Imagine if Andrews said something like that, would be destroyed.
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NSW is putting the entire country into an insane position.

At what point does Mr Defective and the rest of the National Cabinet step in and say "enough is enough" ???

He'd have to make a decision & he has proven to be "Decision Impotent" In other words he can't harden up & make one.
mate, people who believe we will be 80% vaccinated by Xmas is in la-la land… even if projections suggest that we will. Do you know why? Because Morrison will find a way to fluff the next stages of the vaccine rollout. I really don’t know how people can trust anything he says about vaccines after his bumbling of it so far.

As for boosters… well that really is a distant memory.

Andrews has been pushing for a ring of steel in Sydney for about 2 weeks now. with incursions in Victoria, QLD, Tassie and cases in Orange and Northern NSW, I can’t see how anyone can disagree with this. Its time the other premiers stepped up started putting pressure on NSW to do this. We need to protect the rest of Australia. If NSW refuse, the states will have to completely shut the borders. It pains me to say this because I know how hard this will be for border communities. But we just can’t let this escape NSW.
356 cases in Sydney today. Gladys says that curfews and a ring of steel don't work because Delta is more infectious.

So if its more infectious, is the plan to put less measures in place to stop the spread? That makes zero sense.

She keeps banging on about how they have the harshest restrictions but never clarifies what it is that makes their lockdown the harshest. The daily cases indicate that what they're doing isn't working. Whats that expression about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
From what I can gather from Gladys’ shitshow presser is that she has the harshest lock down restrictions because their list of essential workers isn’t as long as Victoria’s list of essential workers. Harsh.
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Absolute trainwreck of a press conference. How do some of these people get such high ranking positions. Scary stuff.
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From what I can gather from Gladys’ shitshow presser is that she has the harshest lock down restrictions because their list of essential workers isn’t as long as Victoria’s list of essential workers. Harsh.

Thats exactly how I read it too. Bunnings etc is open and all that, but because their essential workers list is short, means they are harsher.

I'd love to know what Bunnings sales have been like whilst they have enforced people stay at home. I'd hazard a guess that they have had bumper sales as people that cannot work, start to do projects and odd jobs around the house and they need to browse Bunnings to be able to do that, but then of course as Kerry Chant said about 4-5 weeks ago, they hadn't had any transmission in retail environments (until they did).