Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


This is an ongoing confusion/conflation. Doctors and epidemiologists aren't policy makers or population control experts. The medical advice is "we've found the virus is frequently transmitted where larger groups of people gather inside a house for a few hours, like when these idiots insist on throwing parties at night". It's then up to the government/police to come up with legislation and tactics to prevent these gatherings from happening.

So it's a policy or tactic created by the appropriate people in response to medical advice.
Another decision by creeping assumption perhaps?
Another decision by creeping assumption perhaps?

More a shorthand/dumb things down for the general population I reckon - easier to say "medical advice" rather than "medical advice then implemented in a practical way by other people who know about such things". I think the curfew was a damn great idea but mind you I'm not living under it.
More a shorthand/dumb things down for the general population I reckon - easier to say "medical advice" rather than "medical advice then implemented in a practical way by other people who know about such things". I think the curfew was a damn great idea but mind you I'm not living under it.
Yeh it didn’t worry me nor should it have had a big imposition for people. Reality is dumb *smile* gathering in large groups indoors pose great risks to spreading the virus. No other way to stop them in reality.
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Single digits are good digits.

The 14 day rolling case av. for Melbourne is now 12.8 falling from 15.6 yesterday.

In regional Vic the av. has fallen from 0.3 yesterday to 0.2 today.

Excellent signs.
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so who in particular used the "i can't recall" excuse and to what questions? Should be easy to tell me given all the papers carried it.
Can't read or is it just that you delight in being a Contrarian?
You've even argued against points that you've made yourself.
Single digits are good digits.

The 14 day rolling case av. for Melbourne is now 12.8 falling from 15.6 yesterday.

In regional Vic the av. has fallen from 0.3 yesterday to 0.2 today.

Excellent signs.

I think the actual number of cases is becoming less and less important now.

Focus is on number of unknown cases and positive test rate I think. Strong daily reductions in 14 day averages of unknown cases is exactly what we need.

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Nice to see it under 10 again.

Just going for the graph from the start of September now, we all know what the curve looked like in August, not good!

COVID19 7 day ave 02102020.jpg

Now for some numbers, last 5 days:

DateNew Infections7 Day Trailing ave5 Day centred ave14 Day Trailing ave
27 September 2020​
28 September 2020​
29 September 2020​
30 September 2020​
1 October 2020​

One thing you may notice is that the number for 29 September has dropped from 13 to 10. The DHHS revise their numbers each day, generally late afternoon as they presumably find anomalies such as double counts or the like. These are more common in recent days but they do adjust right back. So the average looks a lot better today as a few of the older figures for new infections have dropped and today's number is low.

Those averages are getting better, expect a fair bit of volatility especially with such low numbers, doesn't take much to get a big percentage increase, but hopefully we are on the way to getting rid of this.

Then we just need to keep it out as the rest of the world is far less on top of this.

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If every single newspaper and news service in the country are lying then I guess you may be right.
As someone who works in the sector what I can tell you is that since I started I have been amazed at the amount of incorrect material that is reported in the press and on TV related to health. Most of the "health reporters" have a very poor knowledge of the sector and much of what they write is straight out wrong, or at least partially wrong.
This is an observation made pre COVID and I haven't seen anything since then to change my opinion.
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As someone who works in the sector what I can tell you is that since I started I have been amazed at the amount of incorrect material that is reported in the press and on TV related to health. Most of the "health reporters" have a very poor knowledge of the sector and much of what they write is straight out wrong, or at least partially wrong.
This is an observation made pre COVID and I haven't seen anything since then to change my opinion.

Yeah. Occam's razor. Don't ascribe to conspiracy when incompetence/business process is a more likely explanation.
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Sadly with the medical care he'll get, pretty good.

But there's always a chance!!!

So you do or don't agree about posters wishing politicians die?

Wishing that anyone commits suicide, particularly a bloke who is putting heart and soul into his work is beyond the pale in my view.

Don't recall anyone on here wishing that on Morrison either.
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So you do or don't agree about posters wishing politicians die?

Do you mean do I approve or disapprove posters wishing death upon politicians? Of course, I wish Donald a swift recovery so he can better appreciate losing the election in November.

More seriously though, hoping someone tops themselves despite clearly working hard to save us from Covid19 is very different to the delicious irony of Trump telling us the virus would go away in May this year then dying from it in November. Like I say, it's very unlikely to happen. Unfortunately. Sad.
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