Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Has it actually been confirmed though?

Reported this morning that authorities are investigating this latest outbreak as a house to house contact breach.

Anyway, again, these things are ALWAYS going to keep happening. We can’t control the *smile* behaviour of every single person in the entire country. These things like lockdowns, restrictions etc are just a result of the real problem: an unvaccinated country because of Morrison’s utter incompetency.

People need to turn their attention to the lack of vaccination. That’s the real problem. Everything else is just a result of that complete failure.
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I just read vaccinated have died from covid? And can spread it? People are gonna die from covid regardless. Like the flu. I am vaccinated simply because it’s better protection. But it’s not a 100% foolproof.
I don't believe people are dying who have been fully vaccinated with a quality vax ie not sinovax. There may be some exceptions but precious few.
Yes a fully vaccinated person can carry the virus for a brief time and a swab will detect the presence of the viral DNA/ RNA.
Not know yet if they can spread the virus. The immune response post vax will kill it rapidly but there may be a brief window.
If the human race is fully vaccinated the virus will be eliminated baring significant mutations.
There’s gonna be a massive revolt against paying fines. I’ve paid a citylink toll fine larger than what these clowns will get. I’ve got a fine for not voting in a local council election. Why should I pay that?
It's a good point. Why would anyone pay a fine now? Get booked doing 65 in a 60 zone? *smile* off. Why should you pay a fine for doing something that is much less potentially harmful for the community than a flagrant disregard for public health orders that has exposed thousands of people to a deadly virus and lock down 6.5million people for at least a week. Not to mention the economic and financial catastrophe that many will face.

Whilst we don't yet know how this woman caught the virus we do know that her and her husband have infected relatives of her husband that don't live with them. How did that happen? I bet it didn't happen by them meeting outside and socially distancing per the regulations. I bet it did happen by them getting together in a household and breaking the regulations.

*smile* these arsewipes; really had enough of this *smile*. What was so important that they just had to catch up with their *smile* cousins or whoever? My sister is in her early 30s and both our parents are gone. She got married in April but her husband is a cop and has been balloted to the country for 2 years. She couldn't go with him due to her job so he comes back as often as he can. I am her only direct relative in Melbourne and live 45 minutes away. Haven't seen her since the long weekend in June. We had booked a dinner on Saturday night but that's gone now. All fair enough it's what you have to do in these times. Yet these arsewipes that have started this outbreak can't stay away from their cousins. And Andrews and Weimar will protect them like witnesses in a high profile court case against the mafia.

Now the cops are quite rightly poring over video to identify the morons who were protesting last night. No problem. But people found to do the wrong thing and endangering public health and safety, and causing economic and financial chaos to thousands, have no case to answer. Extraordinary ineptitude.

The world has gone *smile* mad. Rant over.
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Reported this morning that authorities are investigating this latest outbreak as a house to house contact breach.

Anyway, again, these things are ALWAYS going to keep happening. We can’t control the *smile* behaviour of every single person in the entire country. These things like lockdowns, restrictions etc are just a result of the real problem: an unvaccinated country because of Morrison’s utter incompetency.

People need to turn their attention to the lack of vaccination. That’s the real problem. Everything else is just a result of that complete failure.
Yeah vaccination is a *smile* up and Morrison is hopeless; we should be a lot further along that we are. But what's the excuse for anyone over the age of 60 not to be fully vaccinated? We've been awash in AZ for months. That's on the individual. We can have 100m dose of vaccine available but if people won't come forward what do you do? It's up to each individual to do the right thing.

Also, people need to be held to account for the shitful behaviour and blatant breaches of the regulations that cause lockdowns and expose the community to a deadly virus. Not wrapped in *smile* cotton wool by Andrews and Weimar. If it's good enough to be fined for driving 65 in a 60 zone then it's good enough to face punitive action for being a *smile* selfish arsewipe and endangering the community.

People need to be accountable for the actions and face the consequences. No doubt Slomo will at the next election.
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6 cases. zero in iso for infectious period. next 72 hours are crucial i reckon.

