Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Djevv said:
I think there is a negative media mythology about Christianity that needs to broken.

Could be right. ;D

Djevv said:
I think there is a negative media mythology about Christianity that needs to broken. You know the type of thing: the pedophile priest, the hypocrite pew-warmer, the starchy moralist, the loony tongue talker, the sappy loser etc. In my own experience of Church, Christians do HEAPS more than people realise. In my own community I could and have given numerous examples. This is really what I was talking of, Christians do a lot, rather than Non-Christians do nothing. The reason I make this point is to show that faith in Jesus is a very positive thing, both for the individual and society.

I certainly believe non-Christians can and do do a lot of good, but would be empowered to do more with Jesus!

The other thing about Hell is crazy talk. If you belive in Hell - really believe it is true - then you will do everything in your power to avoid it!! Not only that you will make every effort to make sure others don't go either!

Even if this were true, and it may be for some (ie. gives people an reason to perform altruistic acts) it still has nothing to do with the truth of the underlying beliefs. It may be that certain aspects of religion are beneficial, but wouldn't it be desirable to have these beneficial aspects without the damaging, supernatural aspects? Is that even possible?
The Pagan Christ

"The contradictions are everywhere in the gospels"
"But one man, who has devoted his entire life to christianity has concluded that there is absolutely no evidence that an historical Jesus ever existed."
Fascinating to see the disbelief through this bloke's eyes. Watching this with an open mind would be a very good test of faith IMO.

The 2 part interview on the same channel with Dawkins is good for a laugh. Talk about intellectual David and Goliath lol.
He was a crafty devil that Constantine.

I don't think in his wildest dreams he could've hoped his creation would've worked so successfully and for so long.
His creation doesn't really look like stopping any time soon either. He'd nearly be the person who's had the most influence on humanity in history?

The theologians that discredit the old fellas work are less than convincing. Address the points rather than making dismissive statements for God's sake. One good example of why the theories were bogus is all it would have taken to make a lot of it look like the ranting of a deluded old man, yet none were given. Rather than saying why Horus' story bears no resemblance to Jesus' (which it obviously does) they just say it obviously doesn't. I know these guys are considered experts on the subject but would it kill them to tell us how they come to their conclusions at some point?
Yeah,I found that that dissapointing too.i was hoping the theologians would provide good argument but none was forthcoming.It rarely is.

Getting back to Constantine,there was an interesting period of roman history inbetween the the first century and the the time of history Machivelli called 'The 5 good emporers'

The really wise one of them,in my view,was Marcus Aurelius,the stoic philosopher.He was heavily influenced by Epicticus.

It's a great shame,again in my view,that his philosophy wasn't the one that prevailed,rather than Christianity.I think the western world would turned out alot different,and for the better.

"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones." - Marcus Aurelius.
evo said:
"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones." - Marcus Aurelius.

Amen Marcus.

What a shame Marcus didn't turn that creed into a unifying western religion.
Djevv said:
I think there is a negative media mythology about Christianity that needs to broken. You know the type of thing: the pedophile priest, the hypocrite pew-warmer, the starchy moralist, the loony tongue talker, the sappy loser etc. In my own experience of Church, Christians do HEAPS more than people realise. In my own community I could and have given numerous examples. This is really what I was talking of, Christians do a lot, rather than Non-Christians do nothing. The reason I make this point is to show that faith in Jesus is a very positive thing, both for the individual and society.

I certainly believe non-Christians can and do do a lot of good, but would be empowered to do more with Jesus!

The other thing about Hell is crazy talk. If you belive in Hell - really believe it is true - then you will do everything in your power to avoid it!! Not only that you will make every effort to make sure others don't go either!

On the good Christians do, this is not in dispute. I myself sponsor a kid via World Vision, and would not have done that unless I was convinced the funds were being used in right and proper ways.

What 6er and myself are trying to get at is some of the Christians on this thread have been pushing the line effectively that to be good you have to be Christian, and the majority of the worlds good acts are by Christians. This is why I raise the impurity of many Christian acts (from me mostly at the church level, which is why I never mentioned pedo priests), to point out that Christians are just as capable of being flawed as the rest of us.

On the Hell issue, again 6er and myself don't believe in it. What we are acknowledging is if you are right about everything you believe, there is a Hell and we are going there. We don't agree with the selection criteria, but its your criteria so we cannot dispute it.
Disco08 said:
Fascinating to see the disbelief through this bloke's eyes. Watching this with an open mind would be a very good test of faith IMO.

The 2 part interview on the same channel with Dawkins is good for a laugh. Talk about intellectual David and Goliath lol.

Was watching the South Park marathon last night, and they had the evolution episode on. A few things in it Jay and Djevv would appreciate in supporting their arguments (this is strictly comedy time btw :)):

1) Mr. Garrisions analysis of evolution (this is majorly paraphrased). A fish had a retard baby which had butt-sex with another retard baby and it walked onto land with its flipper things and had butt-sex with a squirrel, who had a retard baby, which had butt-sex with another monkey-fish baby and had a retard baby which eventually leads to you. Yes, you are all from retard fish monkeys, are you happy now!

2) Dawkins being brought into teach South Park's grade 4 class - enough said

3) Dawkins having an intimate affair with Mr. Garrison but being to dumb to figure out Mr. Garrison was a he who became a she. Again, enough said and not the kind of stuff that inspires confidence in his intellect.

4) Through the intellect of Dawkins, and the ability of "Mrs" Garrison to tell people who disagree with him to get stuffed, Atheism becomes the doctrine of the world in 500 years. Wars still continue however, this time between humans and otters on whether to call us the Allied Athiest Alliance, the Atheist Allegance League, and so on.
T74, I believe in a sort of heaven and hell, but they happen while we are alive. Nothing happens after death. And these states of heaven and hell have nothing to do with a divine power.
I agree with you on that sixpack.

Satre's take on it is very interesting.

"L'enfer, c'est les autres"
evo said:
I agree with you on that sixpack.

Satre's take on it is very interesting.

"L'enfer, c'est les autres"

Which, roughly translated means:

'Fight the smoking ban in pubs and cafes.'
Would love to hear from some of the local believers if they've taken the time to view the doco evo linked to.
This isn't too bad.The Rabbi puts a descent battle.

I love the front of Harris.Tells a hall full of Jews and on Jewish TV that the Hebrews are also steeped in human sacrifice. ;D
Very entertaining evo, cheers. :)

Most people who have plucked chickens, have plucked them while believing in God. This does not mean that you need to believe in God to pluck a chicken.

This guy is clearly one of us!

ie. 'unrepentant' and 'you only live once.'