Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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jayfox said:
Truth is, in your Buddhist example, I am not sure. I am glad that I am not judging these people and that God has that responsibility. The good thing is that He is a perfect judge so these people will be judged fairly, just as we all are.

So in saying that, if I live my life as a good person but don't choose your God despite being aware of Jesus does that mean I am going to hell or not?
Tigers of Old said:

Back to the Buddhists.
If they are aware of Christianity yet were born into a society that practices Buddhism are they going to hell or not?
They still live their lives as very good people and are aware of your God however instead choose Buddha.

Yet you are saying because of this they are going to hell anyway.

Am I right in saying that or not?

If you believe the bible is the literal truth, than those Buddhist are hellbound:

I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through me (John 14:6)

For unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins
(John 8:24)

And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12)

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5)
jayfox said:
Completely disagree. Knowing something is going to happen does not mean those involved don't have free will. I know Richmond won't make the finals next year but I am letting them battle it out! ;)

Can you honestly explain to me how this works?

If God knows your fate, it has to be decided. If it's decided, you don't have free will. How can it possibly be otherwise?
Panthera tigris FC said:
If you believe the bible is the literal truth, than those Buddhist are hellbound:

I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through me (John 14:6)

For unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins
(John 8:24)

And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12)

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5)

This is why wars happen IMO.

How can a Christian or anyone of religious nature say that despite being a good person that you are doomed to eternal fire and brimstone because you don't believe in Jesus Christ.

Pretty intimidating.
Tigers of Old said:
This is why wars happen IMO.

How can a Christian or anyone of religious nature say that despite being a good person that you are doomed to eternal fire and brimstone because you don't believe in Jesus Christ.

Pretty intimidating.

Jay, as you know i have dipped in and out of this debate from time to time, but one constant is that when the Christian posters are confronted with stuff that is pretty hard to deal with or untangle they come out with a sort of magical 'cos God can do anything' sort of statement.

And that doesn't cut it for the Atheists.

For example, the Jonah story. However illogical and irrational that story is you can argue it with the power of God. I'm afraid that's a major problem for us Atheists. You tend to explain the unexplainable and it just sounds fanciful.
Tigers of Old said:
So in saying that, if I live my life as a good person but don't choose your God despite being aware of Jesus does that mean I am going to hell or not?

Yes, that does mean that you are going to Hell. All the good works in the world are not enough to save you as you have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. That is the reason that Jesus had to come to Earth and die on the cross to save us from our sins.

Re- the Buddhists, I took you example to mean that they had heard of Jesus but did not really know who He was or have access to His word. In that case I am glad that God decides.
So conceivably a person could live their life without breaking one of the ten commandments but still go to hell for not believing in Jesus as Lord?
I have to side with Foxy on this one. If you don't believe, then you don't go. I take it further tho. There is no afterlife, so it isn't an issue.
Disco08 said:
Can you honestly explain to me how this works?

If God knows your fate, it has to be decided. If it's decided, you don't have free will. How can it possibly be otherwise?
God knows what we will do in our lives and our fate because He knows everything about the past, present and future but our choices have not been decided by Him, they are still our choices. We are free to make them as we feel fit, it's just that He knows before we make them which way they will go. He clearly doesn't make these choices for us as every one of us sin and turn against Him and so you can easily see that a good and perfect God would not choose to sin against Himself.
Knowing that someone is going to do something in advance does not mean that you are making the decision for them, it just means that you know what they will decide, by their own judgment or free will.
Disco08 said:
So conceivably a person could live their life without breaking one of the ten commandments but still go to hell for not believing in Jesus as Lord?

No person except Jesus has ever done that so it is a non-issue. The Bible is quite clear that "all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God". If you did not sin you would be as Jesus was, a perfect person.
jayfox said:
God knows what we will do in our lives and our fate because He knows everything about the past, present and future but our choices have not been decided by Him, they are still our choices.

How can they possibly be our choices if the result is already determined?
Tigers of Old said:
This is why wars happen IMO.

How can a Christian or anyone of religious nature say that despite being a good person that you are doomed to eternal fire and brimstone because you don't believe in Jesus Christ.

Pretty intimidating.

And yet the basis of the scriptures. 1 sin, just 1 makes us fall short of God's perfection. Once you have sinned you are no longer perfect and are not worthy to sit in the presence of a perfect God. God knew this and knew that we would all sin and that is why He sent Jesus to die for us, to take our penalty upon Himself, so that we could once again be seen as perfect and with our debt paid, in God's eyes. All we have to do is believe.

As for the wars comment, I don't really see how those two fit together?
Disco08 said:
How can they possibly be our choices if the result is already determined?

It's not determined as such as God knows what we will choose. It's not His choice it's ours, he just knows in advance which way we will go.

For example Disco, you could either decide to become a Christian and follow Him or not. It is entirely your choice, your eternity depends on it and God knows which way you will choose to go, but it is still your decision. His choice for you would obviously be to believe and follow Him but that may not necessarily be your decision. Whilst you are alive you still have the opportunity to decide for yourself.
Sorry Jay, you're just not making any sense. You're second sentence is a complete contradiction of itself. If God knows what I'm going to decide before I make my choice then I clearly have no choice at all. My destiny is already set because God knows what it is.