I reckon the vaxxed are more understanding and accepting of what needs to be done to try and get life back to some sort of normality. It's the unvaxxed that will use any excuse they can to not do their civic duty yet still try to blame anyone but themselves.

be careful saying that here as you might get shot down for being entitled :mhihi

What are your thoughts on this? Will be interesting if the unions strike over this for forcing staff to have vaccinations.

i must admit it would be a delicate situation for unions as they have been vocal in their support the vaccination program. You would think they would push some type of incentive program. Either way, the whole SPC stand is a moot point, because the state government will be legislating this soon enough anyway.

Shows how bad Albo is (much like Shorten) that the polls still have Scomo as preferred PM ahead of Albo (much like Shorten). Will the labor party again ignore the electorate and go to the polls with an unelectable leader?

The election was lost because Queenslanders got scared into believing the lies about Adani (and the thousands of jobs it would have apparently created), plus Clive Palmer preferences. It had nothing to do with who was leading Labor.

I noticed Faudenberg tweeted in support of Victorians and lockdown 6.0 last night after 18 months of treasonous comments against his home state. Polls must be really bad for him to suck up like this.

No chance. Vic authorities are pathetic in this regard. If this is what has happened they’ll just praise her for apparently being transparent about her movements; when that wouldn’t have been an issue if she hadn’t have disregarded the regulations.

What is more important? fining the person? or getting correct information to allow contract tracers to do their thing and help avoid spread? Its like giving a drug dealer immunity if they testify against the drug trafficker.

don’t get me wrong. i am as annoyed as everyone else that fines haven’t been dished out. But surely the greater good is more important? There is nothing more important than this lady providing accurate information. Lets remember that these removalists weren’t very forthcoming to begin with… most likely because the feared big fines for not following rules.
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What is more important? fining the person? or getting correct information to allow contract tracers to do their thing and help avoid spread? Its like giving a drug dealer immunity if they testify against the drug trafficker.

don’t get me wrong. i am as annoyed as everyone else that fines haven’t been dished out. But surely the greater good is more important? There is nothing more important than this lady providing accurate information. Lets remember that these removalists weren’t very forthcoming to begin with… most likely because the feared big fines for not following rules.
Maybe if there was some sort of real consequence people would think twice about being a *smile* *smile* in the first place. Surely you can see the idiocy of these people getting off scot free yet someone walking their dog with no mask on and no one else around, with no chance of spreading the virus, cops a $1600 fine?? It's *smile* ludicrous. I don't mind the fine for the dog walker if those are the rules; I have a massive issue with *smile* arseholes getting away with shitful behaviour that endangers the community.
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Yeah vaccination is a *smile* up and Morrison is hopeless; we should be a lot further along that we are. But what's the excuse for anyone over the age of 60 not to be fully vaccinated? We've been awash in AZ for months. That's on the individual. We can have 100m dose of vaccine available but if people won't come forward what do you do? It's up to each individual to do the right thing.

Also, people need to be held to account for the shitful behaviour and blatant breaches of the regulations that cause lockdowns and expose the community to a deadly virus. Not wrapped in *smile* cotton wool by Andrews and Weimar. If it's good enough to be fined for driving 65 in a 60 zone then it's good enough to face punitive action for being a *smile* selfish arsewipe and endangering the community.

People need to be accountable for the actions and face the consequences. No doubt Slomo will at the next election.

As frustrating as it is, your energy is mis directed Chimpley. You should turn more of that energy towards why this country isn’t adequately vaccinated. If it was, then we wouldn’t be talking about teachers, removalists, breaches, fines and resultant lockdowns and restrictions. Vaccination is our REAL problem. NYC has a vaccination rate of +70% and doesn’t have to worry about any of that ancillary stuff. They’re almost back to normality. Their focus is getting even more people vaccinated and getting to a “living with the virus” stage. You don’t read or hear of any of the ancillary stuff like this in NYC because it’s not as relevant as it was pre vaccination.

