CC on his last legs? | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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CC on his last legs?

shamekha said:
This will be pulled back up when the time comes!

in the mean time can you please get over yourself and just have a normal debate without getting all heated up when your argument is questioned. remember none of us sit on the board or in the coaches meetings. what you are saying is still only guess work and a concluding of your own thoughts.

Can you show me a copy of Cameron's Job Description? as it seems you have one.
im sure lots of things will be pulled. feel free no skin of my nose..

ccs job description for 08 was, list and strategy MANAGER.
This yr it was GENERAL MANAGER of football. obviously he is an integral part of recruiting after all that was what he was originally employed for.
rosy23 said:
I don't know and I doubt you do either. Still doesn't explain which tough decisions you credit to Hardwick. If they are list decisions why aren't they attributed to CC based on your comments above?
they were likr bob you dont read.
the claw said:
they were likr bob you dont read.

I find your posts a tad hard to follow at times sorry santa.  Must have missed it.  I'd appreciate if you could let me know which tough decisions that you credit to Hardwick.
the claw said:
well said.

smoking aces rather than repeat in a different way you have your reply.
And without me repeating what others have said, the club was in a totally different mindset to what it is now, yet still managed to draft 6 (I wont include Gourdis ok Scoop) potential 10 year players.

The 2009 draft should put most minds at ease as to what direction the club is now taking.
Sorry to take this thread in another direction. But I think the removal of the true reserve team really hurt the Melbourne base clubs.
I find it frustrating to see some of the Richmond boys playing in the Coburg 2's instead of the 1st.
Also think it resticts the improvement and delopment of some of our younger players.

Rememeber when I was younger when all VFL teams had a under 19 team. Richmond and North had some real good youngester coming through during the end of that period.
North really went on with their youth when sadly nothing came from our promising under 19 team.

Interesting to hear some thought on the 'older' supporters on their view on this (or those who can remember those times) ;) .
the claw said:
im sure lots of things will be pulled. feel free no skin of my nose..

ccs job description for 08 was, list and strategy MANAGER.
This yr it was GENERAL MANAGER of football. obviously he is an integral part of recruiting after all that was what he was originally employed for.

come on dude thats a job title.. not a job description..

it shows you argue with assumption and guess work. as this is the case you shouldn't be so dogmatic with your comments.
SCOOP said:
I agree with Claw on this, for this club to only take 2 players in the top 50 of the 2008 draft is a shocking move.Sure we introduced a new batch of rookies, (of which Gourdis was already on the main list, so he is not a new player to the club, so the figure is only 6) The only way to get better is through the draft. To hold on to so many iffy types for another year was a mistake. A lot of the work that is being done now by CC should have been done the year before. That is why our list is so far behind, we are chasing our tail. Clearly CC did not think things needed to be blown up in 2008 when most on PRE were spitting chips about the lack of movement on the list.

So far CC has done nothing outstanding nor made any really hard choices, in fact he has shirked away from it. For the club to considering holding onto Polak in capcity shows this. The Shane Tuck, Nathan Brown and Mark Coughlan potential trades were handled in a terrible manner, showed our hand far to early. CC has done nothing that makes me sit up and feel like we are dealing with a great football mind who can work the system over. Nothing terrible but certainly no guru.

Great post. At last some sort of return to form for Scooper.

Disco08 said:
I can't see how we can determine Cameron's thoughts from the lack of movement last year. The direction the club was taking would have come from board level. The board would have heard from Wallace and Cameron where they though things were at.

This is sort of laying blame with Cameron then isn't it Patsy? He should have been telling all and sundry that Wallace was talking through his suntanned arse and the we should of been loading up with picks.
Yeah, I reckon everyone involved is to blame, but I don't know how to apportion it jimbob. If Wallet is arguing strongly that his team is locked and loaded but Cameron isn't convinced, how likely is he to come out on top, and more to the point, how likely is it that the board will take Cameron's side over Wallet's? And even if Cameron was dead against Wallet's ideas I doubt we the public would ever hear it. The worst thing a club can try and endure is mutiny.

