Atheism | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


I remeber my mother going absolutely berzerkers at me one day when I bought up the topic of "other religions". I think it was an innocent question about Buddism or something. She went off her peel. I knew from that point I wasn't dealing with a rational person, a reasonably intelligent on to be sure, but not rational. I thought at the time she feared her kids going to hell. Not so sure anymore. She felt personally attacked in some way.

OK t-rob, start the deep and meaningfuls again.
Lend her your Sam Harris book Tora.That'll send her off the deep end. ;D
Ahhhh t-rob....just had a look through the thread and now I see where you stand. THE DISMISSIVE CHRISTIAN. I'll get back to you later. Really gotta go now. See yas.
ToraToraTora said:
Ahhhh t-rob....just had a look through the thread and now I see where you stand. THE DISMISSIVE CHRISTIAN. I'll get back to you later. Really gotta go now. See yas.


I've been labelled.

Seriously though will look forward to it.
Why are religions intolerant of each other?


Religion has as much to do with politics as it does with faith, and the reason religions since Christ have tended to be "believe in us or you're damned" is it is a great control mechanism.

Obedience through fear, gotta love it.

Oh, but religion IS about love.....I forgot that bit
Look, since you've got so many gripes, maybe it, would be a good idea to talk to God about it. He urges us to be reconciled to him :). I think the answers to all your questions is in the Bible, Jay has answered the one about men who haven't heard the gospel many times. I also think it is well to keep in mind that God is perfectly loving, fair and just. He is also merciful.

My belief is the people who end up in hell, probably can't abide the presence of God anyway and would prefer to be as far away as possible. If you read the Bible, being in the presence of God and seeing him face to face is not for the faint-hearted - and many would prefer not to. Another way of looking at this is simply that Sin (which is a mindset) gets simply blown away in His presence - if you are totally entwined in it you get blown away too.
antman said:
I guess that would be considered a tough break... it would depend a bit on the type of Christianity he practiced. If he had lived a worthy life up to that point, some swearing and stealing would not automatically condemn him to hell even if he didn't have time to repent. But Christians would probably say we don't know when God might take us, so better be well-behaved and truly repentant now, just in case.

Worth noting though that Jesus died to save us from our sins... this is why we get the "Get out of Hell free" card because Jesus died for us. Even though I don't believe in all this mumbo-jumbo it's interesting to examine its internal logic.

What you have said here is actually pretty much right. As a Christian, and when you ask Jesus into your life, you repent for all sins, future and present. The examples given are pretty extreme but to God all sin is equal, i.e, all sin is in disobeyance of His law and not acceptable in His eyes, regardless of the human levels we put on it. A minister, for example, who has been a good servant of God his whole life, may have thought a selfish thought on the morning of his death, but he will still go to heaven as Jesus died to save him from all of his sins. In the same way the man with the adulteress wife who got angry and swore would still go to Heaven as God has already forgiven him his sins. God is a perfect judge and would know that these actions were out of character and would know that he believes in Jesus as his saviour so would count these sins with all the others in his life - forgiven by the blood of Christ.
Tigers of Old said:
Bad luck I guess. :headscratch

Explain that one.

This is not bad luck and has been discussed many, many times on this thread. Those that live "without the law", i.e. without hearing the truth about Jesus, cannot be judged by the law. They will be judged by "their own actions as even their consciences bear witness against them". In other words, they will be judged on how they lived their lives, not on the fact that they had never heard the name of Jesus. Do a search on this thread for "living without the law" and you will see it has been answered many times.
Six Pack said:
he didnt convince me.

In one infamous post he damned 6 million jews by saying 'they had their chance.'

I would like a refresher on that post please. However, many Jews refused to accept Jesus as the Messiah despite the overwhelming evidence and I believe that many of these will not be saved due to their choice. I do believe, however, that the Jews are the chosen people of God and that in the end times there will be a remarkable acceptance of Jesus as their saviour.
ToraToraTora said:
Why are Christians so intolerant? Is it because deep down they know they are wrong, and they can't possiblly defend their ideas in any rational way?

I think Christians are the most tolerant people on Earth. Or at least they should be. Your hypothesis about knowing we are wrong is simply......wrong. I think it's quite the opposite, we know that there is in fact a God.
Six Pack said:
i think intolerance comes in the package with blind faith. how can it be otherwise?

I would argue that my faith and that of the hundreds upon hundreds of Christians I know is not blind but based on a lifetime of research and relationship with a true and living God.
Tiger74 said:
Why are religions intolerant of each other?


Religion has as much to do with politics as it does with faith, and the reason religions since Christ have tended to be "believe in us or you're damned" is it is a great control mechanism.

Obedience through fear, gotta love it.

Oh, but religion IS about love.....I forgot that bit

Sorry but I think that this is absolutely uneducated rubbish. Come to my church someday and see if you think it is about politics or control. That is a challenge.
jayfox said:
I think Christians are the most tolerant people on Earth. Or at least they should be. Your hypothesis about knowing we are wrong is simply......wrong. I think it's quite the opposite, we know that there is in fact a God.

No you BELIEVE there is a god. That doesn't make it factual, it makes it a belief.
Why is your belief of god any more relevant than those that BELIEVE that mohammed is a god?
Or that the aboriginals are any more correct in their BELIEF system than you?

IMO no religion is factual, it is all subjective because, as a rule, people feel the need to believe in something. Those beliefs are not factual, they are based on a belief system that has absolutely no factual evidence whatsoever.
< I am going to contact the relevant ombudsman and see what he has to say :hihi
I believe Richmond is the greatest football club in Australia, but rudimentary research of the facts exposes my misguided delusion.