Questions about why this person hasn’t been fined or why somebody’s doing this and that when they shouldn’t etc etc aren’t as important as why we haven’t got a co-ordinated vaccine program in this country. If we did, even the issue of +60’s not being vaccinated gets addressed.

Where’s the stock ? Where’s the en masse roll up hubs ? Where’s the deployed pharmacy distribution ? Where’s the pop ups ? Where’s the messaging and consistency of it ?? Where’s the mandating ? And on and on.

I agree there needs to be greater accountability for these awipes that breach current controls but more importantly there needs to be greater accountability and heat brought to this disastrous federal government that is crushing the country that it’s supposed to lead and protect. All the other stuff as frustrating as it is, is secondary.

You won’t be talking about a teacher visiting an iso home and the punishment that should be issued when/if the country is adequately vaccinated.
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It's a good point. Why would anyone pay a fine now?

because they lock you in prison if you don't?

On a other matter, I did my weekly research on SkyNews last night.

Alan Jones is a very evil and twisted man.

Us Richmond men and women need to control what we can control;

1. get vaccinated

2. use every single opportunity to calmly explain to voting age people that a vote for LNP at the next election is a vote for lying, corrupt, incompetence.

3. How many goals MRJ kicks in the next 3 weeks
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As frustrating as it is, your energy is mis directed Chimpley. You should turn more of that energy towards why this country isn’t adequately vaccinated. If it was, then we wouldn’t be talking about teachers, removalists, breaches, fines and resultant lockdowns and restrictions. Vaccination is our REAL problem. NYC has a vaccination rate of +70% and doesn’t have to worry about any of that ancillary stuff. They’re almost back to normality. Their focus is getting even more people vaccinated and getting to a “living with the virus” stage. You don’t read or hear of any of the ancillary stuff like this in NYC because it’s not as relevant as it was pre vaccination.

Questions about why this person hasn’t been fined or why somebody’s doing this and that when they shouldn’t etc etc aren’t as important as why we haven’t got a co-ordinated vaccine program in this country. If we did, even the issue of +60’s not being vaccinated gets addressed.

Where’s the stock ? Where’s the en masse roll up hubs ? Where’s the deployed pharmacy distribution ? Where’s the pop ups ? Where’s the messaging and consistency of it ?? Where’s the mandating ? And on and on.

I agree there needs to be greater accountability for these awipes that breach current controls but more importantly there needs to be greater accountability and heat brought to this disastrous federal government that is crushing the country it’s supposed to lead and protect.
Agree with most of that. Not on the over 60s though; there is more than enough AZ to vaccinate them and anyone who hasn't had it only has themselves to blame.

But yes the vaccination program has been an abject failure and Morrison will pay for that at the next election. We need to get to where NYC is and then let's get on with our lives.

But I am not misdirecting my rage. We are where we are. Everyone knows the score; we all know what we need to do. But some people think they are above that; think that the rules apply don't apply to them. Then they cause lockdowns and chaos. Yet the get away with it.

*smile* them. Absolute see you next Tuesdays.
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because they lock you in prison if you don't?

My point exactly. Yet cause mass financial and economic chaos and endanger public health on a broad scale and you get a cuddle from the Victorian authorities. It's a *smile* disgrace.
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Agree with most of that. Not on the over 60s though; there is more than enough AZ to vaccinate them and anyone who hasn't had it only has themselves to blame.

But yes the vaccination program has been an abject failure and Morrison will pay for that at the next election. We need to get to where NYC is and then let's get on with our lives.

But I am not misdirecting my rage. We are where we are. Everyone knows the score; we all know what we need to do. But some people think they are above that; think that the rules apply don't apply to them. Then they cause lockdowns and chaos. Yet the get away with it.

*smile* them. Absolute see you next Tuesdays.
But even the +60's, they've heard all this conflicted messaging from this defective PM and authorities on AZ, there's no targeted strategy to deploy the vaccine to them etc. Nothing.

