Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Thats why I said disagree to a degree.
Its a reset globally by many countries in dealing with this virus escaping from China.
Build a base to work on, (agree with u) vax as the path out , have said it before too :) but dont destroy what we have first like in Vic that is affecting the country.

Also States & Feds have to all publicly be on board and all say it publicly in their states on how vaxed people will be treated. Not just the Feds, then States deny it later. Announcement by all State leaders with Feds in unison. Won't hold my breath on that on though. Make it a positive & and benefit of getting vaxed.

yeah agree there is nuance here Husband of Peggy. Nothing is absolute right or wrong - until we have significant vaccine coverage across Australia we must be cautious about reopening. Agree that both state and feds should start messaging about how important vaccination is, what the benefits for the country are and what benefits (eg. travel) will become available to citizens who do vaccinate.
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Yeah. And if you weren't automatically hostile to everything I post you'd be capable of seeing the sense in it.
Sorry to burst your balloon but it's nothing to do with you. It's any opinion that's too focused on self and not giving a *smile* about anyone else. Not getting vaccinated by choice is posing a direct risk to society. There is only one way to get society back to relative normality and that's vaccination. Everything hinges on that.

The long term effects of getting COVID are starting to become clearer. This isn't a flu were once it's gone, it's gone. COVID seems to do permanent damage. Only vaccination will stop the disease being a constant threat.

At 6 months after acute infection, COVID-19 survivors were mainly troubled with fatigue or muscle weakness, sleep difficulties, and anxiety or depression. Patients who were more severely ill during their hospital stay had more severe impaired pulmonary diffusion capacities and abnormal chest imaging manifestations, and are the main target population for intervention of long-term recovery.
Exactly the question people should be asking.

They have fobbed the public off with "mid-2022" and that seems to have worked. That's what my vaccination decisions are based on, until I hear otherwise.

That's the wrong question. Vaccinate as fast as possible is the answer to whatever question you choose to ask. Haranguing the feds over something they are unwilling or unable to do because of "optics" is not a strategy.

Roll out the vaccine program faster - if nothing else that gives the inept government more options faster. It's a simple equation.
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I heard that the highest % vaccination of any country in the world is the Seychelles at 70% and they have just had another spike, in infections not deaths and hospitalisations so far.

I got 80% with the first shot from here

More than 70 million vaccine doses have been administered across the U.K., with around 80% of the country having now received at least one dose. But a Public Health England paper in late May showed that the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines were only 33% effective against the delta variant after a single shot.
That's the wrong question. Vaccinate as fast possible is the answer to whatever question you choose to ask. Haranguing the feds over something they are unwilling or unable to do because of "optics" is not a strategy.

Roll out the vaccine program faster - if nothing else that gives the inept government more options faster. It's a simple equation.
Why would I get vaccinated right now except as a safeguard against a hotel quarantine breach?

Did getting vaccinated exempt you from the last lockdown?

If you need a booster in 12 months will you be queuing for another jab, same as me?

The government isn't rushing to re-open because it's fraught.
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I got 80% with the first shot from here

More than 70 million vaccine doses have been administered across the U.K., with around 80% of the country having now received at least one dose. But a Public Health England paper in late May showed that the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines were only 33% effective against the delta variant after a single shot.
I think the seychelles is 70% fully vaccinated. An epidemiologist from Burnett institute in melbourne said it on the drum on the ABC last night
100% vaccinated with Pfizer this morning.

If you excuse one political party due to who you normally vote for your part of the problem. It’s more powerful if you keep the party you vote to a higher standard. For example Regional Victoria keeps getting shafted but if they were all ALP seats and the mood is how it is. I can tell you now there wouldn’t be lockdowns if Andrews wanted to be elected next election.

Slowmo needs to hurry up and let us know the plan of opening up. I will be asking these questions at every available opportunity.
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I can tell you now there wouldn’t be lockdowns if Andrews wanted to be elected next election.
State election is November 2022. I suspect they are banking on regional lockdowns being a thing of the past by then. Probably that and the fact that there isn't a viable opposition at the moment in Victoria.

My suspicion is that it wasn't for the vaccination rollout problems we may have been set for an early federal election.
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THE NSW premier is risking all Victorians here.
This is ridiculous!
This is the problem when all states don't sing from the same hymn book. Absolutely pointless us doing 2 weeks of lockdown to get numbers down to zero when people from NSW infected areas can just swan in. There should be a national plan on how to contain outbreaks.

Re opening up, part of the problem is that the vaccine rollout is voluntary..what happens when those who have opted out then start to complain about everything being at risk when we start opening up to the rest of the world? There's another *smile* storm coming when that happens.
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Why would I get vaccinated right now except as a safeguard against a hotel quarantine breach?

Did getting vaccinated exempt you from the last lockdown?

If you need a booster in 12 months will you be queuing for another jab, same as me?

The government isn't rushing to re-open because it's fraught.

1. You'd get vaccinated now as the more of us that do, the sooner we can open up. Without judging you or your personal circumstances - as mentioned you can choose your own path in this regard IMO, not that you need my permission for anything - I get vaccinated because it's socially responsible. If the virus get's out of quarantine again, then I know that I'm much less likely to be a vector for transmission for people I love, or people I don't know. I'd get vaccinated because I want to travel, I want to work, I want to go to the office when I want to go, I don't want to wear a mask unless I have to. For all those reasons vaccination is ace bro.

This is a bizarre argument anyway as we've seen it does get out of quarantine. That's one reason to get it, there are many others.

2. No it didn't, because not enough of us are vaccinated. It's not all about me in any case. I'm a fit, active 50 (plus) year old with no health issues, I'm pretty confident I'd survive Covid, so I'm not getting vaccinated out of fear or self-interest. Regarding clots, I'm super happy to take that risk (which is infinitesimal) and get vaccinated because it's the right thing to do for Australia, Victoria, Melbourne and whoever.

