Andrew Lovett suspended indefinately by Saints | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Andrew Lovett suspended indefinately by Saints

jb03 said:
I don't agree with this at all. Whether the woman took action is irrelevant. The only excuse the AFL would have in my book for doing zilch as they did is that if the woman requested the AFL do nothing.

If the woman makes no complaint, what, legally, has Fevola done wrong?

Please don't take this as excusing Fevola, as I think he is scum and what he did is disgraceful, and I believe what happened that night is as reported. However, where would the AFL have stood legally (and same applies for the Cousins situation) if they punished him based on heresay, rather than legally proved fact. That's my only point. I don't see what the AFL could have done differently.
Total Tiger said:
If the woman makes no complaint, what, legally, has Fevola done wrong?

Please don't take this as excusing Fevola, as I think he is scum and what he did is disgraceful, and I believe what happened that night is as reported. However, where would the AFL have stood legally (and same applies for the Cousins situation) if they punished him based on heresay, rather than legally proved fact. That's my only point. I don't see what the AFL could have done differently.

Why do the AFL have to re-act only to illegal acts. The woman's actions beyond the event should be irrelevant. There are many other ways to bring the AFL into disrepute. I would say Fevola's antics on the night could easily be construed as bringing the game into disrepute. Cousins was punished despite not being convicted. And also, many players break the law but do not suffer any retribution from the AFL. So illegal behaviour does not correspond to AFL action. Easy cop out from the AFL - I suspect they had a hand in shipping him to Brisbane.
TigerMasochist said:
Lovett , the Carlscum p!ss up, Peevola, Cuz, Toad, Tiger Woods, Darcy the swimmer, Pate the cyclist, Serena, yada yada yada.
The list is endless of sport stars stuffing up and being obnoxious *smile*s.
Perhaps one day the corporate suits will realise that trying to mass market any group of people into some sort of shiny arsed role modelling demigods is nothing more than a pathetic money making scam. It would be better if Joe Public realised this.
Don't give a stuff where you want to look, be it politics, religion, royalty, sport, medicine, the legal fraternity or just plain bogan factory workers and street sweepers.
Every aspect of society has it's fair share of *smile* heads, thieves, liars, drunks or general arsepicks. To laud one specific group over another is purely a recipe for disaster.
You wan't a role model, pick someone you know, trust and understand personally then factor in some tolerance for stuff ups.
If you're happy enough to accept a media marketing campaign for guidance through your life, be prepared to be crapped upon frequently.
here here well said i still maintain footballers are just a cross section of society. of the 800 odd on list you will have drunks druggies tapists thieves atc atc becauise they are a cross section of society.
and what do people expect of 18 thru 25 yr old males with so much time on their hands mony and testosterone.
its time we as a society placed an emphasis on taking responsibilty for ones own actions and we insist on so called parents becoming the role model for their kids.
VP said:
Total Tiger I agree with some of your comments.

Given my involvement in the justice system most sexual offences reported to Police, for various reasons, do not get to Court. Those that do, very rarely are the defendant's found guilty.

Victims of sexual assault in most instances are transported to hospital by Police. The only times that paramedics would take them is if there were injuries.

AS for FEVOLA, he made admissions by way of apologising publicly some days later.

On 25/12/09 I emailed the AFL requesting feedback regarding the first email I sent them. I also told them that their violence against women policy was a farce. I wait with anticipation (tongue in cheek).

Thanks for the insight VP. As for writing to the AFL, as the saying goes... don't hold your breath :help

In spite of that, keep up the good work! :clap
Given the history of AFL hierachy handling issues relating to women it's no wonder so few of them proceed with making a formal complaint.
So whatever this charge is, if it does exist, what's it got to do with Lovett playing football?
TigerForce said:
So whatever this charge is, if it does exist, what's it got to do with Lovett playing football?

If you have to even ask the question mate, you'd probably need to look at his contract then to understand the answer............. :)
Phar Ace said:
If you have to even ask the question mate, you'd probably need to look at his contract then to understand the answer............. :)

Who knows what's on his contract but are we assuming it includes suspension or penalty when it comes to domestic violence?
TigerForce said:
Who knows what's on his contract but are we assuming it includes suspension or penalty when it comes to domestic violence?

Was it even domestic or was it more general violence - irrespective, he has brought the club into disrepute by his very actions (though this is StKilda we are talking about, so 'disrepute' is a vague term at best ;D - Geez they've had some slime balls over the years) That there may be charges laid would be the first trigger in the contract I would think, then if a conviction occurs, you'd have another trigger surely. It's not rocket science mate!
Phar Ace said:
Was it even domestic or was it more general violence - irrespective, he has brought the club into disrepute by his very actions (though this is StKilda we are talking about, so 'disrepute' is a vague term at best ;D - Geez they've had some slime balls over the years) That there may be charges laid would be the first trigger in the contract I would think, then if a conviction occurs, you'd have another trigger surely. It's not rocket science mate!