The easiest way for all this to be resolved would be for Craig to sign up and tell us all how it happened. He used to post extensively on a Demon forum IIRC.
Tigerbob said:
What you ramble on with, most already know. In the end it becomes an argument that goes around, and around and around in circles. All I have said is let it go, it ain't good for your health.
do they wouldnt know that to read many posts on here the opposite in fact. and yeah it goes around and around there are those that defend the 08 draft all ive done is say its not that great. all ive asked is that surely someone is made accountable. not even an acknowledgement that they got it wrong. is that good enough.

Tigerbob said:
You want me to actually take you and your mate Barnzy's post seriously? :hihi

We took 3 selections in last years draft. You harp about taking two 18 year olds blah, blah, blah, and whilst I agree I would of liked more U19 kids,
all i asked and barnzy to of people was do they think 2 selections and a selction on a retread was enough. turning over so few was it good enough these were my comments on my opening post in this thread i asked was it not reasonable to ask those questions and it has gone from there sheesh i will ask again was it not a reasonable question. it takes two to have a debate mate.
then getting people to answer those questions is like pulling teeth they dont answer it because it may paint a poor picture.even you who comes across lately as defending every little thing they do have admitted they got it wrong others dont hence the continued debate.

Tigerbob said:
it has been explained to you, over and over and over again, the clubs mindset was different and the whole club had decided for whatever reason we were going for a finals appearance.
has it i dont think so. no one has said anything like it. as for the clubs mind set did march not give the season a 5 out of 10 anyway they got it wrong not one person has put his hand up and said yep we got it wrong i was responsible no accountability. which is part of what i go on about. if they did not know we had a poor list at the end of 08 when the whole footy world knew that borders on incompetence.

Tigerbob said:
You want me to actually take you and your mate Barnzy's post seriously? :hihi

You blame solely Cameron, while others lay the blame at a host of others. You disagree with it but should it be made into a massive sh!t fight like you are making it. Freo took a mature age player in the draft, so too did the Kangaroos. So if we had taken Thomson in the draft do we count that as 4 selections? Vickery, Post, Hislop and Thomson. All under 22 years of age. Or do we not count some selections from other clubs because they are not 18 year olds? What about the kids that are 19? Where does the argument stop?
yeah i blame cameron but not solely i just think the buck has to stop somewhere and someone needs to acknowledge the mistakes hes the MANAGER that acknowledgement should come from him. no one has called for his head like i said a little bit of accountability.
freo used how many picks no one here is against taking retreads but what sort of process did we go thru. anyway remember this whole debate stems from me saying it was not good enough we used so few picks in 08 on kids and failed to clean out more players so in answer to if we had taken thomson in the draft of course he would go down as a pick but it still wouldnt alter the fact we used so few on kids. besides i havent bought other sides into it im only concerned with what we do.

Tigerbob said:
I personally would of culled the list last season. The coach, the football department and the board decided that should not occur and that we were going for a finals appearance. The mindset of the club was different to mine. They proved to be wrong, but it happens. The club has now made an effort in making up for that wrong. They have sacked the coach and a host of assistants and hired a coach that is universally accepted by the Richmond members and have taken in a youth policy. The slate is clean. We now judge the club on this outcome. We tend to all be hero's after the fact.
so basically you agree with what i would have liked to see done and admit they got it are very much a minority yet you nosed into this debate and told one side to basically but out and forget about what has happened.
i agree they are making an effort to make up for that wrong. but as you say the only ones to have paid a price is the coach and the assistants. those in the footy dept have got away scott free. there is no wiping of the slate if they can make a blunder that big in 08 they can do it again accountability mate who on the footy dept takes responsibility for these type of failures its a fair question imo. where should the buck stop.

i also agree hardwick and his assistants do have a clean slate. cameron and those who remain on the footy dept no. but cameron and his staff should be given an opportunity to redeem the situation i havent said any different.
oh and viva the youth policy.

