Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


This is the best symptoms list I've seen, from today's HS.


Victorian coronavirus hotline: 1800 675 398
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For the first time in this crisis I was impressed by Morrison's press conference this morning.
Left the *smile* at the door & communicated the issues & decisions made very well.
Kudos where it''s due.
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For the first time in this crisis I was impressed by Morrison's press conference this morning.
Left the *smile* at the door & communicated the issues & decisions made very well.
Kudos where it''s due.

Just woke up and heard it on the news!

Like The bit about the ‘panic buying’.

Not helpful
Most disappointing behaviour
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Geez Murphy is hard to take seriously. They say that they are using modelling and making calls based on that. A question was just asked how the actual cases are following what models they are using and he claimed that there isn't 1 model, and it is evolving over time.

Nope, don't buy it. You can't keep changing the goal posts. We are setting actions based on a "model" that no one has seen and then they are saying those actions can't be measured against it. Now that's laughable.
Sounds like your typical climate scientist.
I want to applaud Mr T as well for the message on the top of the screen.

I think it's natural with the saturation media coverage for people to feel a fair bit of Anxiety. There's very little positive news coming out, reinforcing the need to help each other,
more focussed on the fall out of natures idiots.

Take care of yourselves, Tigers.
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Scomo is the worst PM we have ever had, worse than Abbott and he's presiding over the worst cabinet we've ever had so anyone would be better.

Frankly sick of the incessant pot shots at Scomo (I'm no fan). Lefty's are forever trying to take the high moral ground but no better or worse that the muppet supporters on the right. The choice of timing of the non-stop barrage of criticism is damning.
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Communicable Disease Death Meter

21,000 communicable disease deaths already today, I presume that includes the 500 corona deaths.

Wash your hands
Cover your cough
Stay home if you're sick
Look after the oldies.

It works for all communicable diseases.
Frankly sick of the incessant pot shots at Scomo (I'm no fan). Lefty's are forever trying to take the high moral ground but no better or worse that the muppet supporters on the right. The choice of timing of the non-stop barrage of criticism is damning.

for the first time he seems to be taking this all seriously so give him some credit for that. Let's see what he comes up with.
The Great Shuttering demands nothing short of a war effort
Chris Uhlmann
The Age

March 17, 2020

Australia’s black summer is about to be followed by the bitterest of winters. After fire and flood the fourth horseman of the apocalypse has arrived on his pale horse to unleash pestilence and death.

When the curse of this year finally lifts we will have time to reflect on what was worse, the disease or the cure. And like all great shocks, the tectonic plates of politics will shift in ways we cannot predict.

Because what is being proposed by our committee of medical experts to slow the progress of the coronavirus is akin to an aggressive form of chemotherapy, killing healthy cells in the hunt for sick ones.

The Great Shuttering of 2020 will slow the progress of the disease and it will also crash the economy, despite ever more desperate moves by the Morrison government to save it.

The news that it is contemplating more intervention to protect the nation’s businesses and workers, just days after pledging $17.6 billion dollars to hedge against a recession, is measure of its fear.

There is good reason to be afraid. Hundreds of businesses might close, thousands could lose their jobs as the social distance between us grows and throws up barriers at every hairdresser, restaurant and pub.

This is a once-in-100-year crisis. The last time anything similar happened was in 1919 when the world confronted the Spanish Flu. We are better prepared now because then states closed borders on each other and squabbled among themselves, now we have a unified approach with a national cabinet coordinating the response. We also have a world class public health system, although every sinew of it is about to be stress tested.

But in some ways our economic immune system is weaker than in 1919 because we have outsourced much of our industry and are dependent on international supply chains and just-in-time delivery for everything from building materials to medical and fuel supplies.

The consequences for workers will be profound because our addiction to household debt and the nature of modern work now leaves millions exposed.

The ACTU counts 2 million casual workers and the Small Business Ombudsman says 61 per cent of Australian businesses by number – or 1.3 million people – are sole traders. Most don’t have access to sick leave and have no financial reserves. The only safety net under them is a Newstart-style payment on which the Government has pledged to waive the waiting time.

But no matter how soon it comes most can’t possibly survive on it.

Australian household debt to income is now hovering at just under 200 per cent, making us among the most indebted people on earth. Few can survive even a few weeks without two incomes, yet a fortnight off work as prescribed for those who have contact with the disease is the least they can expect if they become sick.

