Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


20 cases today. still awaiting more info.

edit: 5 of the 20 cases not yet linked. 14 of the 20 in Iso during infectious period. not terrible.

7 day lockdown extension likely to be announced today.
With the 5 cases not linked today, they seem pretty confident that they will be linked.
Lockdown in Melbourne extended for a week. Predictable but still annoying.

Vast majority of cases and exposure sites still in western suburbs. Only a handful of sites in other areas of Melbourne.
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344 locally acquired cases in NSW :(

From the ABC website:

They really are not getting on top of this, looks like they are not trying to control the outbreak to be honest.

What a mess.


I suggested this a couple of weeks ago, got told I was Caroline Wilson speculating. If thats similar to her "speculating" about Clarko and Mitchell, then looks like my initial suspicions around the NSW government were correct.
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Lockdown in Melbourne extended for a week. Predictable but still annoying.

Vast majority of cases and exposure sites still in western suburbs. Only a handful of sites in other areas of Melbourne.

The 1 thing that is strange. Why is the Mornington Peninsula treated differently to the Bellerine? Cases are a lot closer to the Bellerine. Bellerine, out of lockdown already, Mornington, locked down for another week.
Is the herd immunity dream dead?

Is it time to call it? Is the dream of herd immunity to COVID-19, at least in the short term, dead?

That’s the assessment of the evidence by several leading scientists – although not everyone agrees.

Delta is so contagious, they argue, it pushes the herd immunity threshold to an almost unreachable point. As good as our vaccines are (really good!) they do not provide 100 per cent protection against passing the virus on.

“It’s a pipe dream,” says Professor Fiona Russell, a leading vaccine expert based at the University of Melbourne.

“And it was never an attainable goal. It was bandied about a lot, but given the nature of the virus it is just not possible.”
Didn't watch today as I had a meeting. What happened today?
Just the usual avoiding directly answering questions. Gladys hiding to the side. A really valid question was asked about why they dont just have the same blanket restrictions across Greater Sydney given it keeps just spreading from LGA to LGA and people are confused what restrictions they are under - the answer was some rubbish centred on it highlights to the community where most of the cases are. Huh???

Hazzard is honestly terrible. Just wow.
The 1 thing that is strange. Why is the Mornington Peninsula treated differently to the Bellerine? Cases are a lot closer to the Bellerine. Bellerine, out of lockdown already, Mornington, locked down for another week.
I think the Mornington Peninsula is more connected to Melbourne than the Bellarine. It really is part of the Melbourne metro area even if not officially. Very easy to get to from heavily populated eastern and south eastern suburbs. I don't really have an issue with the differentiation in this case but I think you do have a point about the Bellarine being closer to the current outbreak.

This outbreak is very different in that is basically confined to the western and north western suburbs. Hopefully it doesn't spread much further as that means we will get on top of it quicker.
Thanos forced his will on the universe. I see this more as free will and the anti-vaxxers god given right to die
Fair point. Depopulation will solve much of the worlds problems- and bring a whole suite of different ones. For starters Doesn’t fit with our capitalistic never ending growth model.
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Cool. I assume you didn't read the World Health Organisation article I linked then.

That article about Uttar Pradesh refers to basic contact tracing, isolation and rapid antigen testing, all things we do in Australia except for the RAT, we go for the longer/more expensive/more reliable PCR tests. RAT makes good sense for developing countries. Contact tracing/lockdowns/isolation is of course critical in our armoury of tactics against Covid.

The fascination with Fauci and ivermectin and so on continues I see. Anyone would think Fauci somehow has manipulated the global response to Covid, even though the reality is that it's been a combination of governments, public and private R&D, big pharma and so on. But if you want to somehow excuse Trump and blame Fauci for the Covid mess Trump left the US in then it makes perfect sense.
Heh, Caro fanbois because we pointed out how wrong you were about her? Between your rabid anti-Caro and pro-Gladys stances going devastatingly wrong, I'm surprised you haven't retired this login name and started a new one.
The NSW response had worked until delta. They were brilliant at handling outbreaks, they got the balance right and were able to bring them under control without the complete shutdowns. But, they've got it wrong now. They have underestimated delta and assumed they could do it like they did last time. And now they are too stubborn to admit it. Not sure why they can't accept they got it wrong. Just as the Vic leadership got it wrong last year. Hopefully Gladys learns from the mistakes but it doesn’t appear likely.

Not sure what I got wrong about her, she’s a gossip columnist. Clarkson not coaching Hawks in 2022 was obvious, it was called on here before she wrote about it. Not sure what sort of scoop it is to write stories using assumptions. I'm not a fan of her style, some are.
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With the 5 cases not linked today, they seem pretty confident that they will be linked.

Yeah 100%. although I would argue it was actually 2 unlinked cases and 3 cases linked to those 2 unliked cases (if that makes sense). Moot point when they are almost certainly linked in the next 24 hours.

