Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


The government doesn't have a plan for vaccinations (or opening up) because they f***ed up the supply, simple as that.


Exactly. Scomo can't provide a timeline, because he has no certainty of timing of vaccine supply because someone in his government (who appears to be nameless as no-one is taking responsibility) didn't mitigate risk around vaccine quality etc and acquire multiple different vaccines from different suppliers. His government essentially hedged their bets on AZ as they were the only 1 able to manufacture in Australia. They *smile* it up and we are now paying the price, and they cannot provide another timeline as they have already missed their deadlines because they botched the initial vaccine acquisition strategy.
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Exactly. Scomo can't provide a timeline, because he has no certainty of timing of vaccine supply because someone in his government (who appears to be nameless as no-one is taking responsibility) didn't mitigate risk around vaccine quality etc and acquire multiple different vaccines from different suppliers. His government essentially hedged their bets on AZ as they were the only 1 able to manufacture in Australia. They *smile* it up and we are now paying the price, and they cannot provide another timeline as they have already missed their deadlines because they botched the initial vaccine acquisition strategy.

But mRNA vaccines had never been used in humans before the coronavirus pandemic and Professor Danchin, who is a non-voting member on the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation that advises the government on vaccines, said health officials had shown “appropriate caution” by waiting until results from clinical trials flowed in.

“There was a hesitancy to bank completely on Pfizer and Moderna because they were a bit unknown,” she said. “I don’t think anyone could have anticipated just how effective they have shown to be.”

Australian Medical Association president Omar Khorshid believes the government made the right call to invest in two international vaccines: Pfizer and Novax, alongside two locally manufactured in the AstraZeneca and the University of Queensland’s the molecular clamp vaccine, which failed during clinical trials.

“Even with the benefit of hindsight, it was a pretty good and considered decision,” Dr Khorshid said.

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#BREAKING: Sydney's CBD and three other LGAs will go into lockdown for at least the next week after NSW recorded 22 new Covid cases. Everyone living or working in Woollahra, Waverley, Randwick and the city of Sydney are subject to stay-at-home orders.
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Why would I get vaccinated right now except as a safeguard against a hotel quarantine breach?
And luckily we know they dont happen.

Being vaccinated means you are less likely to catch Covid, and if you do still catch it, makes you less likely to spread Covid, and less likely to have the most serious effects,

So if you happen to be having a drink, getting a coffee or lining up at the footy next to someone who unknowingly has Covid, you being vaccinated will reduce the chance of you catching it, and spreading it.
So being vaccinated reduces your likelihood of getting critically ill, reduces the chance of you causing a loved one, or anyone, to get critically ill, and reduces the chance of you contributing to the need for another lockdown due to Covid spreading in the community.
Brett Sutton now saying that it's "possible" the man who brought the virus from Sydney worked at the Dry Cleaner whilst awaiting his test result. I read that as code for he "definitely" worked whilst awaiting his test result. No way Sutton would even mention it otherwise. If he wasn't sure he'd say nothing or if asked the question he'd say he didn't know.

If it is true as I suspect then this clown should have the book thrown at him. Not only was he awaiting a test result but we know he was very symptomatic as that is the reason he got the test in the first place.
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And luckily we know they dont happen.

Being vaccinated means you are less likely to catch Covid, and if you do still catch it, makes you less likely to spread Covid, and less likely to have the most serious effects,

So if you happen to be having a drink, getting a coffee or lining up at the footy next to someone who unknowingly has Covid, you being vaccinated will reduce the chance of you catching it, and spreading it.
So being vaccinated reduces your likelihood of getting critically ill, reduces the chance of you causing a loved one, or anyone, to get critically ill, and reduces the chance of you contributing to the need for another lockdown due to Covid spreading in the community.
I'm indoors whenever there's an outbreak anyway. Order anything I need online and apart from a regular late-night walk, haven't been out in the last month.

I suggest the activity you're referring to is far more likely to be undertaken by those who have been vaccinated.
I'm indoors whenever there's an outbreak anyway. Order anything I need online and apart from a regular late-night walk, haven't been out in the last month.

I suggest the activity you're referring to is far more likely to be undertaken by those who have been vaccinated.
but outbreaks start before it is known, so unless you are staying home all the time there is a chance you will contribute to an outbreak. being vaccinated greatly reduces that chance.
but outbreaks start before it is known, so unless you are staying home all the time there is a chance you will contribute to an outbreak. being vaccinated greatly reduces that chance.
Possible, but I'm observing social distancing when I'm out of the house anyway. Not a party person, always use QR codes and wear a mask when required. Model citizen.