Those clamouring for the schools to close – against the best advice of our health experts – should pause to consider what happens next. For little or no health gain some household incomes will be cut from two to one. And the government’s modelling shows it won’t be weeks but months before the disease peaks. Schools will most certainly close but rushing ahead of advice will only spread the economic virus.

Australia’s debt house of cards may be about to collapse because if this disease follows the arc of the Spanish Flu then it will come in more than one wave and not be done until the year ends.

On the other side of this pandemic the big risk is that many more people will have been beggared by their debts and defaulted on their mortgage than die from the disease. The task of the government now is to try to put a floor under everything. That is simply not possible, but now is the time to fire every economic gun because nothing short of a war effort is demanded.

The plague comes at a time when our Reserve Bank has exhausted its rate cutting fire power and will now be forced into exotic monetary policy that will be like a march into Afghanistan: easy to get into but with its own set of dire consequences and almost impossible to get out of.

All this would be bad enough if it was just an Australian crisis but it’s not, the whole world is closing down. Within a few short weeks the worry will not be that Australia confronts its first recession in 29 years but that the world confronts a second Great Depression.

Of course, the alternative is unthinkable. Allowing the disease to spike, overwhelming our health system, is not an option. But that’s the point: there are no good options in this battle, only bad ones and worse ones.
Horror movie right there on my T.V. shocking me right out of my brain. Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic n then the journo's come out with this fourth horseman of the Apoxylisp, jibbering about pestilence n death. FFS wish this Coroner *smile* would roll through the media n wipe em all farking out.
Horror movie right there on my T.V. shocking me right out of my brain. Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic n then the journo's come out with this fourth horseman of the Apoxylisp, jibbering about pestilence n death. FFS wish this Coroner *smile* would roll through the media n wipe em all farking out.
They say corona's gonna be a killer.
Frankly sick of the incessant pot shots at Scomo (I'm no fan). Lefty's are forever trying to take the high moral ground but no better or worse that the muppet supporters on the right. The choice of timing of the non-stop barrage of criticism is damning.
Yeah, it’s tiresome.
Frankly sick of the incessant pot shots at Scomo (I'm no fan). Lefty's are forever trying to take the high moral ground but no better or worse that the muppet supporters on the right. The choice of timing of the non-stop barrage of criticism is damning.
When its all you got.......
Frankly sick of the incessant pot shots at Scomo (I'm no fan). Lefty's are forever trying to take the high moral ground but no better or worse that the muppet supporters on the right. The choice of timing of the non-stop barrage of criticism is damning.

I tend to agree to an extent. He was very good in the presser today, however this just goes to show how his government misread this situation so badly last week. Some of the measures in the "stimulus package" were frankly ridiculous. Giving money to people that don't work when the issue is jobs. Offering immediate depreciation write offs in the 1st year for capital purchases, when clearly businesses (big and small) will be going into a cash preservation mode and frankly will not be spending money on things that are non-essential. This was all known last week, but Scomo and Fredenburg still brought that ridiculous package last week. As I said, much better today but seems like they are sailing by the seat of their pants IMO.
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Given its a time of National Emergency then i think we need to rally round and support everyone, including our leaders.

If he ballses it up though he can expect my wrath. I'm sure he's worried about that.
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When a decision is made in regards to the virus today or tomorrow in this un-precedented time, there is no hindsight available. Every government is in the same book.
People need to accept that not every decision will be perfect if 20 20 vision is applied.
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thats funny. well done.
Nah not funny, just a dealing with a relentless whine on everything we are dealing with and constant blame from a few dominant posters.
When some talk *smile* ill reply.
Go and run for the job B17, i will vote for you just give me the sign.
Those things help, they don't work 100%.

The problem is this - 33% daily increase in cases for most countries.


Hmm, difficult decisions to be made.

For example, Singapore has not closed schools, yet is one of the countries with better control of the outbreak.

No-one seems to be going down yet.

We're doing ok, but Australia is far more isolated than countries in Europe or Asia.

The US is a worry as it is tipping up, their testing is likely inadequate so figures could be underestimated, so we don't know how bad it is going to get there.

Will be interesting to see if China goes down soon or they get a second outbreak.