Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Bwhaaa hahahhhaahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check this out!! The athiest's nightmare! Irrefutable proof of the existence of god! I give you...........................................the banana!

And some George Carlin too...great....

Oh sheez Disco posted that ages you say, never gets old.
ToraToraTora said:
Bwhaaa hahahhhaahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check this out!! The athiest's nightmare! Irrefutable proof of the existence of god! I give you...........................................the banana!

And some George Carlin too...great....

Oh sheez Disco posted that ages you say, never gets old.

Oldies, but goodies TTT.....The Way of the Master....great stuff.
ToraToraTora said:
I believe Richmond is the greatest football club in Australia, but rudimentary research of the facts exposes my misguided delusion.

But that does not stop you knowing and loving the RFC.

ToraToraTora said:
I believe Richmond is the greatest football club in Australia, but rudimentary research of the facts exposes my misguided delusion.

Yes but Richmond's current situation is definitive proof that there is no God.
antman said:
Yes but Richmond's current situation is definitive proof that there is no God.

The fact that Richmond have through hard work, belief in themselves (and faith in the direction they are headed) have turned their fortunes around means that there is a God.

And that he rewards the true believers.

Sucess will come our way.

We will be a power once again.

t-rob said:
The fact that Richmond have through hard work, belief in themselves (and faith in the direction they are headed) have turned their fortunes around means that there is a God.

And that he rewards the true believers.

Sucess will come our way.

We will be a power once again.


Amen, brother!
Panthera tigris FC said:
Atheists don't believe in Gods due to inadequate evidence to justify such a belief. Big difference.

I, too, am off to enjoy Christmas now. Enjoy :cheesysanta

How can so many people be so wrong? People have believed all sorts of 'wrong' things throughout the history of human civilisation.....truth is not determined by democracy :)

I said Atheists believe in nothing, not only God's, nothing.

Hope you enjoyed yourself. Have a great time everyone.
jayfox said:
Sorry but I think that this is absolutely uneducated rubbish. Come to my church someday and see if you think it is about politics or control. That is a challenge.

I would do that if you actually lived in Melbourne.

On the issue though:

1) Two of the biggest property owners in the Melbourne CBD are the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican and Presbyterian Churches. Nice to see the money they keep asking for every week you go to church is going to help the needy.

2) The biggest art owner in the known world is the Vatican.

3) The Vatican ran a program since the days of the Moors being in Spain to today (it does continue) aimed are aggressive promotion of the Catholic faith against non-believers. Granted they don't use the rack or the iron maiden any more, and they have change the name from The Inquisition, but the agency still exists (and the current pontiff actually was once its head I believe).

4) A lot of the charities who raise money for kids in Africa and the like contrary to the promotions you read, end up spending the money not on water pumps, school books, and housing, but on missionaries and bibles because saving a soul is more important than saving a life. Granted not all are like this (World Vision for one has gone to pains to show their funds are used for aid work and not missionary works), but it happens too much.

5) There is a reason landowners built churches back in feudal times, and it was not about faith. Under the feudal system, the Lord had the duty to protect the serfs and the serfs provided them with labour in return. However you only get raided by Vikings every so often, so the Lords had an issue. How do they convince the serfs that its cool to be destitute and poor while they live it up in their castle. The answer was the church. Churches were set up on most landholdings, with one express mission. To remind the serfs that they had to behave in this life in order to enjoy the rewards of the next. This has worked so successfully that even today, we have people fighting "in the name of Christ" when there is no tangible benefit for them. If this is not a control mechanism, what is?
jayfox said:
This is not bad luck and has been discussed many, many times on this thread. Those that live "without the law", i.e. without hearing the truth about Jesus, cannot be judged by the law. They will be judged by "their own actions as even their consciences bear witness against them". In other words, they will be judged on how they lived their lives, not on the fact that they had never heard the name of Jesus. Do a search on this thread for "living without the law" and you will see it has been answered many times.

So if God was really a compassionate God, why didn't he just leave everyone alone and not send Jesus at all? All the truly 'good' people would be saved, and all the bad ones not, and there would be no messing around with all this confusing nonsense where there are different christian groups self-righteously killing each other and declaring only they have the right doctrine and everyone else goes to hell? The good (but deluded) hindus, buddhists, jews, aborigines, pagans, whatever, would be saved and heaven would be a far more interesting and populace place. The religious wars in Europe with all their atrocities wouldn't have occurred.

Seems God is a meddler who caused more harm than good.
dukeos said:
I said Atheists believe in nothing, not only God's, nothing.

Hope you enjoyed yourself. Have a great time everyone.

I realise that you said that atheists believe in nothing, however the term 'atheist' means literally just that a-theist....disbelief in god(s).

Perhaps the term you are looking for is nihilist?
Azza said:
So if God was really a compassionate God, why didn't he just leave everyone alone and not send Jesus at all? All the truly 'good' people would be saved, and all the bad ones not, and there would be no messing around with all this confusing nonsense where there are different christian groups self-righteously killing each other and declaring only they have the right doctrine and everyone else goes to hell? The good (but deluded) hindus, buddhists, jews, aborigines, pagans, whatever, would be saved and heaven would be a far more interesting and populace place. The religious wars in Europe with all their atrocities wouldn't have occurred.

Seems God is a meddler who caused more harm than good.