I show the virus the respect an escaped bioweapon deserves. ;)
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If the government said "when we get to x% vaccinated we will begin opening up", I'd get the vaccination done in short order.
I'm not getting into this discussion on your vaccination decision but just wanted to comment on this.
No Government can say what that percentage is because noone knows yet, it may be 80% or 90% or it may be something else. However one day they will know because there will be evidence from a country or countries with high vaccination rates to support it. At that point it will happen quicker in Australia the closer we are to whatever the magic percentage is and the only way to get closer is for people to get vaccinated. If we are at 10% rate when evidence appears that a level of vaccination provides an acceptable level of safety we will wait months for the stragglers to get jabbed.
The other point is that if everyone around the world waited for a plan with a percentage vaccination rate attached to it before they got vaccinated then we would all be stuffed because we would never get the evidence on what the required level of vaccination is.
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No Government can say what that percentage is because noone knows yet, it may be 80% or 90% or it may be something else. However one day they will know because there will be evidence from a country or countries with high vaccination rates to support it.
Precisely what I've said throughout.

I don't believe it will be a snap decision, it will be an announcement with a month's notice at absolute minimum, and rolled out in graduated stages. Whereupon I will get jabbed with the best vaccine available at the time...
Possible, but I'm observing social distancing when I'm out of the house anyway. Not a party person, always use QR codes and wear a mask when required. Model citizen.
You can be as model as you like, but there are still no guarantees. the best way to reduce the chance you will get Covid, to reduce the chance you will get seriously ill if you do get it, and to reduce the chance of contributing to a lockdown by spreading the disease is by get vaccinated.
But mRNA vaccines had never been used in humans before the coronavirus pandemic and Professor Danchin, who is a non-voting member on the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation that advises the government on vaccines, said health officials had shown “appropriate caution” by waiting until results from clinical trials flowed in.

“There was a hesitancy to bank completely on Pfizer and Moderna because they were a bit unknown,” she said. “I don’t think anyone could have anticipated just how effective they have shown to be.”

Australian Medical Association president Omar Khorshid believes the government made the right call to invest in two international vaccines: Pfizer and Novax, alongside two locally manufactured in the AstraZeneca and the University of Queensland’s the molecular clamp vaccine, which failed during clinical trials.

“Even with the benefit of hindsight, it was a pretty good and considered decision,” Dr Khorshid said.

They made the right call?? Seriously, made the right call despite not having any vaccine.

So the 4 they invested in were:
Pfizer - Bought only a small size - This one was a plus and a negative, ie. didn't buy enough
AZ - Bought a shedload essentially through local manufacturing, but we cannot administer the amount we will produce - poor decision
Novavax - Not even out of clinical trials
Uni of Qld - Failed at clinical trials due to issues with other diseases.

So at best they get a 1/2 tick for Pfizer and AZ with 2 that currently have failed. I'd say thats a pretty poor strike rate and arse covering.

They guy you are referencing works for the same advisory group that advised them to target these vaccines. Do you really think he was going to throw his colleagues under the bus? Arse covering here without a doubt. They got it wrong, but it was "a good decision in hindsight".

Very surprised you didn't see through the *smile* from Omar Khorshid.

BTW if I had a less than 50% strike rate at work, then I suspect I might be looking for a new job not barking that I made a good decision.
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Brett Sutton now saying that it's "possible" the man who brought the virus from Sydney worked at the Dry Cleaner whilst awaiting his test result. I read that as code for he "definitely" worked whilst awaiting his test result. No way Sutton would even mention it otherwise. If he wasn't sure he'd say nothing or if asked the question he'd say he didn't know.

If it is true as I suspect then this clown should have the book thrown at him. Not only was he awaiting a test result but we know he was very symptomatic as that is the reason he got the test in the first place.
Precisely what I've said throughout.

I don't believe it will be a snap decision, it will be an announcement with a month's notice at absolute minimum, and rolled out in graduated stages. Whereupon I will get jabbed with the best vaccine available at the time...
You and all the other laggards.

I'm off to get my Pfizer now.
Exactly. Scomo can't provide a timeline, because he has no certainty of timing of vaccine supply because someone in his government (who appears to be nameless as no-one is taking responsibility) didn't mitigate risk around vaccine quality etc and acquire multiple different vaccines from different suppliers. His government essentially hedged their bets on AZ as they were the only 1 able to manufacture in Australia. They *smile* it up and we are now paying the price, and they cannot provide another timeline as they have already missed their deadlines because they botched the initial vaccine acquisition strategy.
This is another example of the limited and short-term thinking of most governments. It's been highlighted around covid. There is no real plan. And hasn't been. National Cabinet has been a great concept but in reality has achieved sweet FA. And Scomo is the senior coach and should be accountable.

I'm sure there's been lots of smart people involved but the results are poor. Where is the long term planning?
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