Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


My point exactly. Yet cause mass financial and economic chaos and endanger public health on a broad scale and you get a cuddle from the Victorian authorities. It's a *smile* disgrace.

yeah its infuriating.

if some nice person makes a stupid mostake and gets pissed and drives home and kills someone, they get 2 years.

if some nice person makes a stupid mistake and spreads covid and kills someone, nothing happens?

it must be policy so as to not scare people off being tested etc i suppose?
291 cases in NSW
If people don't think that vaccination is the way out of this.

44 out of 50 in ICU unvaccinated
4 out of 50 had 1 dose of AZ
2 out of 50 had 1 dose of Pfizer.

No cases in ICU have had 2 doses of a vaccine.
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Compare the pair. Yesterday’s Daily Terrorgraph front page v todays Herald Scum front page.

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Compare the pair. Yesterday’s Daily Terrorgraph front page v todays Herald Scum front page.

View attachment 12997

Sydney Strong. That’s a copy of Boston Strong after the 2013 bombings in Boston.

But yeah. Murdoch media. Conservative NSW government failing for months = all ok. Tough it out. Victorian Labor government with short (hopefully) snap lockdown = negative hysterics.

Alan Jones evil ? Pffft. He’s an amateur compared to Murdoch.
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Gladys needs to be nicknamed Dodge. She answers so many questions with a an answer to a question that wasn't even asked.

This fantasy "Delta" variant they have in Sydney that seemingly nobody else in the world or Australia has ever seen before must be horrible. If only we'd seen the same Delta strain elsewhere in Australia.

NSW still pushing the "harshest lockdown" rhetoric whilst people can still go and browse their local Bunnings. Ruthless leadership, she isn't even trying to suppress the virus anymore, as I said last week, all she wants is vaccination so she doesn't have to lockdown again. People will die because of these decisions they are making, but she needs to try and make herself look good, and her view to do that is to vaccinate so they can stay out of future lockdowns, and blame a fantasy strain that no-one else in Australia has seen (untrue) to basically say "we tried, but this strain can't be controlled except with vaccination", which again appears to be untrue
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Foley is coming across as a bit worried
He is coming across as not wanting to say the wrong thing with the acquisition methods of the virus.

Meanwhile in NSW a lady who had an kidney complaint has died because a nurse gave it to her as she was working across both the COVID ward and another one that the lady was at. Very sad and hopeless admin. Lift your game NSW health.
Gladys is now "Teflon Gladys" Maybe Golden Teflon Gladys,

The Murdoch media are a disgrace.
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He is coming across as not wanting to say the wrong thing with the acquisition methods of the virus.
Yes the VIC authorities will go to the ends of the earth to protect these arseholes who start outbreaks with their shitful behaviour. It's *smile* infuriating.
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I had a doc's appointment this morning & noticed there's a lot of cars out on the road today.
Very real risk of lock down fatigue happening in here in Melbourne.
The message gets stale.

The Premiers must be filthy with the slow vaccine rollout by Slomo & his ministers.
This National debacle falls squarely on the Federal Government's complete ballsup now.
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Agree with most of that. Not on the over 60s though; there is more than enough AZ to vaccinate them and anyone who hasn't had it only has themselves to blame.

But yes the vaccination program has been an abject failure and Morrison will pay for that at the next election. We need to get to where NYC is and then let's get on with our lives.

But I am not misdirecting my rage. We are where we are. Everyone knows the score; we all know what we need to do. But some people think they are above that; think that the rules apply don't apply to them. Then they cause lockdowns and chaos. Yet the get away with it.

*smile* them. Absolute see you next Tuesdays.

Yeh, no one should have confusion over where the risks are for covid. People have been told countless times they should not visit homes. That they are risking loved ones lives. That message is loud and clear. The cult of self-indulgence. The disregard for consequences. Its learned behaviour.
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Don't ever forget just over a month ago we had the leader* of our Country praising Gladys for not locking down the city...:mad:
You want to blame people for not doing the right thing? The fish rots from the head.
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If people don't think that vaccination is the way out of this.

44 out of 50 in ICU unvaccinated
4 out of 50 had 1 dose of AZ
2 out of 50 had 1 dose of Pfizer.

No cases in ICU have had 2 doses of a vaccine.
Yeh, the numbers are very revealing. Unless you choose to live like LTRTR and reduce your exposure risk to almost zero it doesn't make sense if you have the choice to make the decision not to be vaccinated.

Interesting article by Peter Singer.

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Gladys needs to be nicknamed Dodge. She answers so many questions with a an answer to a question that wasn't even asked.

This fantasy "Delta" variant they have in Sydney that seemingly nobody else in the world or Australia has ever seen before must be horrible. If only we'd seen the same Delta strain elsewhere in Australia.

NSW still pushing the "harshest lockdown" rhetoric whilst people can still go and browse their local Bunnings. Ruthless leadership, she isn't even trying to suppress the virus anymore, as I said last week, all she wants is vaccination so she doesn't have to lockdown again. People will die because of these decisions they are making, but she needs to try and make herself look good, and her view to do that is to vaccinate so they can stay out of future lockdowns, and blame a fantasy strain that no-one else in Australia has seen (untrue) to basically say "we tried, but this strain can't be controlled except with vaccination", which again appears to be untrue
She's got it wrong. as many suggested here and her stubborness to change is ridiculous.

But people are also dying from the decisions they themselves are making. We all have the choice to limit our movements and reduce our risk (ala LTRTR). I have a lot of family in Sydney and they are doing the right thing and have little chance of getting the virus, And they are in the Bankstown area.
She's got it wrong. as many suggested here and her stubborness to change is ridiculous.

But people are also dying from the decisions they themselves are making. We all have the choice to limit our movements and reduce our risk (ala LTRTR). I have a lot of family in Sydney and they are doing the right thing and have little chance of getting the virus, And they are in the Bankstown area.
Yeah it's not too hard to take some personal responsibility. But a way too large portion of today's society always thinks it's someone else's fault or someone else's problem.
Unless you choose to live like LTRTR and reduce your exposure risk to almost zero it doesn't make sense if you have the choice to make the decision not to be vaccinated.
FWIW I don't live like that currently. Was able to catch up with immediate family last weekend and had something on for tomorrow afternoon which has obviously been scuttled. But once we "open up" and cases get beyond a handful, even though I'll be vaccinated by that stage I plan to enter a self-imposed lockdown in anticipation of a tide of infections the likes of which Australia hasn't yet experienced. In a short time there should be some good data available on how well the vaccines are doing at preventing infection/serious illness.
I've been thinking about how this is going to play out politically for Morrison.

The intuitive response by people who don't like him and want him gone, like me, is that he will be blamed for all the recent chaos which is a direct result of the slow vaccine roll out. Makes sense.

This is another perspective. NSW is the first state in Australia to fail with the eradication strategy. Due to that I think Victoria and Queensland's aim for eradication is also doomed. So sometime in the future we will reach a level of vaccination where we just continue to have a low level of cases in the community and most restrictions are eased. Vaccines coming from the federal government will be the answer. Australia will be able to open up it's borders, and to a large extent it will be business as usual. If we had continued to be successful with our eradication strategy, then we would still have reached a point next year when the country had to open up. That would have caused Covid to be continually in the community at an 'acceptable' level, but would still have lead to much serious illness and death. The only difference being that the cause of that would have been Morrison's decision to open up. He would have been blamed for the outbreaks, illness and death.

With our current situation, Morrison has been spared the most politically difficult decision of the whole crisis. At what point to open up and allow Covid to circulate at a low level in the community. Sadly, I think it may save his skin.
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