Andrew Lovett suspended indefinately by Saints | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Andrew Lovett suspended indefinately by Saints

Lovett , the Carlscum *smile* up, Peevola, Cuz, Toad, Tiger Woods, Darcy the swimmer, Pate the cyclist, Serena, yada yada yada.
The list is endless of sport stars stuffing up and being obnoxious arseholes.
Perhaps one day the corporate suits will realise that trying to mass market any group of people into some sort of shiny arsed role modelling demigods is nothing more than a pathetic money making scam. It would be better if Joe Public realised this.
Don't give a stuff where you want to look, be it politics, religion, royalty, sport, medicine, the legal fraternity or just plain bogan factory workers and street sweepers.
Every aspect of society has it's fair share of *smile* heads, thieves, liars, drunks or general arsepicks. To laud one specific group over another is purely a recipe for disaster.
You wan't a role model, pick someone you know, trust and understand personally then factor in some tolerance for stuff ups.
If you're happy enough to accept a media marketing campaign for guidance through your life, be prepared to be crapped upon frequently.
It was St Kilda's end of year Christmas party last night, so what is the bet this is going to be another alcohol related incident?
TigerMasochist said:
Lovett , the Carlscum p!ss up, Peevola, Cuz, Toad, Tiger Woods, Darcy the swimmer, Pate the cyclist, Serena, yada yada yada.
The list is endless of sport stars stuffing up and being obnoxious *smile*s.
Perhaps one day the corporate suits will realise that trying to mass market any group of people into some sort of shiny arsed role modelling demigods is nothing more than a pathetic money making scam. It would be better if Joe Public realised this.
Don't give a stuff where you want to look, be it politics, religion, royalty, sport, medicine, the legal fraternity or just plain bogan factory workers and street sweepers.
Every aspect of society has it's fair share of *smile* heads, thieves, liars, drunks or general arsepicks. To laud one specific group over another is purely a recipe for disaster.
You wan't a role model, pick someone you know, trust and understand personally then factor in some tolerance for stuff ups.
If you're happy enough to accept a media marketing campaign for guidance through your life, be prepared to be crapped upon frequently.
Merry Freakin' Christmas to you to! :hihi
Never a truer word spoken.
Blackcat said:
It was St Kilda's end of year Christmas party last night, so what is the bet this is going to be another alcohol related incident?
Two shandies per player with their ham and turkey. Party over by 8.30 p.m. and all the little sainters tucked up in bed waiting nicely for santa by 9.30 p.m.
TigerMasochist said:
Lovett , the Carlscum p!ss up, Peevola, Cuz, Toad, Tiger Woods, Darcy the swimmer, Pate the cyclist, Serena, yada yada yada.
The list is endless of sport stars stuffing up and being obnoxious *smile*s.
Perhaps one day the corporate suits will realise that trying to mass market any group of people into some sort of shiny arsed role modelling demigods is nothing more than a pathetic money making scam. It would be better if Joe Public realised this.
Don't give a stuff where you want to look, be it politics, religion, royalty, sport, medicine, the legal fraternity or just plain bogan factory workers and street sweepers.
Every aspect of society has it's fair share of *smile* heads, thieves, liars, drunks or general arsepicks. To laud one specific group over another is purely a recipe for disaster.
You wan't a role model, pick someone you know, trust and understand personally then factor in some tolerance for stuff ups.
If you're happy enough to accept a media marketing campaign for guidance through your life, be prepared to be crapped upon frequently.

100% on the money. A sad reflection of how through that barstard contraption the television society today (particularly the younger generation) is obsessed with the celebrity. Aided and abetted by the corporates in their endless pursuit of the dollar. Makes me sick. Karl Marx was right.
cant blame the saints for trying ,the one thing they lacked in the grand final was pace ,lovett can break the lines with his pace, unfortunutely the penny doesnt drop for some players.
I agree with Tigerbob's comment on page one of this thread.

Being a female, I was gob smacked when the AFL commission did not act on FEVOLA'S incident and reason for inaction being that there was no complaint.

I emailed AFL commission at the time the FEVOLA incident. I queried why they weren't acting on hearsay when Benny was penalised without being proved guilty of any offence nor tested positive to any banned substance.

I said Fevola's incident was far worse than Benny's and FEVOLA'S actions also bring the AFL in to disrepute.

I got a lame reply a week or so later....

I like how the Saints have acted keeping in mind the presumption of innocence.

I think the AFL policy on violence against women is a farce!
VP said:
I agree with Tigerbob's comment on page one of this thread.

Being a female, I was gob smacked when the AFL commission did not act on FEVOLA'S incident and reason for inaction being that there was no complaint.

I emailed AFL commission at the time the FEVOLA incident. I queried why they weren't acting on hearsay when Benny was penalised without being proved guilty of any offence nor tested positive to any banned substance.

I said Fevola's incident was far worse than Benny's and FEVOLA'S actions also bring the AFL in to disrepute.

I got a lame reply a week or so later....

I like how the Saints have acted keeping in mind the presumption of innocence.

I think the AFL policy on violence against women is a farce!