3. Yes, I'm completely ok with getting booster shots every year if medical science says do that. What's the problem?

4. Sorry, you say consistently that we can't reopen because the government doesn't have a plan. Now you want to excuse them again because the situation is "fraught". You flip-flop every ten minutes as a tactical argument technique. I don't buy your constant excuses for the government.
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1. You'd get vaccinated now as the more of us that do, the sooner we can open up.
But that's not how it works and you know it. If the government said "when we get to x% vaccinated we will begin opening up", I'd get the vaccination done in short order.
2. No it didn't, because not enough of us are vaccinated.
Again, not how it works. If Dan says "we can avoid another lockdown by reaching x% vaccinated in Victoria", I'll get it done.
3. Yes, I'm completely ok with getting booster shots every year if medical science says do that. What's the problem?
No real problem. You've just been all dressed up and anxious for 12 months with no place to go.
Sorry, you say consistently that we can't reopen because the government doesn't have a plan....You flip-flop every ten minutes...
Yep, I'm as consistent as a metronome.
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But that's not how it works and you know it. If the government said "when we get to x% vaccinated we will begin opening up", I'd get the vaccination done in short order.

Again, not how it works. If Dan says "we can avoid another lockdown by reaching x% vaccinated in Victoria", I'll get it done.

No real problem. You've just been all dressed up and anxious for 12 months with no place to go.

Yep, I'm as consistent as a metronome.
You never struck me as an anti-vaxxer. Why don't you get vaccinated so that "when we get to x%" is announced, we are already there or close to the desired % rather than have to wait for non vaccinated people to get the jab?
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You never struck me as an anti-vaxxer. Why don't you get vaccinated so that "when we get to x%" is announced, we are already there or close to the desired % rather than have to wait for non vaccinated people to get the jab?
I'm not an anti-vaxxer any more than you're a Carlton supporter. Attempts to assert it identiy the poster as either a troll or an imbecile.

Because that isn't how it works. Take the time to read the article I linked to above.
But that's not how it works and you know it. If the government said "when we get to x% vaccinated we will begin opening up", I'd get the vaccination done in short order.

Again, not how it works. If Dan says "we can avoid another lockdown by reaching x% vaccinated in Victoria", I'll get it done.

No real problem. You've just been all dressed up and anxious for 12 months with no place to go.

Yep, I'm as consistent as a metronome.

Again, I don't care when/where/how you get the vaccine. Up to you. It's bizarre your life is so dominated by what press releases ScoMo issues that you can't decide if the vaccination is a good thing for society or not until he does that.

Again, not how it works. If Dan says "we can avoid another lockdown by reaching x% vaccinated in Victoria", I'll get it done.

Again, I don't care when you get your vaccine except as a statistic. Surely you can make up your mind without getting Dictator Dan's go ahead with some magical number you know he can't provide.

I'll tell you this mate - we know that every time there is an outbreak, those that make decisions on lockdowns will absolutely take into account population vaccination rates as part of their risk assessment. Absolutely.

No real problem. You've just been all dressed up and anxious for 12 months with no place to go.

No idea what that means, but OK. I'll have a booster for C19 if I need to, no drama on my end. Strange question to ask and this answer doesn't add anything except as some weird dig at my state of mind. I lived in Jakarta last year with people dying and hospitals overwhelmed, so my response to all this is pretty sanguine.

Yep, I'm as consistent as a metronome.

No idea what that means either, but knock yourself out.
Good post Roar, but as I've said many times before, what Lee chooses to do as an individual is up to him. I don't care about that, his choice.

Covey says seek to understand - yes, I have sought to understand Lee's position. It's not hard to understand. He doesn't want to criticise the federal government and so twists every argument to that end. He's flipped from "we must defend the economy at all costs against selfish expats returning" to "we are a wealthy country, we can afford to wait, vaccination is a low priority". Again, his choice, but we can criticise that position.

So back to the policy debate here - why have the Feds botched the acquisition of Pfizer, why have they been painfully slow in rolling out AZ and other vaccines, why are they missing their own targets repeatedly. This is critical for our health and wellbeing as a society and an economy. Where is the "roadmap" that Lee insists we must have before anything meaningful can be done.

You say shame on us for not helping people understanding - experts have been saying for months a national campaign would help this, but the Feds are more interested in muddying the waters and obfuscating targets so they look less inept. Shame on them, my friend.
Agree with all that. When I say ‘us’ i mean as a nation thats mainly on the government. It’s a very disappointing performance. The fact I come here first to find out what is going on speaks volumes of all levels of government.
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Again, I don't care when/where/how you get the vaccine. Up to you. It's bizarre your life is so dominated by what press releases ScoMo issues that you can't decide if the vaccination is a good thing for society or not until he does that.
It's practically *smile* useless unless we open up. "Mid-2022" is the latest forecast. Read it, study it, digest it, accept it. Study the calendar if you need to until it makes sense. You can race and rage as hard as you like while the finish line isn't getting any closer.
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It's practically *smile* useless unless we open up. "Mid-2022" is the latest forecast. Read it, study it, digest it, accept it. Study the calendar if you need to until it makes sense. You can race and rage as hard as you like while the finish line isn't getting any closer.
How is it practically useless if it sweeps through the population now?
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It's practically *smile* useless unless we open up. "Mid-2022" is the latest forecast. Read it, study it, digest it, accept it. Study the calendar if you need to until it makes sense. You can race and rage as hard as you like while the finish line isn't getting any closer.

Dude, we can open up faster if we vaccinate quicker. Other national governments, and our state governments, understand this.

Guess who's the odd one out?
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