This 'disrepute' term is a complete over the top IMO. What has a domestic fight got to do with a club's reputation?

The Carlton issue is understandable because they did it in public and as a group were known as Carlton players not individuals, however, the Lovett issue is purely personal and done in private. No charges have been laid even days after this lady explains that Lovett raped her. Is this the new way for other people (females who get to know AFL players &/or idiots who meet AFL players in pubs/clubs) to gain easy money? Just leak out some dispute against an AFL player publically and go for the financial remedy.
Over the top or not (yours is one opinion only) but until the facts are tested, and if they ever do, StKilda are easily justified to suspend indefinately.

I also doubt they would have taken that action without reasonable cause, and some discussion with Lovett himself. Again we do not know any facts. But the close participants obviously will know some of them.

To simple refer to it so clinically as a domestic dispute would be more than a little offensive to some I'd suggest. I agree however that there could just as easily be circumstances that mitigate Lovett being in the premises, but if as the young lady apparently states she awoke to find him sexually assaulting her, it's very hard to see circumstances that might allow that as a reasonable action, thus making it potentially criminal, thus the contractual conflict at the very least.

Actually, I'd like to see some of the these new clauses that supposedly allow the club to terminate after certain acts. I remember a Franchise Agreement once that referred to "Moral Turpitude":

Moral: concerned with the principles of right and wrong in conduct and character, teaching or upholding standards of good behavior, conforming to standards of good behavior, not proven but but sufficient for practical purposes........

Turpitude: Inherent baseness or vileness of principle, words or actions, shameful wickedness, moral depravity............

There are many a clause now in employment contracts that require something similar. Footballers would probably have an even more explicit collection......... ;D
Well if it was 'potentially criminal', we'd see the facts by now don't you think ? We don't know the full facts but from what I read since it happened, there are no charges laid meaning that this is probably some over-reaction by another female wanting to gain some remedy over a well-known sportsman (AFL player). Tiger Woods is in a perfect situation at the moment. Funny how the 'domino principle' worked against him all of a sudden.

It somehow bothers me as to how AFL players have to be exposed to the public with private issues like this. My main anger is always to the media stalkers.

If I decided to go into the next bedroom where a lady is sleeping and roughly undressed her (rape?), would I be sacked from employment? No.
TigerForce said:
If I decided to go into the next bedroom where a lady is sleeping and roughly undressed her (rape?), would I be sacked from employment? No.

Perhaps that just says more about your employer than the Lovett incident. Self-employed are you........ :hihi

I know of plenty of employers where such an action could cause dismissal. If a conviction occurred, it would also prevent getting certain employment, that is for sure!

I really don't think the Tiger Woods issue is relevent. It has more issues to do with deception than say your penchant to roughly undress a lady :hihi Just wish the number of women involved with Woods would reach 18, so that when he says he's going out for a quick 18 holes, his wife might really know what he means. :-X
Phar Ace said:
I know of plenty of employers where such an action could cause dismissal. If a conviction occurred, it would also prevent getting certain employment, that is for sure!

You wouldn't be Brendan O' Connor would you? ;D

Phar Ace said:
Just wish the number of women involved with Woods would reach 18, so that when he says he's going out for a quick 18 holes, his wife might really know what he means. :-X

Oops ....lights are flashing ;D
TigerForce said:
You wouldn't be Brendan O' Connor would you? ;D

:don't know

The Irish ex journalist and controvesial judge on Ireland's "You are a Star" or the Australian member for Gorton? Either way, have they done something relevent :help
Phar Ace said:
:don't know

The Irish ex journalist and controvesial judge on Ireland's "You are a Star" or the Australian member for Gorton? Either way, have they done something relevent :help
TigerForce said:
Geez you Qld'ers are strange...... :hihi

But that doesn't explain why so many of you southerners seem to want to join us, does it? ;) Think we'll have to build that dingo fence along the southern Qld border at some stage 8)

On topic, it is reported that some StKilda players are talking about not playing along side of him - perhaps the reporter only spoke to 2nds players eh TF? :hihi
Phar Ace said:
But that doesn't explain why so many of you southerners seem to want to join us, does it? ;) Think we'll have to build that dingo fence along the southern Qld border at some stage 8)

Some old Fitzroy school mates have headed to Qld in years gone by, but I'd prefer to sit in the lovely sun over here while you guys keep flooding :hihi

Phar Ace said:
On topic, it is reported that some StKilda players are talking about not playing along side of him - perhaps the reporter only spoke to 2nds players eh TF? :hihi
I think the reporter dreamt up 6 options and then rolled a dice. Honestly, would team mates really say that in public?