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Welcome to the Tigers - Daniel Rioli

rosy23 said:
He's more quality than quantity. Whenever he touches the ball he does something good.

Yep, it's called starvation corner for a reason and Cyril feeds better than most
I wouldn't mind Cyril in our side i must admit, though i do remember the frustrations the Hawks were going through when they were trying to run him through the middle early in his career.

One thing Daniel Rioli has over Cyril is a tank, and he has it at an early age. Cyril's has improved but he still has a tendency to ping hammys if they are put under too much load.

If Daniel can be half the genius that Cyril is, but get to twice as much of the ball then i guess we can consider him as good.

At the moment his first battle is to adapt to playing amongst men.
Rioli could have an impact for us in 2016. IMO he will likely be competing with Lambert and Conca for a spot and the 2 things that make him an option in 2016 are his tackling (despite Dimmas game plan being largely based around stoppages I was reading that we were one of the first for F50 stoppages in the AFL last year) and his endurance. If we are expecting him to score a mass of goals then we have too high expectations. He likes to tackle so if he can get some of the pill and average somewhere up around 5 tackles a game in the F50 then we would have seen a good first year from Dan.
spook said:
Cyril's a genius. Counting his possessions is like counting Picasso's brush strokes.

I have a Picasso print that consists of only four brush strokes ... for whatever that is worth.
spook said:
Cyril's a genius. Counting his possessions is like counting Picasso's brush strokes.

Yep, unique. Well said.

If our lad can tackle and chase and put fear in the other mob and jag 1 a week, it’s a vast improvement on what we have. And i don’t expect that in year one, just glimpses.
SCOOP said:
Yep, unique. Well said.

If our lad can tackle and chase and put fear in the other mob and jag 1 a week, it’s a vast improvement on what we have. And i don’t expect that in year one, just glimpses.

Jagging one kick a week would be an improvement on some of the recent encumbents
scottyturnerscurse said:
Few in that position ever do but players like Rioli, Ballantyne and Milne are worth twice their weight in gold.

i'm not disputing that. we all know its been a weakness area of ours for as long as I can remember. I still maintain Cyril is overrated. I'd place he and Ballantyne on a similar plane (Cyril slightly ahead perhaps), but Ballantyne doesn't get the same accolades.

spook said:
Cyril's a genius. Counting his possessions is like counting Picasso's brush strokes.

was Picasso known for minimal brush strokes? :hihi
Ian4 said:
i'm not disputing that. we all know its been a weakness area of ours for as long as I can remember. I still maintain Cyril is overrated. I'd place he and Ballantyne on a similar plane (Cyril slightly ahead perhaps), but Ballantyne doesn't get the same accolades.

I reckon the overrated calls rely on 2 flawed premises. 1) What he does is incredible, you can't just wave a magic wand and do incredible things at will, people who say he is overrated are saying this IMO. The sublimeness of his plays is due in large part to the ability to pick his moments, if he can't get much done at any given time, let someone else go, let a packhorse smash in, keeps his powder dry, that is a big part of his genius IMO. 2) placing too much weight on raw numbers of possessions, an obvious statement that has been discussed a lot. You need both types of players in a side, which is better? I dunno, but the point is you need both, in and under accumulators and skilled, mercurial opportunists. The best encapsulation for this dichotomy for me was the Simon Black Norm Smith. Arguments could be made for Acker, or Black. Both deserved it, media were split. I would have given it to Acker myself, based purely on asking the question: which player could have been more easily replaced on the day, but what do I know?

also, I'm a big Ballantyne fan, but he's gone off the boil big time, probably due to injury, and that played a big part in Freo going off the boil. Cyril has had periods of going off the boil too, like all players, but he very seldom goes completely cold.
Ian4 said:
i'm not disputing that. we all know its been a weakness area of ours for as long as I can remember. I still maintain Cyril is overrated. I'd place he and Ballantyne on a similar plane (Cyril slightly ahead perhaps), but Ballantyne doesn't get the same accolades.

was Picasso known for minimal brush strokes? :hihi
I tend to agree with the Cyril overrating comment. He is mercurial and he's one of those blokes who can turn a game, but I do often wonder how well he'd be regarded and how effective he'd be if he were playing with Melbourne or Carlton instead of the threepeat Hawks.
The fact that the club called two previous zone players (ridiculous system) before calling Daniel's name indicates that we were not blind to his weaknesses, but believed he was the best of those still available at our pick.

He is a risk but gee he brings some special elements that we have not used a high draft pick on for a long time (if ever).
Tigerflag2008 said:
The fact that the club called two previous zone players (ridiculous system) before calling Daniel's name indicates that we were not blind to his weaknesses, but believed he was the best of those still available at our pick.

He is a risk but gee he brings some special elements that we have not used a high draft pick on for a long time (if ever).

I actually think it goes back to what Dimma said on SEN a while back with regards to AFL attributes and not wanting to leave them in the VFL to long, from all accounts even though it didnt translate early in TAC but late in the year and also combine they screamed AFL attributes, so i wouldnt be surprised if he lined up round 1, expect him to get 10+ games in 2016 and i hope he and others such as Lennon, Cellis and possibly Beanie, Shorty, Menedue, Elton, McKenzie might get some decent game time also.. I actually really like rookie Moore's highlights also other than his kicking, looks a gun if we can sort his kicking..
Sintiger said:
Nice little puff piece on Dan on the site we aren't allowed to mention. Living with the coach

Seen/heard very little of him so far, so that's nice to read. Also a solid plug for Broad in there.