Just the usual avoiding directly answering questions. Gladys hiding to the side. A really valid question was asked about why they dont just have the same blanket restrictions across Greater Sydney given it keeps just spreading from LGA to LGA and people are confused what restrictions they are under - the answer was some rubbish centred on it highlights to the community where most of the cases are. Huh???

Hazzard is honestly terrible. Just wow.

it just reinforces how ideology plays a part in the NSW response. They are not in it together when people can freely walk around Bondi unhindered.
On the Ivermectin stuff, here's the Aus NPS (National Prescibing Service) take.

Ivermectin was shown to kill Covid in vitro ie in a test tube, but human trials were negative or inconclusive. Trials are ongoing in 2021.

Has it already been used for people with COVID-19?

There are some media reports about health professionals in Australia and overseas having ‘success’ using ivermectin as part of COVID-19 treatment.9,10 There are also preliminary trial results that suggest no benefit from this medicine,11 or possibly a shorter hospital stay.12
At the moment, publicly available details about these cases and trials are limited or have not been peer-reviewed (looked at carefully by experts to make sure the data has been analysed correctly and completely).
So, currently there is no clear information that confirms whether ivermectin works as a COVID-19 treatment. Instead, there are still plenty of questions that need to be answered by well-run and correctly planned clinical trials. These questions include:
  • what are meaningful results that show benefit with this medicine?
  • what is a safe dose to use?
  • should other medicines be given as well?
  • are there side effects that are harmful?
  • can it be given to all patients with COVID-19?
Human clinical trials that include ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19 are now underway.
The linked site includes info on current studies globally.

Draw your own conclusions about whether Fauci was involved in some sort of global suppression of Ivermectin as a potential treatment, or he just let medical science run its course.

Excellent and interesting article. Some other highlights for me - vaccination may not stop the spread of the virus - as many epidemioligists have noted already, we will likely never eradicate Covid - but they are very effective in preventing hospitalisation and death.

A word on this, before you worry too much: this data is just for catching the virus. The evidence we have suggests both Pfizer and AstraZeneca do a great job of protecting us from dying from the virus, which is what really matters.

To recap: Delta is more contagious and our vaccines are not 100 per cent capable of stopping it infecting us. That probably pushes us over the limit of realistically ever being able to achieve herd immunity, says Professor Russell.

“Going forward, it’s not going to be possible to eradicate the virus. It’s really quite impossible.”

Article predicts that often virus become more contagious but less virulent ie deadly - and this may happen over time with Covid as the virus mutates. Remember it's not in the reproductive interest of a virus to kill its host. We will likely have covid seasons, like flu season when the government will promote booster shots.

Unfortunately for the "vaccination is a low-priority for Australia" team, vaccination is still the way out, even if herd immunity is ultimately unobtainable.
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That infected covidiot who traveled to Byron from Sydney has been charged by police. Hope they throw the book at him.
Good to see; he's a total *smile* and I hope they lock him up.

It'd be good if the Vic authorities followed suit and charged the arseholes down here that flagrantly breach restrictions, spread the virus, cause lockdowns and ruin lives and livelihoods. Here we are again for yet another week. The stuff people get away with in Victoria is infuriating.
Good to see; he's a total *smile* and I hope they lock him up.

It'd be good if the Vic authorities followed suit and charged the arseholes down here that flagrantly breach restrictions, spread the virus, cause lockdowns and ruin lives and livelihoods. Here we are again for yet another week. The stuff people get away with in Victoria is infuriating.

I’m remain conflicted on this. I have a strong desire for there to be a deterrent. But I also see the well articulated point by Andrews that doing this will drive reporting / testing underground and overall that will do more damage. Once people with symptoms who have done the wrong thing chose NOT to get tested because they know they will be shot if it comes out positive they will try and ride it out and hope they can just survive the virus. On balance he is likely doing the right thing - we can see clearly in NsW what distrust of the government/authority is doing.

the flip argument is that seeing people ‘get away with it’ drives compliance to the restrictions in the rest of the population down / ferments unrest.
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The NSW response had worked until delta. They were brilliant at handling outbreaks, they got the balance right and were able to bring them under control without the complete shutdowns. But, they've got it wrong now. They have underestimated delta and assumed they could do it like they did last time. And now they are too stubborn to admit it. Not sure why they can't accept they got it wrong. Just as the Vic leadership got it wrong last year. Hopefully Gladys learns from the mistakes but it doesn’t appear likely.

Not sure what I got wrong about her, she’s a gossip columnist. Clarkson not coaching Hawks in 2022 was obvious, it was called on here before she wrote about it. Not sure what sort of scoop it is to write stories using assumptions. I'm not a fan of her style, some are.

I really don't get the Gladys approach - is she just afraid of alienating the electorate? I mean seriously, who cares. Our leaders are charged with getting us out of this mess, re-election should be the last things on their minds. Do the work, the elections will take care of themselves.