What politician isn't an ambitious career politician these days?
He really can't win. Hold an inquiry you say, he does. Mikakos has to go you say, she does. When's the last time the Feds ran an inquiry on ministerial incompetence/corruption? This country desperately needs an ICAC, but that's another argument.
Interesting though that despite the KIll Dan campaign run relentless for the last four months by the Murdoch and other media, his approval rating has improved, at least if one goes by the (Murdoch paid) News Poll.
In terms of opinion, I think we are seeing a real polarisation though. Most want to see the restrictions through, despite the pain Thankfully the "sovereign citizen" and "muh liberty" mob still seem to be the minority. And yes, we all understand people and businesses are hurting. The alternative path is what we are seeing in the US and the UK now - big surge in cases, and probably more lockdowns and more pain to come.
If contact tracing really was the weak link in Victoria then we hope they are on top of it now. Reducing case numbers would suggest it is.