Your expectation that everyone is going to follow the rules is unrealistic. It can't be achieved. What can be achieved is sufficient vaccination such that we don't have to worry about the unavoidable ahole segment of the population and the resultant problems that they bring to us all.

That's where the energy needs to be directed.
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Our vaccination rate for MMR is 95%, (ranked 71st in the world) I see no reason why we can't get to 80% for COVID.


Opt in vs opt out is huge. I’m pretty pessimistic given on here there are folks who’s calculus says they shouldn’t vaccinate right now.

If we start seeing some incentives and disincentives then we can make it. Or if we lose control and cases escalate then self interest vs death will kick in.
Alan Jones is a very evil and twisted man.
I absolutely hate this bloke. He is as vile a person as you will find. He has always told me something about Sydney as a city. That he is so successful there and a non entity everywhere else says a lot.

I was no real fan of Julia Gillard as a PM but the day he lambasted her for being late to a radio interview took my hatred for him to a new level. No matter who is in the chair no Prime Minister (or Premier) should be disrepected and embarrassed like that. Even though I wasn't a great fan of hers as a politician I think she is a decent person and she did not deserve that.

He is filth.
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But even the +60's, they've heard all this conflicted messaging from this defective PM and authorities on AZ, there's no targeted strategy to deploy the vaccine to them etc. Nothing.

Your expectation that everyone is going to follow the rules is unrealistic. It can't be achieved. What can be achieved is sufficient vaccination such that we don't have to worry about the unavoidable ahole segment of the population and the resultant problems that they bring to us all.

That's where the energy needs to be directed.
Yeah there is something to that with the over 60s. That said what's stopping them from visiting a GP? It's not that hard. They are not toddlers that need to be spoon fed.

Agree that not everyone will follow the rules. My problem is the lack of consequences for those that deliberately breach. If it's good enough to issue fines for minor infringements in other areas (such as traffic offences) then it's got enough for punitive action against people who are committing much worse offences in a public health regard.

But I guess we need to be careful not to offend people...............
But even the +60's, they've heard all this conflicted messaging from this defective PM and authorities on AZ, there's no targeted strategy to deploy the vaccine to them etc. Nothing.

Your expectation that everyone is going to follow the rules is unrealistic. It can't be achieved. What can be achieved is sufficient vaccination such that we don't have to worry about the unavoidable ahole segment of the population and the resultant problems that they bring to us all.

That's where the energy needs to be directed.

Been saying for a while now we need to re-market AZ to the over 60's. The beat up around how safe the vaccine is for this age group is not accurate (it is for younger age groups but for those over 60's there is no excuse not to take it). That we are not over 80's vaccinated with the 1st dose for those over 70 is IMO a massive failure at selling the AZ vaccine to the public.
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Yeah there is something to that with the over 60s. That said what's stopping them from visiting a GP? It's not that hard. They are not toddlers that need to be spoon fed.

Agree that not everyone will follow the rules. My problem is the lack of consequences for those that deliberately breach. If it's good enough to issue fines for minor infringements in other areas (such as traffic offences) then it's got enough for punitive action against people who are committing much worse offences in a public health regard.

But I guess we need to be careful not to offend people...............
Yeah I know. Some of these will fall into the 20% or so that won't or don't get vaccinated. They'll be on their own.

And yeah I agree on the weak enforcement and punitive structure. I think I posted months ago that we needed to amend our laws to account for this weakness. But even then, an adequately vaccinated country..... and we're not talking about that either.

Check this bloke out. In Belgium, even he can get vaccinated !!

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Yeah I know. Some of these will fall into the 20% or so that won't or don't get vaccinated. They'll be on their own.

And yeah I agree on the weak enforcement and punitive structure. I think I posted months ago that we needed to amend our laws to account for this weakness. But even then, an adequately vaccinated country..... and we're not talking about that either.

Check this bloke out. In Belgium, even he can get vaccinated !!

View attachment 12996
Great dog. I find dogs are better than most people.
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