Why would an omnipotent god 'test' his creations anyway? Considering we were all 'created' in many different ways and into different situations, is it even a fair test?
Panthera tigris FC said:
I don't really understand the anxiety that these question cause in some people. I am interested in these questions, but I am happy to know what I can know.

(Douglas Adams fan eh?)

Yup! The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul is probably my favourite. I find the Hitchhiker series gets a bit samey. Have you ever seen his take on Australia? It's a real pisser!
Azza said:
So if God was really a compassionate God, why didn't he just leave everyone alone and not send Jesus at all? All the truly 'good' people would be saved, and all the bad ones not, and there would be no messing around with all this confusing nonsense where there are different christian groups self-righteously killing each other and declaring only they have the right doctrine and everyone else goes to hell? The good (but deluded) hindus, buddhists, jews, aborigines, pagans, whatever, would be saved and heaven would be a far more interesting and populace place. The religious wars in Europe with all their atrocities wouldn't have occurred.

Seems God is a meddler who caused more harm than good.

Without Jesus there is no salvation at all. I would argue that, although it doesn't attract the press, that the example of Jesus has resulted in in far more good than harm.

Another point is that, if you look at the 20th century, athiest polictical philosophies have cause greivous harm. Especially considering their relative youth.

I think you'll find, if you're honest, that sin (basically selfishness) in all its forms is the problem.
Djevv said:
Without Jesus there is no salvation at all. I would argue that, although it doesn't attract the press, that the example of Jesus has resulted in in far more good than harm.

Another point is that, if you look at the 20th century, athiest polictical philosophies have cause greivous harm. Especially considering their relative youth.

I think you'll find, if you're honest, that sin (basically selfishness) in all its forms is the problem.

The promotion of Christianity was directly behind conversion by the sword throughout Europe, around 7+ crusades in the mid-east, the killing of thousands of women for being witches, massacre of millions in South America for being pagans, and the endorsement of killing countless people in Africa in the name of conversion and soul saving. Also lest we not forget the hate for Jews that Christians have been promoting for nearly 2000 years resulted in the massacre of over 6 million by Hitler, a regime indirectly supported by the Vatican.

And this blood toll is just that for recruitment. It doesn't include the killings it has done amongst itself in arguing over who worships Christ better.

Athiests may do many things poorly, but one thing they are a long way behind the Christians on is the blood toll.
Tiger74 said:
The promotion of Christianity was directly behind conversion by the sword throughout Europe, around 7+ crusades in the mid-east, the killing of thousands of women for being witches, massacre of millions in South America for being pagans, and the endorsement of killing countless people in Africa in the name of conversion and soul saving. Also lest we not forget the hate for Jews that Christians have been promoting for nearly 2000 years resulted in the massacre of over 6 million by Hitler, a regime indirectly supported by the Vatican.

And this blood toll is just that for recruitment. It doesn't include the killings it has done amongst itself in arguing over who worships Christ better.

Athiests may do many things poorly, but one thing they are a long way behind the Christians on is the blood toll.

It can also be argued that the atrocities committed under so-called atheist regimes had nothing to do with atheism, but some irrational ideology held by the respective regime.
Djevv said:
Without Jesus there is no salvation at all.

Huh? But what about this Without The Law business Jayfox was talking about? Isn't that salvation without Jesus?

Djevv said:
Without Jesus there is no salvation at all. I would argue that, although it doesn't attract the press, that the example of Jesus has resulted in in far more good than harm.

Very hard thing to judge.

Djevv said:
I think you'll find, if you're honest, that sin (basically selfishness) in all its forms is the problem.

If it comes down to such a basic concept, then why add belief in Jesus into the mix to confuse things? If God hadn't sent Jesus, he could just stick to damning selfish people.
Panthera tigris FC said:
I realise that you said that atheists believe in nothing, however the term 'atheist' means literally just that a-theist....disbelief in god(s).

Perhaps the term you are looking for is nihilist?

I here you. How about this, I havent read anything here that suggests that the Atheists here believe in anything (though may have missed it).
Tiger74 said:
The promotion of Christianity was directly behind conversion by the sword throughout Europe, around 7+ crusades in the mid-east, the killing of thousands of women for being witches, massacre of millions in South America for being pagans, and the endorsement of killing countless people in Africa in the name of conversion and soul saving. Also lest we not forget the hate for Jews that Christians have been promoting for nearly 2000 years resulted in the massacre of over 6 million by Hitler, a regime indirectly supported by the Vatican.

And this blood toll is just that for recruitment. It doesn't include the killings it has done amongst itself in arguing over who worships Christ better.

Athiests may do many things poorly, but one thing they are a long way behind the Christians on is the blood toll.

I acknowledge that much evil has been done in Christs name. You have got to realise that some organisation, acting in Christ's name, is not nessecarily doing Gods will. Jesus didn't come to Earth to start a religion.

However, I think if you are going to be fair, you must acknowledge that in European history, Christianity has been a civilising influence. Also that the Church often stood up to the worst excesses of tyrannical governments.
Panthera tigris FC said:
It can also be argued that the atrocities committed under so-called atheist regimes had nothing to do with atheism, but some irrational ideology held by the respective regime.

OK, agreed, but while Atheism avoids the worst excesses of religion, it has, of itself, no moral imperative. This is why the Athiest governments (and I include Hitler in this), when they became tyrannies, had nothing to restrain them.