Tigerbob said:
About my comments about this not being a computer game. There are many factors to take into account than to just purely lay the blame at Craig Cameron like you and your panic merchant friend like to do. The inner workings of a football club is more complex?
your comments about computer games was condescending just like the rest of the above was and as thus you got a sharp reply.

Tigerbob said:
The inner workings of a football club is more complex and if you didn't know that then you should do some research before shooting your gob off about things you have little understanding of. It does not just happen that we can get rid of 18 players and draft 18 in the one year as much as we would have liked to. There are contracts, TPP, List management responsibilities, board directions, coaching philosophies and mindsets and a host of other factors. To make one decision at a football club it has to go through a host of channels before a decision is made. Imagine the decision of the direction of the playing list. You think Cameron was the one and only one that signed off on it?
again condescending and indicative that you dont read peoples posts. all of what you say in this quote has been said adnauseum by myself and others and are factored into most debates dont treat me like an imbecile.if you read peoples posts you would know these things are always considered.
again i ask when a blunder happens who is accountable.

Tigerbob said:
finally your comments may have been toungue in cheek but they were condescending if a joke well and good i will accept them as such.
have to say and agree my comments were petty and yep old enough to know better i hope you accept my apology. and i apologise in advance but to me you do come across as knowing it all i suppose i come across a lot worse.
It's all good claw, I am over this debate as we seem to agree on a point but disagree slightly on who is to blame.

I am prepared to look forward as I have heard what the club is now prepared to do. I believe the club is moving in the right direction and from what has been said around the club at functions and through the media, press conferences and through sources, the club will be doing what we all want.

I really am over looking back, we went through a horrid time with Wallace and the best thing in my opinion is to realise where we went wrong, which I do, and then move on and give this new regime my support.

It will take some time, and there will be some bad times still to come but at the end of the day I am excited about the journey the club is about to take and the transformation we will all witness first hand over the next few years.

Hence why I said, clean slate, I personally just want to enjoy my football again. The last year was hell and I was not enjoying being a Richmond fan.
Tigerbob said:
It's all good claw, I am over this debate as we seem to agree on a point but disagree slightly on who is to blame.

I am prepared to look forward as I have heard what the club is now prepared to do. I believe the club is moving in the right direction and from what has been said around the club at functions and through the media, press conferences and through sources, the club will be doing what we all want.

I really am over looking back, we went through a horrid time with Wallace and the best thing in my opinion is to realise where we went wrong, which I do, and then move on and give this new regime my support.

It will take some time, and there will be some bad times still to come but at the end of the day I am excited about the journey the club is about to take and the transformation we will all witness first hand over the next few years.

Hence why I said, clean slate, I personally just want to enjoy my football again. The last year was hell and I was not enjoying being a Richmond fan.
yep im glad to hear that all is good. i think you a good poster and in the main enjoy very much your posts. and believe it or not i am quitely optimistic. i just dont want to see the same mistakes being made over and over again im sorry but i just have to question. unfortunately the club has burnt me that often my trust is shot.

and i agree in the main with the above.
I am prepared to cut CC a little more slack in that year and a half under Wallet.
He was very much a Johnny come lately on the tail end of a five year plan/disaster.
He really was on a hiding to nothing trying to deal with an egomaniac who had no idea.