I think the difference between the Cousins and Fevola reactions from the AFL is that they learned from their mistake of acting before the police were finished with their investigation. Had they waited in the Cousins case, he'd still be a West Coast player, probably. Either that, or dead. Without the woman involved laying charges against Fevola, which is entirely her right, the AFL's hands were tied.

I must admit, I'm a bit puzzled as to why St Kilda have so publicly outed Lovett when the police are still investigating. My immediate thought was that either he has made some admissions to them or that the evidence is going to be overwhelming. It's an awkward position to be in for St Kilda, because he could be cleared of any wrongdoing in which case they have egg on their faces. But at the same time, he's a cancer in that club that they don't need with the premiership cup within reach. I think they were damned if the did, damned if they didn't.

Another thing bothering me is in the statement from St Kilda that wanted to clarify that police had confirmed that no other St Kilda player was invloved. To me that says another St Kilda player was there. Maybe he witnessed what happened and that is why they have acted so quickly. Being totally presumptuous here, but the statement seems a little off to me.
Total Tiger said:
I think they were damned if the did, damned if they didn't.

Certainly were.
If Lovett is found to be guilty, this will be one of the bigger scandals in AFL/VFL history.
The Aints rolled the dice on the former Bomber and came up snake eyes.
Tigers of Old said:
Certainly were.
If Lovett is found to be guilty, this will be one of the bigger scandals in AFL/VFL history.
The Aints rolled the dice on the former Bomber and came up snake eyes.
And gave away a 1st round pick for him.
Total Tiger given my involvement in the justice system, it is very rare for sexual offences to go to Court. The cases that do go to Court, only a small amount are found guilty.

Although there was not a complaint in FEVOLA'S incident he did by means of an apology make an admission.

Earlier on today whilst at work I emailed the AFL once again asking for feedback about FEVOLA'S matter.

I am interested as to why the paramedics were called. Most victims are taken by Police to the Hospital for forensic medical examinations. Those taken by ambulance do so because of injuries.

Disco Stu said:
Let's see how his career at the Saints pans out first I reckon. Not a great start, but if he ends up with a premiership medallion around his neck this will quickly be forgotten.

Its a bit hard to get a medallion from Barwon Prison
Disco Stu said:
Let's see how his career at the Saints pans out first I reckon. Not a great start, but if he ends up with a premiership medallion around his neck this will quickly be forgotten.

monteath said:
Its a bit hard to get a medallion from Barwon Prison

Do you know what he'll be convicted of yet Monty? All the facts aren't known, whether it be Cuz, Fevola the Tool, or this latest one. The information has never been tested. Careful what you 'convict' on.......................
I think the Saints hirachy have made a couple of poor decisions in this instance. I'm not saying that lovett is not to blame here, just that the Saints should be putting there hands up and take portion of the blame.

I know they said that they were not going to Baby sit lovett, but when you have a guy that gets himself into constant trouble when he has a drink and you know for a fact that your players are organising a christmas *smile* up, you think you would play it safe and send along someone to keep an eye on him and the rest of the group. Especially when you consider what Carlton had just gone through with a similar player organised Christmas Party.

I think the clubs need to start putting there hands up and taking some sort of responsibility for these incidents, especially when they know the players are going out for a *smile* up.
Total Tiger said:
I think the difference between the Cousins and Fevola reactions from the AFL is that they learned from their mistake of acting before the police were finished with their investigation. Had they waited in the Cousins case, he'd still be a West Coast player, probably. Either that, or dead. Without the woman involved laying charges against Fevola, which is entirely her right, the AFL's hands were tied.

I must admit, I'm a bit puzzled as to why St Kilda have so publicly outed Lovett when the police are still investigating. My immediate thought was that either he has made some admissions to them or that the evidence is going to be overwhelming. It's an awkward position to be in for St Kilda, because he could be cleared of any wrongdoing in which case they have egg on their faces. But at the same time, he's a cancer in that club that they don't need with the premiership cup within reach. I think they were damned if the did, damned if they didn't.

Another thing bothering me is in the statement from St Kilda that wanted to clarify that police had confirmed that no other St Kilda player was invloved. To me that says another St Kilda player was there. Maybe he witnessed what happened and that is why they have acted so quickly. Being totally presumptuous here, but the statement seems a little off to me.
Lots of clubs are getting on the front foot nowadays and leading with basic information relating to player incidents, club gets to keep control of the situation. When the media gets first run at a story or finds a club has been sitting on a dirty great steamer the journo's tend to go in a lot harder and the headlines are far more in your face and frantic.
Total Tiger I agree with some of your comments.

Given my involvement in the justice system most sexual offences reported to Police, for various reasons, do not get to Court. Those that do, very rarely are the defendant's found guilty.

Victims of sexual assault in most instances are transported to hospital by Police. The only times that paramedics would take them is if there were injuries.

AS for FEVOLA, he made admissions by way of apologising publicly some days later.

On 25/12/09 I emailed the AFL requesting feedback regarding the first email I sent them. I also told them that their violence against women policy was a farce. I wait with anticipation (tongue in cheek).
Total Tiger said:
Without the woman involved laying charges against Fevola, which is entirely her right, the AFL's hands were tied.

I don't agree with this at all. Whether the woman took action is irrelevant. The only excuse the AFL would have in my book for doing zilch as they did is that if the woman requested the AFL do nothing.