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  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


HTF did he rise top the top by refusing to do anything?

was it that everyone else were just bigger *smile* than him, in a weird Steve Bradbury situation?
yep. He is the Steven Bradbury PM. They didn't want potato head, they didn't want Turnbull and they didn't want Julie.

SCOMO was the last one left
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Not sure that is a defence but a further indictment on the government that they would allow his jibbering to be given daily.

hes always been a bumbling, mr.bean'esque kind of idiot.
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I honestly can't remember a leader who has delegated everything, more,

anywhere in the world,

There was a bloke in the USA who delegated an insurrection to the proudboys/Qanon/boogaloos and ATOFL...!
Does that count?:rolleyes:

(Not running in defense of slomo btw!)
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There was a bloke in the USA who delegated an insurrection to the proudboys/Qanon/boogaloos and ATOFL...!
Does that count?:rolleyes:

(Not running in defense of slomo btw!)

Trump, as big a *smile* as he is,

made more decisions in a day, than Morrison has made in 3 years.
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Still shops stay open in Sydney. Still a quasi lockdown.
Now cases growing regionally in NSW.
Gladys is the absolute worst.

in hindsight, they flagged very early on

that they were hoisting the white flag.

If I was the rest of Australia, Id be hard bordering to NSW until 2022.


But it sheets back to Morrison. *smile* up quarantine, *smile* up vaccine.

If, perish the thought, he led us in wartime,

imagine the *smile* ups?

'I don't hold a gun. Business can decide which flank we defend. we are going to have conscription for Australia. If you are aged between 18-40, and you live in Labour-held seat, please report to Puckapnuyal Monday, Huh? so what if the defence minister owns the mercenary army that we've awarded the secret tender to, we don't play the politics of envy'
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Still shops stay open in Sydney. Still a quasi lockdown.
Now cases growing regionally in NSW.
Gladys is the absolute worst.
Not sure NSW will get this back now.
May be too far spread.
Victoria is going to struggle.
Looks like from now till 80% vax we will be locked down to some degree. Ie early next year.
Still 20% not vaccinated(adults) is around 4 million people....that's a lot of covid infections, hospital beds, icu and deaths to follow next year. Once we open up the virus will be very active and spread.
Will be fascinating to look back by the end of next year to see what happens. ..suspect plenty more grief to come.
Well the National CMO is saying NSW needs a “circuit breaker” but is anyone - Berejiklian or Morrison - listening to him ? Or other epidemiologists that are saying the same ?

Ffs. What is wrong with these people ?
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The lack of action in NSW sets a poor example to people about the severity of this condition.
It undermines the public perception and supports the fringe luney distorted view.
Aggressive action is needed to be done and to be seen to be done.
The only thing resistant people will respond to is real threats of action and punishment.
Heavy fine threats worked in our lockdown last year and closing the border completely to NSW is needed now.
Our cases come from NSW.
Those who broke the rules need to fined/ punished regardless of ethnicity or compliance with health authorities.
Anything else is seen as weakness and will be abused by the fringe luneys.
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Well the National CMO is saying NSW needs a “circuit breaker” but is anyone - Berejiklian or Morrison - listening to him ? Or other epidemiologists that are saying the same ?

Ffs. What is wrong with these people ?

I think it all adds up to what I said Sunday last week. I think Gladys isn't interested in suppression (which is what the National CMO wants). I'm 100% sure that she wants to use this to accelerate the vaccination process in NSW and thats her 1 and only goal.

The problem with this, is they will remain isolated from the rest of Australia, if they are "open and living with Covid" and the rest of Australia is waiting for vaccines because NSW will try and hog them.
I think it all adds up to what I said Sunday last week. I think Gladys isn't interested in suppression (which is what the National CMO wants). I'm 100% sure that she wants to use this to accelerate the vaccination process in NSW and thats her 1 and only goal.

The problem with this, is they will remain isolated from the rest of Australia, if they are "open and living with Covid" and the rest of Australia is waiting for vaccines because NSW will try and hog them.

There is not the stock, nor the supporting infrastructure and logistical framework in place to support accelerated vaccination. And what does accelerated even mean ? 80% fully vaccinated in NSW by October ? Unlikely. December ? Who the hell knows.

And meanwhile, 3 months….6 months….whatever…. The cases and deaths go through the roof under this nut job. And THATS why the epo’s are screaming at her to change tact and quickly. Get as safe a base as possible first before you push hard with your vaccination priority.