March saw the writing on the wall earlier than most when he replaced Miller and something tells me that much of the past year and a half has been about instigating long term change.
Sure Cameron's made a few questionable choices so far but few if any get them all right.
CC has been heavily involved in the long standing football review which has led to many of the positive changes we are seeing now.
He's had and continues to have a heck of a job.
Let's see how he goes in the post Wallet era before getting too critical. 8)
One point that I reckon's been overlooked so far, and even critisized in the original post of this thread, is the resigning of Schulz. While many here would have delisted him after Miller inexplicably declined pick 28 from Port for him, resigning him enabled us to pick up Farmer and an extra couple of spots late in the draft. Good move if you ask me.
Disco08 said:
One point that I reckon's been overlooked so far, and even critisized in the original post of this thread, is the resigning of Schulz. While many here would have delisted him after Miller inexplicably declined pick 28 from Port for him, resigning him enabled us to pick up Farmer and an extra couple of spots late in the draft. Good move if you ask me.

CC didn't re-sign Schulz on a 2 year deal because he thought he would be able to trade him down the track. He rated him and wanted him around, just like how he re-signed that dud King. I'm sure we all still sit around and think how much of a great deal it was that we got even got him out of the club for once for anything at all, really a miracle that Port even signed on the dotted line. Very much saved CC another year of embarrassment over that mistake. He didn't plan for us receiving Farmer and a pick for him when he gave him a 2 year deal, that's just how it happened in the end. Pretty funny how you're trying to palm that over as a win for CC...not a 'good move' at all.
Barnzy said:
CC didn't re-sign Schulz on a 2 year deal because he thought he would be able to trade him down the track. He rated him and wanted him around, just like how he re-signed King.

Of course, and then he traded him. Makes sense.

Port had already flagged interest in him. If you don't think Cameron was in touch with them all the while when negotiating a new contract with Schulz I suggest you have a lot to learn about how major sporting organisations are run.
Disco08 said:
Port had already flagged interest in him. If you don't think Cameron was in touch with them all the while when negotiating a new contract with Schulz I suggest you have a lot to learn about how major sporting organisations are run.

When did I suggest that? I'm just trying to work out how you think it was a 'good move' by CC to re-sign Schulz to a 2 year deal.
You read my initial post, agree with the post you quoted and you can't figure out why I think it was a good move?
Disco08 said:
Of course, and then he traded him. Makes sense.

Port had already flagged interest in him. If you don't think Cameron was in touch with them all the while when negotiating a new contract with Schulz I suggest you have a lot to learn about how major sporting organisations are run.

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl......oh wait, you're serious. He got it wrong with Sgt. Snooze but Port bailed him out. No luck with Kingy or McMuffin though.
Disco08 said:
You read my initial post, agree with the post you quoted and you can't figure out why I think it was a good move?

It's only a good move if you somehow think CC re-signed Schulz not because he wanted him around for another 2 years but because you think he was planning to trade him down the track to Port for Mitch Farmer and a pick. Is that what you think went through his head? If not, explain to me why it was a 'good move' because I just can't understand it.
Disco08 said:
Yeah, I reckon everyone involved is to blame, but I don't know how to apportion it jimbob. If Wallet is arguing strongly that his team is locked and loaded but Cameron isn't convinced, how likely is he to come out on top, and more to the point, how likely is it that the board will take Cameron's side over Wallet's?

But Disco, Wallet doesn't report in any way to the board. He reports to CC who ashead of football is the conduit to the board. No-one else, certainly not the Wallet.
If he felt TW was talking his usual *smile* he should have said that & gone in the direction he thought was best for the club. If he didn't, the responsibility lies 100% with him.

Disco08 said:
One point that I reckon's been overlooked so far, and even critisized in the original post of this thread, is the resigning of Schulz. While many here would have delisted him after Miller inexplicably declined pick 28 from Port for him, resigning him enabled us to pick up Farmer and an extra couple of spots late in the draft. Good move if you ask me.

On the Shulze' re-signing, we relied on one club Port Adelaide having interest in him. What if Williams didnt get re-signed. Not playing the %'s of list management ILO.

In any case, it does appear the club have now realised the enormity of the task & the way to go about building a list without any short cuts. Which is a first.

ILO the disaster of this year could be the best thing that could have happened.