Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


NSW 14 day average is 201.93.

FWIW, I am absolutely convinced the NSW government is not interested at supressing their COVID wave. It’s pretty clear they have given up on total elimination. I have now concluded NSW is trying to hold back the spread until vaccinations reach a reasonable level, then they will open up. They go on and on and on about how vaccinations are the way out. Its not. Vaccinations are a preventative measure only, not the solution to their problems. They either don’t understand this – or worse still – they do understand this, but don’t care. They probably see themselves as a bit of a guinea pig and/or test case.
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NSW 14 day average is 201.93.

FWIW, I am absolutely convinced the NSW government is not interested at supressing their COVID wave. It’s pretty clear they have given up on total elimination. I have now concluded NSW is trying to hold back the spread until vaccinations reach a reasonable level, then they will open up. They go on and on and on about how vaccinations are the way out. Its not. Vaccinations are a preventative measure only, not the solution to their problems. They either don’t understand this – or worse still – they do understand this, but don’t care. They probably see themselves as a bit of a guinea pig and/or test case.
Couldn't agree more Ian Botham.

It's pure maths now. What will it cost me to beat this vs when will be at 70%?
Yeh, no one should have confusion over where the risks are for covid. People have been told countless times they should not visit homes. That they are risking loved ones lives. That message is loud and clear. The cult of self-indulgence. The disregard for consequences. Its learned behaviour.
Obviously the risks are higher indoors, but we cant ignore the evidence that suggests outdoor transmission is real:
What's happening in NSW is nothing short of a disaster for our entire country.
Particularly the east coast. It will be virtually impossible to keep out of Victoria and Queensland with the number of border crossings/town that have people who live in both states etc.
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My point exactly. Yet cause mass financial and economic chaos and endanger public health on a broad scale and you get a cuddle from the Victorian authorities. It's a *smile* disgrace.
I completely agree with everything you have said in this thread. It’s all common sense. Shame people in charge can’t see that.
Can only hope
It seems an error was made and Jeroen the Commander has apologised to the Wangaratta Mayor
Just shows how’s hopeless the state governments actually are . Shut down the entire state when no need to . Amazing !! They will no doubt find something else to justify there shutdown


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Am pretty convinced Gladys is borderline crazy.
She has zero real intention of getting the case numbers down through any further lockdowns.
I genuinely feel for the people of NSW & can't begin to think what pressure the health workers must be under given the steadily growing numbers.
Not to mention growing pressure on the national economy & holding the rest of the States to ransom.
It seems an error was made and Jeroen the Commander has apologised to the Wangaratta Mayor
Just shows how’s hopeless the state governments actually are . Shut down the entire state when no need to . Amazing !! They will no doubt find something else to justify there shutdown
This is a disgrace. Regional Victoria being shafted as usual.
Regional Victorian kids should be going to school Monday.
Warrnambool packed today.
LAst 18 months, been quiet in lockdowns.
Lockdown fatigue is here.
ONly half of the people wearing masks too.
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Warrnambool packed today.
LAst 18 months, been quiet in lockdowns.
Lockdown fatigue is here.
ONly half of the people wearing masks too.
Yep I reckon there’s only so much most even law abiding people will bear. Victorians are battered from previous lockdowns. The treacle like vaccine rollout has put this country where it is now.
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So NSW people out without masks and in groups etc are idiots and reckless but us Vics are forgiven because we are tired?
Covid doesn’t get tired. Follow the regulations and it will only be a week or so. No excuses, it’s not that hard.
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Just saw an interesting article in the Huffington Post, from an ICU doctor in the USA, you can find it here:

Here's a quote:

I cannot help but recoil as if I’ve been slapped in the face when my ICU patient tells me they didn’t get vaccinated because they “just didn’t get around to it.” Although such individuals do not consider themselves anti-vaxxers, their inaction itself is a decision — a decision to not protect themselves or their families, to fill a precious ICU bed, to let new variants flourish, and to endanger the health care workers and immunosuppressed people around them. Their inaction is a decision to let this pandemic continue to rage.

Well said, there is no point putting off the vaccine and there is plenty of reason to do it as soon as possible. Unless you never leave the house and get everything delivered you are at risk, and at risk of spreading the virus. The sooner we get vaccination numbers up the sooner we open up, the less ICU beds are taken by COVID patients, the less chance the virus has to mutate etc.

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The decision was taken very quickly because of contact tracing.
When this base case was detected, because of the nature of the movements of the infected person the number of contacts that had to be contact traced was huge and with the potential unlimited movements of people it was considered very dangerous.
Until the contact tracing is done they have no idea where the potential spread was to. It could be one suburb or area of Melbourne but it could also be in regional Victoria.
The decision to lock the whole state down was because of what they didn’t know. If it turns out there were no primary or secondary contacts who needed to be isolated in regional Victoria that’s great but the government will be criticised for locking down the whole state.
i would hate to be making these decisions
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Yep I reckon there’s only so much most even law abiding people will bear. Victorians are battered from previous lockdowns. The treacle like vaccine rollout has put this country where it is now.
I live in Warrnambool as well. I’m seeing people that have always backed everything that’s been done and had Stand by Dan banners around their Facebook profile photo turn as well. Seeing the kids suffer and not being able to go to school. Being closed down based on a lie about the sewerage that is 500km away. Being the in the second most vaccinated group in the whole country with over 50% of eligible people being vaccinated counts for nothing.

Dan Andrews could have if he was genuine about the language he has used over the last few weeks implemented no change or a less formal lockdown. For example keeping the schools open and give 6 reasons to leave the home. Kept us in the exact same rules as Melbourne for the weekend.

When we are at 70% does he keep locking up the whole state?
I find this huge news. I think our unfair dismissal laws will be tested a lot if not essential workers are being forced to vaccinated and if you don’t your sacked if you attend the work environment.

I don’t mind SPC’ stance as that is an essential service and it would be extremely hard to social distance.

And where do you draw the line? Do staff have to check in third party contractors are vaccinated? We have to consider our positions on this as it will be upon as by the end of the year on mass.

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