And incidentally, where was this accelerated vaccination priority all along ie BEFORE their outbreak ??
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There is not the stock, nor the supporting infrastructure and logistical framework in place to support accelerated vaccination. And what does accelerated even mean ? 80% fully vaccinated in NSW by October ? Unlikely. December ? Who the hell knows.

And meanwhile, 3 months….6 months….whatever…. The cases and deaths go through the roof under this nut job. And THATS why the epo’s are screaming at her to change tact and quickly. Get as safe a base as possible first before you push hard with your vaccination priority.

And incidentally, where was this accelerated vaccination priority all along ie BEFORE their outbreak ??

I agree with you, but thats where I think they are at. For me its a flawed thought pattern and why I think she's ruthless. I don't believe this is about public health but about furthering her career.

They have been trying to spin this, that Delta is brand new, and taken them by surprise. I mean one of their medical experts (the bloke who's been on a few times over the last few weeks, is he Dr Chants deputy?) today said that Delta has been around for a few months (ie. brand new, NSW was 1 of the 1st places to be impacted), yet the 1st known case of Delta was known in OCTOBER 2020 (yes a full 10 months, not a few months ago).

It just goes on with their rhetoric (and they all appear to be on this spin phase whether they are govt ministers, health officials etc).

Its disgusting to see, especially bearing in mind that Dan gets crucified for making a decision and she gets very little thrown at her, when she either doesn't make a decision or makes poor ones.
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But it sheets back to Morrison. *smile* up quarantine, *smile* up vaccine.
This is it. Get quarantine right and the rest takes care of itself. It should have been the foundation of the covid strategy. *smile* foundations never work.
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I agree with you, but thats where I think they are at. For me its a flawed thought pattern and why I think she's ruthless. I don't believe this is about public health but about furthering her career.

don’t know how anyone could think huge case numbers and deaths would further their career?
Well the National CMO is saying NSW needs a “circuit breaker” but is anyone - Berejiklian or Morrison - listening to him ? Or other epidemiologists that are saying the same ?

Ffs. What is wrong with these people ?
Yeh, was speaking to a mate in Newcastle and he is pretty right wing and he can’t believe they aren’t shutting the joint down completely for a couple of weeks. It will affect his business but he can’t see any other way. What they are doing is not working. Can’t see how Gladys or Morrison survive this.
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yep. He is the Steven Bradbury PM. They didn't want potato head, they didn't want Turnbull and they didn't want Julie.

SCOMO was the last one left
To think many of us breathed a sigh of relief when ScoMo got the top job and not Dutton
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We need to get high levels of vax but we need to erase any thinking it’s a silver bullet. Vaccine effectiveness seeming to drop after 6 months is very perturbing. Hope we are working on booster supplies too.

any epidemiologists here who know what is more likely to make the virus mutate? Is it having pop partly vaxed, having vax that aren’t 100% efficacious or having it run rampant? Hopefully our cure doesn’t make COVID-delta X or whatever.

also is any work being done on other solutions to prevent / treat that show promise and have scientific double blind data to support? Is that even possible? Would be great to see data on what health conditions covid severity correlates with / adjusted for age. Having trump promote bleach has done a disservice to anything else.
Meanwhile where I am we're reaching 80% vaccinated and the plans are in place to open up. The phases to normality are planned and there is a distinct difference in what you can or can't do depending on whether you are vaccinated or not. Kids under 12 and those who have a medical certificate excluding them from vaccination are in a halfway house where they can enjoy the greater freedoms, but only with members of the same household.

This is the bit I found interesting from the government announcement:

This is when the economy will be further opened up, with more social activities and even travel able to take place. But in doing so, we must be mentally prepared for the number of cases and deaths to rise

Basically calling a return to normality, but to remember that doesn't mean we've beaten the virus and it will still cause havoc.

yeah, the absolute balance is yet to be determined. Even at 80% there will still be outbreaks, cases, and probably deaths. I can foresee next year governments continuing to push social distancing, masks and lockdowns as necessary, and booster shots/campaigns for the remaining unvaxxed to get vaxxed. Singapore is likely to be a "gold standard" - using that term unironically - in terms of data driven policy on this.

Opening up in any meaningful, long-term way still depends on vaccination though.
This is a disgrace. Regional Victoria being shafted as usual.
Regional Victorian kids should be going to school Monday.
A school is where this outbreak in Victoria started its spread.
Schools are where the current outbreak in Queensland is mostly spreading (57 out 89 cases are under 19.)
Numerous schools were spreading points in NSW.

the spread in kids does appear to be a major difference with Delta. and whilst schools closures were debated last year, i dont think there can be any discussion now about whether schools are included in lockdowns.
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