Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Do you mean do I approve or disapprove posters wishing death upon politicians? Of course, I wish Donald a swift recovery so he can better appreciate losing the election in November.

More seriously though, hoping someone tops themselves despite clearly working hard to save us from Covid19 is very different to the delicious irony of Trump telling us the virus would go away in May this year then dying from it in November. Like I say, it's very unlikely to happen. Unfortunately. Sad.
So would it be a delicious irony if Andrews went in to hotel quarantine and ended up dying from Covid?

I think what you’re trying to say is “I like Andrews, don’t hate on him. I hate Trump and wish him dead.”
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So would it be a delicious irony if Andrews went in to hotel quarantine and ended up dying from Covid?

I think what you’re trying to say is “I like Andrews, don’t hate on him. I hate Trump and wish him dead.”

People can hate on Andrews if they want, I'm more interested in discussing what he's done that's right or wrong to be honest. Others might find it deliciously ironic, up to them.

If Trump did die of Covid after all his covid19 arse-clownery that would be deliciously ironic to me.
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The man who throws his own supporters in front of the COVID bus - I wouldn't shed a tear if he died alone on a ventilator.
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No one should be wishing COVID-19 on anyone.
No matter their politics, no matter their personality.
It's *smile* disgusting.
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Sweden cases rising again

The fear is that we might see cases increase as we head into winter in the northern hemisphere.

As for Trumpy, could impact his campaigning as he loves to get out and canvass. The second debate might be at risk, though that's no great loss to the world. I wonder is he still promising a vaccine released prior to November 4th? Time is running out fast on that promise.
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What is interesting is in the last couple of days the Aged Care Royal commission slammed the Feds for their handling of aged care during COVID saying they were totally unprepared but we don't seem to be debating that much here or elsewhere.
FWIW I believe there is a fair amount of bureaucratic incompetence in that as well because the Commonwealth DH is probably incapable of doing anything quickly in this space but there is a fair argument that there was plenty of warning based on what happened in NSW. However this is also a failure of policy that goes back to the mid 1990s that includes both LNP and Labor Governments where the decisions have been based on funding i.e. a private model of aged care would save the Commonwealth enormous amounts as the population ages
Personally I think their response to that criticism is very weak with the addition of an infection prevention person in each facility. What really needs to change is the staffing model which can be evidenced from the quiet change of name from Nursing Homes to Aged care facilities over the years. There aren't enough nurses to call them nursing homes.
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What is interesting is in the last couple of days the Aged Care Royal commission slammed the Feds for their handling of aged care during COVID saying they were totally unprepared but we don't seem to be debating that much here or elsewhere.

When the media don't make a big deal of it, it slowly dies
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When the media don't make a big deal of it, it slowly dies
Been front page on every paper I've looked at today. Including Murdoch's offerings.
Pretty clear in all articles.
Major fail at Federal Government level in not reacting to what happened in NSW.
Colbeck should be gone.
The question is though, after so many decades of deterioration, could the situation have been rectified in the time there was to do something?
Possibly not but at a minimum ADF medical teams could have been mobilised into Aged Care facilities and the staff paid sufficiently so they didn't have to work multiple jobs.
I'm betting that the end result will be multiple facilities close, prices increase dramatically and level of care doesn't change.
Front page of today’s HUN but carry on.

Some want to kill Dan, some want to kill Don.....
Yep, apparently the "Murdochracy" can't be believed and yet gossip magazines out of the US that print something about Trump's wife are totally believable.
Trump sacks people for looking sideways at him.....what will he do to Hope Hicks, his advisor who he caught it from. Hicks will Hope Trump doesn't hang him from the highest tree.
As someone who works in the sector what I can tell you is that since I started I have been amazed at the amount of incorrect material that is reported in the press and on TV related to health. Most of the "health reporters" have a very poor knowledge of the sector and much of what they write is straight out wrong, or at least partially wrong.
This is an observation made pre COVID and I haven't seen anything since then to change my opinion.

Just think of the amount of knowledge and quality analysis we get from the football media, then ask yourself: how much of the stuff spouted by the heath reporters should I really be listening to?

He'll be fine, just pour some bleach down his throat and shine a laser up his rear end, it's what he recommended.

Yep, apparently the "Murdochracy" can't be believed and yet gossip magazines out of the US that print something about Trump's wife are totally believable.

Not that they aren't believable (although often they aren't), it's just that they have an agenda, like all media companies to a greater or lesser extent. You can easily work out if something is true or not by looking at a range of different sources.

I haven't read into the recordings of Mrs Trump yet, but I don't see what she says as particularly important or relevant in this context anyway.
Just think of the amount of knowledge and quality analysis we get from the football media, then ask yourself: how much of the stuff spouted by the heath reporters should I really be listening to?
Some, but we should all be very careful with “facts” that are presented.
The thing that has always shocked me is that lack of understanding of the health media about how health is organised and who is responsible for what.
Not that they aren't believable (although often they aren't), it's just that they have an agenda, like all media companies to a greater or lesser extent. You can easily work out if something is true or not by looking at a range of different sources.

I haven't read into the recordings of Mrs Trump yet, but I don't see what she says as particularly important or relevant in this context anyway.
Not that they aren't believable (although often they aren't), it's just that they have an agenda, like all media companies to a greater or lesser extent. You can easily work out if something is true or not by looking at a range of different sources.

I haven't read into the recordings of Mrs Trump yet, but I don't see what she says as particularly important or relevant in this context anyway.
Precisely why I read the Murdoch papers, the ex Fairfax papers, the Guardian, watch the ABC news in the morning and also peruse the ABC and BBC websites on a daily basis.
Unlike others I don't automatically assume a news outfit has an agenda so therefore ignore it and yet form an opinion on it.
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